Known issues and unsupported features in Adobe Captivate (2017 release)

Known issues and limitations in Adobe Captivate (2017 release)

Known issues

Fluid Box



In a Hotspot slide, you cannot arrange objects in the Static answer area.

Add Hotspots after inserting other items in the Static answer area.

In a Static Fluid Box, an object may go out of the slide limit when you change the flow of the parent Fluid Box.

Drag and drop the object manually in the Fluid Box.

Copying drag and drop interactions from one Fluid Box to another causes the interactions to disappear.

Copy and paste the slide or copy the objects and re-create the interaction.

In a state view, you cannot add additional objects in a Fluid Box.

Make the Fluid Box static.


  • Saving a blank project software simulation as responsive generates the focus rectangle in a single standard location on the slide, not in the action area. As a workaround, manually place the focus rectangle around the action area in each slide.

Unsupported features in this release


The following objects are not supported in a Fluid Box:

  • Highlight boxes
  • Click boxes
  • Mouse objects
  • Zoom area


You cannot group objects or apply effects to the group in a Fluid Box.

Rest of Project

You cannot insert Rest of Project items in a Fluid Box.

Smart position

Smart positioning of objects inside a Fluid Box is not supported.

Project upgrade

You cannot migrate Captivate 8 or 9 responsive projects into responsive projects in the 2017 release of Adobe Captivate. However, you can copy all items at a particular breakpoint and paste them in the new responsive project.

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