▼NApplication | Provides interfaces for 'Adobe Animate CC' Application |
►NService | Provides service interfaces for 'Adobe Animate CC' Application |
CIApplicationService | This service provides "Adobe Animate CC" application-level services |
CIFlashApplicationService | This service provides Flash application-level services |
CIOutputConsoleService | IOutputConsoleService defines an interface to output messages to the 'Adobe Animate CC' output console |
▼NDocType | Provides interfaces for custom document type |
CIDocType | Defines an interface that represents the document type |
CIFeatureMatrix | Defines an interface that represents the feature matrix for the associated document type |
▼NDOM | Provides interfaces and other definitions to access the FLA authored contents in the form of a DOM (Document Object Model) |
►NFillStyle | Provides interfaces and definitions for fill styles |
CIBitmapFillStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "bitmap" fill style |
CIGradientFillStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "gradient" fill style |
CISolidFillStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "solid" fill style of a filled region |
►NFrameElement | Provides interfaces and definitions for Frame elements |
CAA_MODE_PROP | Structure that consists of Anti-Alias mode and custom mode |
CCUSTOM_AA_MODE_PROP | This structure defines a Custom Anti-Alias Mode properties |
CIBitmapInstance | Defines an interface that represents a bitmap instance present on the stage |
CIButton | Defines an interface that represents a "Button" instance on the stage |
CIClassicText | Defines an interface that represents the text element present on the stage |
CIDynamicTextBehaviour | Defines an interface that represents the dynamic text type of the text element present on the stage |
CIFrameDisplayElement | Defines the interface that represents a display item on the stage |
CIGraphic | Defines an interface that represents an instance of a "graphic" symbol present on the stage |
CIGroup | Defines an interface that represents a Group |
CIInputTextBehaviour | Defines an interface that represents the Input text type of the text element present on the stage |
CIInstance | Defines an interface that represents an instance of a library item that is present on the stage |
CIModifiableTextBehaviour | Defines an interface that represents the base class for the dynamic/input text type of the text element present on the stage |
CIMovieClip | Defines an interface that represents an instance of a "movie-clip" symbol present on the stage |
CIParagraph | IParagraph interface represents paragraph of text |
CIShape | Defines an interface that represents a shape |
CISound | Defines the interface that represents a sound item attached to a frame |
CIStaticTextBehaviour | Defines an interface that represents the static text type of the text element present on the stage |
CISymbolInstance | Defines an interface that represents an instance of a symbol present on the stage |
CITextBehaviour | Defines an interface that represents type of the text element present on the stage |
CITextRun | Defines an interface that represents a string of characters with the common text attributes |
CITextStyle | Defines an interface that represents the properties that describe characters |
CPARAGRAPH_STYLE | Describes the paragraph layout data of the text element |
CSOUND_LIMIT | Defines the starting and ending points of the sound object |
CSOUND_LOOP_MODE | Defines the loop mode for a sound |
►NGraphicFilter | Provides interfaces and definitions for graphical filters |
CIAdjustColorFilter | This interface defines the properties that can modify the color filter applied to the object |
CIBevelFilter | This interface defines the Bevel filter applied to the object |
CIBlurFilter | This interface defines the Blur filter applied to the object |
CIDropShadowFilter | This interface defines the Drop Shadow filter applied to the object |
CIGlowFilter | This interface defines the Glow filter applied to the object |
CIGradientBevelFilter | This interface defines the Gradient Bevel filter applied to the object |
CIGradientGlowFilter | This interface defines the Gradient Glow filter applied to the object |
►NLayer | Provides interfaces and definitions for Layers |
CILayerFolder | Defines the interface that represents a folder layer in the timeline |
CILayerGuide | Defines the interface that represents a guide layer in the timeline |
CILayerMask | Defines the interface that represents a mask layer in the timeline |
CILayerNormal | Defines the interface that represents a normal layer in the timeline |
►NLibraryItem | Provides interfaces and definitions for Library Items |
CIFolderItem | This interface represents the folder item in the library |
CIFontItem | Defines the interface that represents a font symbol in Library |
CIMediaItem | Defines the interface for a media resource in library (Bitmap or Audio) |
CISymbolItem | This interface represents a symbol item |
►NMediaInfo | Provides interfaces and definitions for media |
CIBitmapInfo | This interface represents bitmap attributes |
CISoundInfo | Marker interface that represents "sound information" |
►NService | Provides service interfaces for DOM access |
►NDocument | Provides service interfaces for Document operations |
CIFLADocService | Defines the interface to services for FLA document |
►NFontTable | Provides service interfaces for Font table |
CIFontTable | Represents a font table containing information about a font family |
CIFontTableGeneratorService | Defines the interface to generate the font table for a font |
CIGlyph | Defines the interface that defines a glyph |
CIKerningPair | Defines the interface to obtain KerningPair char codes and the Kerning amount |
CKERNING_PAIR | Defines a kerning pair and includes the kerning amount for the pair |
►NImage | Provides service interfaces for Image |
CIBitmapExportService | Defines the interface for converting bitmap library item into different file formats |
►NShape | Provides service interfaces for Shape operations |
CIEdge | Defines an interface that represents an edge of a shape |
CIFilledRegion | Defines the interface that represents a filled region |
CIPath | Defines the interface that represents a connected path |
CIRegionGeneratorService | Service to generate filled regions and strokes for a shape |
CIShapeService | Defines a service that provides shape-related utility methods |
CIStrokeGroup | Defines a stroke group that represents a group of strokes that have the same stroke style |
►NSound | Provides service interfaces for Sound |
CISoundExportService | Defines the interface for converting sound library item into different formats |
►NTextLayout | Provides service interfaces for text layouts |
CITextLine | Defines an interface that represents a line within the text element |
CITextLinesGeneratorService | Defines the interface to generate text lines for a text element |
►NTween | Provides service interfaces for Tween |
CIColorTweener | Defines an interface that represents a color tweener. Color tweener can be used to obtain interpolated color values at discrete intervals during a motion/classic tween |
CIFilterTweener | Defines an interface that represents tweening of filter. Filter tweener can be used to obtain interpolated filter values at discrete intervals during a motion/classic tween |
CIGeometricTweener | Defines an interface that represents a geometric tweener(Transform). Geometric tweener can be used to obtain 2D transformation matrix at discrete intervals during a motion/classic tween |
CIShapeTweener | Defines an interface that represents shape tweener. Shape tweener can be used to obtain the shapes at discrete intervals during shape tween |
CITweenerService | This describes the tweener service |
►NStrokeStyle | Provides interfaces and definitions for stroke styles |
CCAP_STYLE | Defines cap style |
CIDashedStrokeStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "dashed" stroke of an edge |
CIDottedStrokeStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "dotted" stroke of an edge |
CIHatchedStrokeStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "hatched" stroke of an edge |
CIPaintBrushStrokeStyle | Marker interface that represents a "paint brush" stroke style of an edge |
CIRaggedStrokeStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "ragged" stroke of an edge |
CISolidStrokeStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "solid" stroke style of an edge |
CIStippleStrokeStyle | Defines an interface that represents a "stipple" stroke style of an edge |
CIStrokeWidth | Defines an interface that represents a stroke width associated with the stroke |
CJOIN_STYLE | Defines a join style |
CMITER_JOIN_PROP | Defines the properties for the miter join |
►NUtils | Provides utility interfaces and definitions |
CCOLOR | Defines a color in RGBA format |
CCOLOR_MATRIX | Defines a color matrix which contitutes of matrix and a color array. Color Matrix is of the following form: [red-multiplier, 0, 0, 0, red-additive, 0, green-mulitplier, 0, 0, green-additive, 0, 0, blue-mulitplier, 0, blue-additive, 0, 0, 0, alpha-multiplier, alpha-additive] |
CENVELOPE_POINT | This structure defines a sound envelope |
CGRADIENT_COLOR_POINT | Map of a color and its position in the gradient |
CILinearColorGradient | This interface represents the linear color gradient |
CIMatrix2D | Defines an interface that decomposes a Matrix2D |
CIRadialColorGradient | This interface represents the radial color gradient |
CIRect | This interface represents a rectangle |
CISoundEffect | ISoundEffect represents the effect that can be applied on a sound object. Sound Effect provides a "sound envelope" that allows time based volume control |
CLINE | This structure represents a straight line. A line is defined by two end-points |
CMATRIX2D | Represents a transformation matrix |
CPOINT2D | Represents a 2-dimensional point |
CQUAD_BEZIER_CURVE | This structure defines a quadratic bezier curve. A quadratic bezier curve can be defined using two anchor points and one control point |
CRECT | Defines a rectangle |
CSEGMENT | This structure defines a segment |
CIFilterable | This interface represents the list of graphic filters |
CIFLADocument | Defines the interface that represents an FLA document |
CIFrame | Defines the interface that represents a frame in a layer in the timeline |
CILayer | Defines the interface that represents a layer in the timeline |
CILibraryItem | Defines the interface that represents a library item in the library |
CITimeline | Defines the interface that represents the timeline |
CITween | Defines a interface that represents a tween object |
▼NExporter | Provides interfaces for exporter that can be used by custom publisher |
►NService | Provides service interfaces for exporter |
CDISPLAY_OBJECT_INFO | This structure contains placement information about a display object on the stage |
CDISPLAY_OBJECT_INFO_2 | This structure contains placement information about a display object on the stage, that are not present in DISPLAY_OBJECT_INFO Given a DISPLAY_OBJECT_INFO pointer pDisplayObjectInfo, access the fields in this structure only if the condition (pDisplayObjectInfo->structSize >= sizeof(DISPLAY_OBJECT_INFO_2)) is true |
CIFrameCommandGenerator | Defines an interface that generates frame commands for the defined frame range |
CIResourcePalette | An interface that defines a resource palette to hold all the resources encountered in the DOM traversal |
CISWFExportService | Defines an interface that exports an FLA document to SWF format |
CITimelineBuilder | This interface represents a builder for a timeline. Timeline builder contains methods that are invoked by FrameCommandGenerator service (implemented in 'Adobe Animate CC') to add frame commands for a timeline |
CITimelineBuilder2 | This interface represents a builder for a timeline. ITimelineBuilder2 contains all the methods inherited from ITimelineBuilder and the new methods mentioned in this file that are invoked by the FrameCommandGenerator service (implemented in 'Adobe Animate CC') to add frame commands for a timeline |
CITimelineBuilderFactory | This interface represents a factory for a timeline builder |
CRANGE | Defines a range of numbers |
CSOUND_INFO | This structure contains information about a sound object in the timeline |
▼NFCM | The definitions contained in this namespace define a framework called Flash Component Model (FCM), which is responsible for plug-in management. The FCM framework manages loading, unloading and registration of the plug-in. It also manages service instantiation, object instantiation and object lifetime management |
CAutoPtr | This defines smart pointer to manage AddRef and Release calls to FCM objects. In AutoPtr<T> , T has to be an interface derived from IFCMUnknown. AutoPtr<T> can be used to control the lifetime of objects without explicitly calling AddRef and Release |
CFCMGUID | Represents a 128 bit or 16-byte GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) value |
CFCMListPtr | A class implementing the AutoPtr<IFCMList> |
CFCMObjectBase | Every class that implements an interface should be derived from this class |
CIFCMCallback | Defines the interface that represents the callback |
CIFCMCalloc | Defines the interface that represents the calloc |
CIFCMClassFactory | Defines the interface that represents the ClassFactory |
CIFCMDictionary | Defines the interface that represents the dictionary |
CIFCMList | Defines the interface that represents the List of pointer to IFCMUnknown objects |
CIFCMNoAggregationUnknown | Defines the interface that represents the NoAggregationUnknown |
CIFCMNotificationClient | Defines the interface that represents the notification client |
CIFCMNotificationService | Defines the interface that represents a notification service |
CIFCMPluginDictionary | Defines the interface that represents the Plugin Dictionary |
CIFCMStringUtils | Defines the interface for string conversions between StringRep8 and StringRep16 |
CIFCMUnknown | Defines the interface that represents the IUnknown object |
CVARIANT | Defines a data-type called 'variant' that can be used to store different types of data |
▼NPublisher | Provides interfaces for custom publisher |
CIPublisher | Defines an interface that represents publisher. This interface must be implemented by a publisher plugin |