Custom Platform Support Development Kit  1.3
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CDOM::FrameElement::AA_MODE_PROPStructure that consists of Anti-Alias mode and custom mode
 CFCM::AutoPtr< T >This defines smart pointer to manage AddRef and Release calls to FCM objects. In AutoPtr<T> , T has to be an interface derived from IFCMUnknown. AutoPtr<T> can be used to control the lifetime of objects without explicitly calling AddRef and Release
 CFCM::AutoPtr< IFCMList >
 CDOM::StrokeStyle::CAP_STYLEDefines cap style
 CDOM::Utils::COLORDefines a color in RGBA format
 CDOM::Utils::COLOR_MATRIXDefines a color matrix which contitutes of matrix and a color array. Color Matrix is of the following form: [red-multiplier, 0, 0, 0, red-additive, 0, green-mulitplier, 0, 0, green-additive, 0, 0, blue-mulitplier, 0, blue-additive, 0, 0, 0, alpha-multiplier, alpha-additive]
 CDOM::FrameElement::CUSTOM_AA_MODE_PROPThis structure defines a Custom Anti-Alias Mode properties
 CExporter::Service::DISPLAY_OBJECT_INFOThis structure contains placement information about a display object on the stage
 CDOM::Utils::ENVELOPE_POINTThis structure defines a sound envelope
 CFCM::FCMGUIDRepresents a 128 bit or 16-byte GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) value
 CFCM::FCMObjectBaseEvery class that implements an interface should be derived from this class
 CDOM::Utils::GRADIENT_COLOR_POINTMap of a color and its position in the gradient
 CFCM::IFCMNoAggregationUnknownDefines the interface that represents the NoAggregationUnknown
 CFCM::IFCMUnknownDefines the interface that represents the IUnknown object
 CDOM::StrokeStyle::JOIN_STYLEDefines a join style
 CDOM::Service::FontTable::KERNING_PAIRDefines a kerning pair and includes the kerning amount for the pair
 CDOM::Utils::LINEThis structure represents a straight line. A line is defined by two end-points
 CDOM::Utils::MATRIX2DRepresents a transformation matrix
 CDOM::StrokeStyle::MITER_JOIN_PROPDefines the properties for the miter join
 CDOM::FrameElement::PARAGRAPH_STYLEDescribes the paragraph layout data of the text element
 CDOM::Utils::POINT2DRepresents a 2-dimensional point
 CDOM::Utils::QUAD_BEZIER_CURVEThis structure defines a quadratic bezier curve. A quadratic bezier curve can be defined using two anchor points and one control point
 CExporter::Service::RANGEDefines a range of numbers
 CDOM::Utils::RECTDefines a rectangle
 CDOM::Utils::SEGMENTThis structure defines a segment
 CExporter::Service::SOUND_INFOThis structure contains information about a sound object in the timeline
 CDOM::FrameElement::SOUND_LIMITDefines the starting and ending points of the sound object
 CDOM::FrameElement::SOUND_LOOP_MODEDefines the loop mode for a sound
 CFCM::VARIANTDefines a data-type called 'variant' that can be used to store different types of data