Troubleshooting Error 500 in ColdFusion

Troubleshooting error 500 in ColdFusion. Follow the steps in the document to resolve error 500 issues.

Error 500 in ColdFusion usually means that there is some problem with the webserver. To know what causes the error, enable the option Enable HTTP status codes in Server Settings > Settings in ColdFusion Administrator.

By default this option is selected. When this option is selected, the webserver shows 500 – Internal Server Error.

If you need to check where the error is at ColdFusion level (if any), then clear that option to get a more detailed error message to help help you to further troubleshoot. 


If the machine (where you uncheck the Enable HTTP status codes option) is a production server, then the debug information will be shown in the client's browser as well.

Add the IP  address of the machine you wish to see the debugging information on. Add the IP address in ColdFusion Administrator> Debugging & Logging > Debugging IP Addresses.

Why Error 500 occurs

  1. Bit difference of server and ColdFusion are different. This means if the server OS is 64-bit and ColdFusion 32-bit is installed, you can see Error 500. To fix this, perform one of the following:


    64-bit ColdFusion needs 64-bit IIS, and 32-bit ColdFusion needs 32-bit IIS. Check if the ColdFusion installer is a 32-bit or a 64-bit installer.

    • ColdFusion_2016_WWEJ_win.exe is 32-bit
    • ColdFusion_2016_WWEJ_win64.exe is 64-bit
    • Install a 64-bit version of ColdFusion.
    • Navigate to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose Application Pools. Right-click a running pool and click Advanced Settings.
    Advanced Settings

    On the Advanced Settings dialog box, set the Option Enable 32-bit Application to True. By default, the value is False.

    32-Bit Application
    Restart IIS.

  2. If you are installing an update without administrator privileges, you can see an Error 500. To fix this, log in as Administrator and then apply the update.

  3. If your computer has low memory, you can encounter Error 500. Open the ColdFusionerror.log file if there are any outofMemory error. If so, increase the size of the java heap.

  4. Error 500 may occur in ColdFusion if IIS fails to read configurations defined in config.xml file. When a connector is configured with IIS, ColdFusion attempts to register required MimeTypes in IIS. MimeTypes are registered to the server, or to specific site based on the options selected during connector configuration. ColdFusion attempts to register a MimeType, and IIS puts this into a web.config file, and since this entry is actually a duplicate, IIS fails to serve any pages off the affected sites, and throws error 500.19. To fix this issue, navigate to IIS Manager > Site in Consideration > MimeTypes, remove the entry that references .air extension, and reconfigure the connector.

  5. If you see the error message, “isapi_redirect 500 Internal Server Error”,  follow the steps below:

    • Open ISAPI Filters in IIS.

    • Right Click in the window and Click Add.

    • Name the filter  and under Executable Text box give path of your isapi_redirect DLL present under <cf_home>\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll

    • Restart IIS
    • Load your cfm page.
  6. If you are installing ColdFusion in a server that already has another version of ColdFusion, and you have selected All IIS websites or a specific IIS website that is currently configured to the existing ColdFusion, you can see an error 500. 

    The error occurs if you have chosen Default Web Site as the specific website to connect for the new ColdFusion version. The same Default Web Site is also currently configured with the existing ColdFusion installation. So either disconnect it from existing ColdFusion or create a temporary IIS website to connect to the new ColdFusion.

  7. If you have installed a newer version of ColdFusion, but the site’s IIS Handler Mappings still point to existing ColdFusion, you can see Error 500.

    Point the individual website to the existing ColdFusion’s Tomcat ISAPI Filter. Edit the web.config file as follows:

    <remove name="tomcat" />
    path="C:\ColdFusion2016\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll" />
    <isapiFilters> <remove name="tomcat" /> <filter name="tomcat" enabled="true" path="C:\ColdFusion2016\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll" /> </isapiFilters>
     <remove name="tomcat" />
      path="C:\ColdFusion2016\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll" />

    Restart IIS.

  8. Check the permissions of IISUser in the Config directory. If no permissions exist, error 500 occurs. Change the required permissions.

Other reasons for Error 500

  1. Latest VC++ is not installed. Read more about it in the blog post
  2. Some settings in Web.config may cause Error 500. Rename or remove web.config to resolve the issue.
  3. The application pool/site is corrupted. Create an application pool or website with new application pool to fix the issue.

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