Custom Platform Support Development Kit  1.3
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FCMPluginInterface.h File Reference

This file contains core definitions of the framework Flash Component Model (FCM). More...

#include "FCMPreConfig.h"
#include "FCMTypes.h"
#include "FCMErrors.h"
#include "FCMMacros.h"
#include "IFCMCalloc.h"
#include "IFCMCallback.h"
#include "IFCMList.h"
#include "IFCMClassFactory.h"
#include "IFCMPluginDictionary.h"
#include "IFCMNoAggregationUnknown.h"
#include "FCMPublicIDs.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "FCMPostConfig.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  FCM::AutoPtr< T >
 This defines smart pointer to manage AddRef and Release calls to FCM objects. In AutoPtr<T> , T has to be an interface derived from IFCMUnknown. AutoPtr<T> can be used to control the lifetime of objects without explicitly calling AddRef and Release. More...
class  FCM::FCMListPtr
 A class implementing the AutoPtr<IFCMList>. More...
class  FCM::FCMObjectBase
 Every class that implements an interface should be derived from this class. More...


 The definitions contained in this namespace define a framework called Flash Component Model (FCM), which is responsible for plug-in management. The FCM framework manages loading, unloading and registration of the plug-in. It also manages service instantiation, object instantiation and object lifetime management.


typedef FCM::Result(* FCM::PluginBootProc )(PIFCMCallback pCallback)
 Defines the type of a function that will be called immediately after the DLL/framework load. Perform any global initialization inside this.
typedef FCM::Result(* FCM::PluginGetClassInfoProc )(PIFCMCalloc pCalloc, PFCMClassInterfaceInfo *ppClassInfo)
 Defines the type of a function used by FCM framework to know various classes implemented by the plug-in. Do no have any app-specific logic in this function. More...
typedef FCM::Result(* FCM::PluginGetClassObjectProc )(PIFCMUnknown pUnkOuter, ConstRefFCMCLSID clsid, ConstRefFCMIID iid, FCM::PPVoid pAny)
 Defines the function called by FCM framework to get the factory objects for the classes implemented by the plug-in. Do no perform any app-specific logic inside this function. More...
typedef FCM::Result(* FCM::PluginRegisterProc )(PIFCMPluginDictionary pPluginDict)
 Defines the function called by FCM framework to register the plug-in. The plug-in has to add the details of the the services and the various components it contains to this dictionary. More...
typedef FCM::U_Int32(* FCM::PluginCanUnloadNowProc )(void)
 Defines the function called by FCM framework to check if the plug-in can be unloaded. This function returns the number of live object instances from by this plug-in. Just before the shutdown, all the instances should be deleted and zero should be returned. More...
typedef FCM::Result(* FCM::PluginShutdownProc )()
 Defines the function called by FCM framework to notify the plug-in that the plug-in will be unloaded soon. This function allows the plug-in to perform proper clean-up before unloading.

Detailed Description

This file contains core definitions of the framework Flash Component Model (FCM).