Custom Platform Support Development Kit  1.3
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NApplicationProvides interfaces for 'Adobe Animate CC' Application
 NServiceProvides service interfaces for 'Adobe Animate CC' Application
 NDocTypeProvides interfaces for custom document type
 CIDocTypeDefines an interface that represents the document type
 CIFeatureMatrixDefines an interface that represents the feature matrix for the associated document type
 NDOMProvides interfaces and other definitions to access the FLA authored contents in the form of a DOM (Document Object Model)
 NFillStyleProvides interfaces and definitions for fill styles
 NFrameElementProvides interfaces and definitions for Frame elements
 NGraphicFilterProvides interfaces and definitions for graphical filters
 NLayerProvides interfaces and definitions for Layers
 NLibraryItemProvides interfaces and definitions for Library Items
 NMediaInfoProvides interfaces and definitions for media
 NServiceProvides service interfaces for DOM access
 NStrokeStyleProvides interfaces and definitions for stroke styles
 NUtilsProvides utility interfaces and definitions
 CIFilterableThis interface represents the list of graphic filters
 CIFLADocumentDefines the interface that represents an FLA document
 CIFrameDefines the interface that represents a frame in a layer in the timeline
 CILayerDefines the interface that represents a layer in the timeline
 CILibraryItemDefines the interface that represents a library item in the library
 CITimelineDefines the interface that represents the timeline
 CITweenDefines a interface that represents a tween object
 NExporterProvides interfaces for exporter that can be used by custom publisher
 NServiceProvides service interfaces for exporter
 NFCMThe definitions contained in this namespace define a framework called Flash Component Model (FCM), which is responsible for plug-in management. The FCM framework manages loading, unloading and registration of the plug-in. It also manages service instantiation, object instantiation and object lifetime management
 CAutoPtrThis defines smart pointer to manage AddRef and Release calls to FCM objects. In AutoPtr<T> , T has to be an interface derived from IFCMUnknown. AutoPtr<T> can be used to control the lifetime of objects without explicitly calling AddRef and Release
 CFCMGUIDRepresents a 128 bit or 16-byte GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) value
 CFCMListPtrA class implementing the AutoPtr<IFCMList>
 CFCMObjectBaseEvery class that implements an interface should be derived from this class
 CIFCMCallbackDefines the interface that represents the callback
 CIFCMCallocDefines the interface that represents the calloc
 CIFCMClassFactoryDefines the interface that represents the ClassFactory
 CIFCMDictionaryDefines the interface that represents the dictionary
 CIFCMListDefines the interface that represents the List of pointer to IFCMUnknown objects
 CIFCMNoAggregationUnknownDefines the interface that represents the NoAggregationUnknown
 CIFCMNotificationClientDefines the interface that represents the notification client
 CIFCMNotificationServiceDefines the interface that represents a notification service
 CIFCMPluginDictionaryDefines the interface that represents the Plugin Dictionary
 CIFCMStringUtilsDefines the interface for string conversions between StringRep8 and StringRep16
 CIFCMUnknownDefines the interface that represents the IUnknown object
 CVARIANTDefines a data-type called 'variant' that can be used to store different types of data
 NPublisherProvides interfaces for custom publisher
 CIPublisherDefines an interface that represents publisher. This interface must be implemented by a publisher plugin