Features summary | After Effects (October 2022)

Select Track Matte Layers

Make your compositions simpler and more flexible by using any layer as a track matte with the new Track Matte drop-down menu in Timeline Panel.

Now, you don't have to position the matte above the target layer. Use any layer of your composition as a Track Matte, no matter where it sits in the layer stack. You can even have multiple layers reference a single layer for their matte.

You can also use the matte layer's Alpha or Luma channels and invert them if necessary.

Selectable Track Matte Layers
Choose any layer as a track matte using the Track Matte drop-down menu.

Example of Track Mattes

Native H.264 Encoding

With H.264 as an option in the Output Module settings, you can encode H.264 directly from the After Effects Render Queue

This integration uses the Adobe Media Encoder (AME) UI along with AME’s backend encoding system, all without leaving After Effects.

H.264 export also supports both hardware and software encoding modes. The same accelerated export in AME and Premiere Pro is now available for H.264 export in After Effects.

Native H.264 Encoding
Directly render H.264 files from within the Render Queue.

Composition Presets

The After Effects Composition Presets list has been overhauled to make it easier to find the most commonly used presets. The presets also include sizes for social media output.

After Effects Composition Presets
Select composition preset using the Composition Presets drop-down menu.

New Animation Presets

Get over 50 new Animation Presets created by our After Effects community. Designed for modern motion design workflows, these presets save you time on the techniques you use most, so you can create quick animations and don't have to start from scratch.

Refreshed Animation Presets
Use the Effects & Presets panel to browse animation presets and use them in your composition.

Faster timeline navigation

Focus on the keyframes you are working on by holding the Shift key while using the familiar J and K hotkeys. This limits the movement of the Current Time Indicator (CTI) to only the keyframes of the selected layers and properties.

Keyframe navigation using JK hotkeys + Shift
Hold Shift while using J and K hotkeys to navigate keyframes on selected layers and properties.

Cinema 4D optional installer

Now After Effects offers you the flexibility to choose add-ons during installation. Use the Add-ons option during After Effects installation to either download Cinema 4D or skip it. You always have the option to install it using the Creative Cloud application whenever required.

Now in After Effects (Beta)

3D Model Import

You can now use After Effects to create motion graphics that include 3D models. Import 3D models, add them to your compositions, edit and animate the transformation, and render them without additional plugins.

Properties Panel

Use the Properties Panel to quickly access the important properties of selected layers in Timeline Panel without the need to twirl open multiple layer hierarchies or a different panel. It improves the accessibility of layer and object properties that speed up your workflows. 

The Beta build adds the Properties Panel feature for the Shape layers. 

OpenColorIO and ACES color management

ACES is the industry standard for managing color throughout the life cycle of a motion picture or television production. It simplifies the complexity arising from the use of multiple image capture and presentation devices by providing standards to maintain end-to-end image fidelity.

After Effects integration with OpenColorIO (OCIO) simplifies the ACES workflow and enables you to work natively in ACES within After Effects.

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