▼ app | |
▼ include | |
▼ common | |
ApplicationFCMPublicIDs.h | This file contains the dictionary keys and GUIDs for all the required interfaces that help you access the services that the interface provides. The definitions in this file are valid for CPSDK version 1.3 onwards (or for 'Adobe Animate CC') |
FlashFCMPublicIDs.h | This file contains the dictionary keys and GUIDs for all the required interfaces that help you access the services that the interface provides |
▼ interfaces | |
▼ Application | |
► Service | |
IApplicationService.h | This file contains interface for IApplicationService. IApplicationService provides "Adobe Animate CC" application level services. The definitions in this file are valid for CPSDK version 1.3 and above (or for 'Adobe Animate CC') |
IFlashApplicationService.h | This file contains interface for IFlashApplicationService. IFlashApplicationService provides Flash Application level services |
IOutputConsoleService.h | This file contains the interface for IOutputConsoleService. This service can be used to trace messages to the 'Adobe Animate CC' output panel |
▼ DocType | |
IDocType.h | This file contains interface for IDocType. IDocType provides information about feature matrix through which 'Adobe Animate CC' is able to control UI and handle copy/paste of items across docs of different doctypes. The IDocType interface needs to be implemented by a "DocType" plugin |
IFeatureMatrix.h | This file contains interface for IFeatureMatrix. IFeatureMatrix provides methods to query the capabilities of a particular doc type |
▼ DOM | |
► FillStyle | |
IBitmapFillStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IBitmapFillStyle. The IBitmapFillStyle represents a "bitmap" fill style |
IGradientFillStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IGradientFillStyle. The IGradientFillStyle represents a "gradient" fill style |
ISolidFillStyle.h | This file contains the interface for ISolidFillStyle. The ISolidFillStyle represents a "solid" fill style |
► FrameElement | |
IBitmapInstance.h | This file contains the interface for IBitmapInstance. IBitmapInstance interface represents a bitmap on the stage |
IButton.h | This file contains the interface for IButton. IButton interface represents a "Button" instance on the stage |
IClassicText.h | This file contains the interface for IClassicText. IClassicText interface represents the text element on the stage |
IFrameDisplayElement.h | This file contains the interface for IFrameDisplayElement. The IFrameDisplayElement interface represents anything that appears on the stage |
IGraphic.h | This file contains the interface for IGraphic. IGraphic interface represents a "graphic" symbol on the stage |
IGroup.h | This file contains the interface for IGroup. This represents a "Group" of frame display elements |
IInstance.h | This file contains the interface for IInstance. IInstance interface represents the elements on the stage that are instances of a library item |
IMovieClip.h | This file contains the interface for IMovieClip. IMovieClip interface represents a "MovieClip" symbol on the stage |
IParagraph.h | This file contains the interface for IParagraph. IParagraph interface represents a paragraph of text |
IShape.h | This file contains the interface for IShape. IShape interface can be used in shape services to extract the geometry of the shape |
ISound.h | This file contains the interface for ISound. The ISound interface represents a sound object attached to a frame |
ISymbolInstance.h | This file contains the interface for ISymbolInstance. ISymbolInstance interface represents a symbol on the stage |
ITextBehaviour.h | This file contains the interface for ITextBehaviour. ITextElement interface represents the type of the text element on the stage |
ITextRun.h | This file contains the interface for ITextRun. ITextRun interface represents a string of characters that have the same text style |
ITextStyle.h | This file contains the interface for ITextStyle. ITextStyle interface represents properties which describe characters |
► GraphicFilter | |
IAdjustColorFilter.h | This file contains interface for IAdjustColorFilter. This represents Adjust Color Filter |
IBevelFilter.h | This file contains interface for IBevelFilter. This represents Bevel Filter |
IBlurFilter.h | This file contains interface for IBlurFilter. This represents Blur Filter |
IDropShadowFilter.h | This file contains interface for IDropShadowFilter. This represents Drop Shadow Filter |
IGlowFilter.h | This file contains interface for IGlowFilter. This represents Glow Filter |
IGradientBevelFilter.h | This file contains interface for IGradientBevelFilter. This represents Gradient Bevel Filter |
IGradientGlowFilter.h | This file contains interface for IGradientGlowFilter. This represents Gradient glow Filter |
► LibraryItem | |
IFolderItem.h | This file contains the definition for IFolderItem interface. This interface represents the information related to a folder item |
IFontItem.h | This file contains interface for IFontItem. This represents a font symbol in Library |
IMediaItem.h | This file contains interface for IMediaItem. This represents a media symbol in Library |
ISymbolItem.h | This file contains interface for ISymbolItem. This represents a symbol item in Library |
► MediaInfo | |
IBitmapInfo.h | This file contains the definition for IBitmapInfo interface. This interface represents the information related to a bitmap item |
ISoundInfo.h | This file contains the definition for ISoundInfo interface. This interface represents the information related to a sound item |
► Service | |
► Document | |
IFLADocService.h | This file contains the interface for IFLADocService. The IFLADocService interface for document related services such as opening or closing of a FLA file |
► FontTable | |
IFontTable.h | This file contains interface for IFontTable. IFontTable represents a font table containing information about a font family |
IFontTableGeneratorService.h | This file contains interface for IFontTableGeneratorService. IFontTableGeneratorService contains methods to generate font table for a font item |
IGlyph.h | This file contains interface for IGlyph. IGlyph contains methods to obtain information about a glyph |
IKerningPair.h | This file contains interface for IKerningPair. IKerningPair contains methods to obtain KerningPair chars and their corresponding kerning amount |
► Image | |
IBitmapExportService.h | This file contains the interface for IBitmapExportService. The IBitmapExportService is used to export the Bitmap library items to different file formats |
► Shape | |
IEdge.h | This file contains the interface for IEdge. IEdge interface represents an edge of a shape |
IFilledRegion.h | This file contains the interface for IFilledRegion. IFilledRegion interface represents a closed path which is filled |
IPath.h | This file contains the interface for IPath. IPath interface represents a connected path |
IRegionGeneratorService.h | This file contains interface for IRegionGeneratorService. IRegionGeneratorService contains methods to generate filled regions and strokes for a shape |
IShapeService.h | This file contains interface for IShapeService. IShapeService is a service that contains utility methods related to operations on shape objects |
IStrokeGroup.h | This file contains interface for IStrokeGroup. IStrokeGroup represents a group of strokes that have the same stroke style |
► Sound | |
ISoundExportService.h | This file contains the interface for ISoundExportService. The ISoundExportService is used to export the Sound library items to different audio formats |
► TextLayout | |
ITextLine.h | This file contains the interface for ITextLine. ITextLine interface represents a line within the text element |
ITextLinesGeneratorService.h | This file contains the interface for ITextLinesGeneratorService. ITextLinesGeneratorService contains methods that fetch text lines from the text element |
► Tween | |
IColorTweener.h | This file contains interface for IColorTweener. IColorTweener represents a color tweener |
IFilterTweener.h | This file contains interface for IFilterTweener. IFilterTweener represents a tweener for a filter |
IGeometricTweener.h | This file contains interface for IGeometricTweener. IGeometricTweener represents a geometric tweener |
IPropertyIDs.h | This file contains the identifiers of properties that can be tweened |
IShapeTweener.h | This file contains interface for IShapeTweener. IShapeTweener represents a shape tweener |
ITweenerService.h | This file contains interface for ITweenerService. ITweenerService represents a service that provides a tweener for a given property |
► StrokeStyle | |
IDashedStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IDashedStrokeStyle. This interface represents a dashed stroke (series of solid dashes followed by blanks) of an edge |
IDottedStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IDottedStrokeStyle. This interface represents a dotted stroke of an edge |
IHatchedStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IHatchedStrokeStyle. This interface represents a hatched stroke of an edge |
IPaintbrushStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IPaintBrushStrokeStyle. This interface represents a "paint brush" stroke style of an edge |
IRaggedStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IRaggedStrokeStyle. This interface represents a ragged stroke of an edge |
ISolidStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for ISolidStrokeStyle. This interface represents a solid stroke style of an edge |
IStippleStrokeStyle.h | This file contains the interface for IStippleStrokeStyle. This interface represents a stipple stroke style of an edge |
IStrokeWidth.h | This file contains the interface for IStrokeWidth. This represents the stroke width associated with the stroke |
► Utils | |
DOMTypes.h | This file contains the types used for DOM traversal and access |
ILinearColorGradient.h | This file contains the interface for ILinearColorGradient. This interface represents linear color gradient |
IMatrix2D.h | This file contains the interface for IMatrix2D. This interface provides a way to decompose a 2-dimensional transformation matrix |
IRadialColorGradient.h | This file contains the interface for IRadialColorGradient. This interface represents a radial color gradient |
IRect.h | This file contains the interface for IRect. This interface represents a rectangle |
ISoundEffect.h | This file defines ISoundEffect that represents effects that can be applied on a sound object |
IFilterable.h | This file contains the interface for IFilterable. This IFilterable represents the list of graphical filters |
IFLADocument.h | This file contains the interface for IFLADocument. The IFLADocument interface represents a FLA document |
IFrame.h | This file contains the interface for IFrame. The IFrame interface represents a frame in the layer of a timeline |
ILayer.h | This file contains the interface for ILayer. The ILayer interface represents a layer in the timeline |
ILibraryItem.h | This file contains the interface for ILibraryItem. Each Library item is a reusable resource residing in the library |
ITimeline.h | This file contains the interface for ITimeline. The ITimeline interface represents the timeline. This represents the timelines for both main timeline and the movie-clip |
ITween.h | This interface represents a tween |
▼ Exporter | |
► Service | |
IFrameCommandGenerator.h | This file contains interface for IFrameCommandGenerator. IFrameCommandGenerator provides service related to lifetime management of the frame objects |
IResourcePalette.h | This file contains interface for IResourcePalette. IResourcePalette provides methods to add different resources to a resource palette |
ISWFExportService.h | This file contains interface for ISWFExportService. ISWFExportService provides service to export an FLA file to SWF format |
ITimelineBuilder.h | This file contains interface for ITimelineBuilder. ITimelineBuilder represents a builder to build a timeline |
ITimelineBuilder2.h | This file contains interface for ITimelineBuilder2. ITimelineBuilder2 represents a builder to build a timeline |
ITimelineBuilderFactory.h | This file contains interface for ITimelineBuilderFactory. ITimelineBuilderFactory represents a factory for a timeline builder |
▼ Publisher | |
IPublisher.h | This file contains the interface for IPublisher. The IPublisher interface needs to be implemented by a "Publisher" plugin. It contains methods to publish a FLA document and a single timeline. 'Adobe Animate CC' would invoke methods in this interface in the test-movie and publish workflows |
AppNamespace.h | This file contains the documentation for namespaces. This file should not NEVER be included in any compilation unit |
▼ core | |
▼ include | |
▼ common | |
▼ mac | |
FCMPostAlign_MAC.h | |
FCMPreAlign_MAC.h | |
▼ win | |
FCMPostAlign_WIN.h | |
FCMPreAlign_WIN.h | |
FCMErrors.h | This file contains all the errors used in FCM |
FCMMacros.h | This file contains the macros used in FCM |
FCMPluginInterface.h | This file contains core definitions of the framework Flash Component Model (FCM) |
FCMPostConfig.h | |
FCMPreConfig.h | |
FCMPublicIDs.h | This file contains all the public IDs used in FCM |
FCMTypes.h | This file contains definitions for various data types |
▼ interfaces | |
IFCMCallback.h | This file contains interface for IFCMCallback. The IFCMCallback interface is a glue for the objects created to access the FCM. Each object of an interface implementation contains pointer IFCMCallback object, which can be used to create a new object of any classID and interfaceID and also can be used to register a service which can be used by FCM Application or Plug-in. By default, the IFCMCalloc and IFCMNotificationService are registered with IFCMCallback by FCM Application |
IFCMCalloc.h | This file contains interface for IFCMCalloc. The IFCMCalloc interface provides a mechanism for allocating and deallocating memory. This interface is used when there is shared memory between Plug-in and FCM Application and the memory being allocated by Plug-in is freed by FCM Application (or) vice-versa |
IFCMClassFactory.h | This file contains interface for IFCMClassFactory. IFCMClassFactory enables a class of objects to be created |
IFCMDictionary.h | This file contains interface for IFCMDictionary. The IFCMDictionary is an interface for generic container for storing data |
IFCMList.h | This file contains interface for IFCMList. List of pointer to IFCMUnknown objects |
IFCMNoAggregationUnknown.h | This file contains interface for IFCMNoAggregationUnknown and needed to support "Aggregation". This interface is used by FCM internally. It is not meant to be used by external clients |
IFCMNotificationClient.h | This file contains interface for IFCMNotificationClient. The IFCMNotificationClient interface must be supported by any plugin that wishes to receive notification of specific certain event by either the host app, or by other plugins that want to generate system-wide events. A Plugin wanting notification will obtain an IMoaNotificationClient Interface to itself and an IFCMNotificationService interface from the main callback object of the application. It then registers the client interface with the callback interface |
IFCMNotificationService.h | This file contains interface for IFCMNotificationService. The IFCMNotificationService interface is supported by any FCM Application that wants to provide system wide notification hooks to plug-ins. These notifications are mainly provided by the application, but can also be provided by specific plug-ins. This Interface can be obtained by GetService of the main Application callback Interface |
IFCMPluginDictionary.h | This file contains interface for IFCMPluginDictionary. The IFCMPluginDictionary interface provides a generic mechanism for exchanging plug-in data with FCM Application. This interface provides a list of registry dictionaries. Each registry dictionary corresponds to dictionary for an interface implementation in plug-in. IFCMPluginDictionary aggregates IFCMDictionary . The FCM Application can define a set of keys for an interface and data corresponding to these keys will be populated by the plug-in in the registry dictionary and this data can be used by the FCM Application |
IFCMStringUtils.h | This file contains interface for IFCMStringUtils. The IFCMStringUtils interface is supported by any FCM Application that wants to provide string utility functions to plug-ins. This Interface can be obtained by GetService of the main Application callback Interface |
IFCMUnknown.h | This file contains interface for IFCMUnknown. All FCM interfaces inherit from IFCMUnknown. This interface is similar to Microsoft's COM IUnknown. Primary purpose of this interface is to facilitate a way to obtain pointers to other interfaces through QueryInterface method |
FCMCoreNamespaces.h | This file contains the documentation for the namespaces in FCM core . This file should not NEVER be included in any compilation unit |