Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline | Deployment guide

What is Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline?

Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline is a secure, scalable license activation method offered by Adobe to users who work on machines that are not connected to the Internet. In Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline, the licenses are directly installed on user machines along with the application package.

Acrobat Classic version can now be included in Feature Restricted Licensing packages. This will provide customers with a stable release Acrobat version for an improved deployment and license management experience in secure environments. 

For more, see Document Cloud Product Tracks.

How Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline works

Admin workflow

As an admin, create a Feature Restricted Licensing-Offline package in the Admin Console and deploy it on a user machine. The licensing package is not bound to any machine. You can reimage it onto other machines.


The Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline option appears in your Admin Console only when Adobe entitles your organization to use this type of licensing. The option does not appear by default.

User workflow

Launch an application on your computer. The license activates automatically.

Admin tasks


Due to being deployed in offline environments, Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline applications are unable to check in with Adobe servers during the license activation process. Therefore, apps licensed using Feature Restricted Licensing - Offline do not report anything to the Admin Console. In summary, Adobe receives no data or information from client machines using this license activation method.

The license expiration date is the organization's contract end date.

Create packages


Availability Of user-generated packages

Starting December 2023, only packages aligned with Adobe's Enterprise & Teams support policy will be available on the Packages tab of the Admin Console.

This will help optimize the performance and load time of the Packages tab.

  1. On the Packages tab, click Create a Package.

  2. Choose Feature Restricted Licensing, and click Next.

  3. Choose Offline activation, and click Next.

    Choose Offline activation

  4. On the Entitlements screen, select the required entitlements, and click Next.

    Choose entitlements

  5. On the Configure screen, select the required options and then click Next.

    Configuration options

    • Choose a Platform: Choose the operating system and the processor support from the following:
      • macOS (Universal)
      • macOS (Intel)
      • macOS (Apple Silicon)
      • Windows (64-bit)
      • Windows (32-bit)
      • Windows (ARM)

    A package made for one operating system and architecture type, cannot be deployed on another.

    • It's necessary to create separate packages for Windows 64-bit, Windows 32-bit, and Windows ARM devices.
    • It's necessary to create separate packages for macOS (Intel) and macOS (Apple Silicon) devices. Alternatively, you can create a macOS (Universal) package, and use this to install apps on both macOS (Intel) and macOS (Apple Silicon) machines.
    • Language: Select the language in which you want to create the package.
    • Use OS Locale: Enables you to create a package that deploys in the OS language of client machine. In which case, the OS language is the default fallback language in which the package is deployed.
  6. On the Choose Apps screen, you can choose to create one of the following types of packages:

    Click the plus icons next to the corresponding applications to include them in the package.

    Choose applications

    Optionally, you can filter down the list of Available Applications to choose from.

    Latest versions: Display the latest version of all available applications.

    Long-term supported versions: Display Adobe's long-term supported versions.

    Beta apps: Display available beta apps. Learn more.

    Older versions: Display a list of previous versions of the apps. View versions that don't receive security or feature updates.

    Filter available applications

    App Add-ons: Certain Adobe apps come with Add-ons. So, when you add an app that includes one or more Add-ons, you have the option to include the add-ons in the package you're creating. By default, Add-ons are not included in the package.

    App Add-ons

    After you're done with your selections, click Next.

  7. (Not currently available for Windows ARM devices) On the Choose Plugins screen, search and select plug-ins to include in the package, and click Next.

    You can select the Show Compatible Plugins Only check box to display the plug-ins that are compatible with the apps in the package. This filter doesn't appear if you only have the Creative Cloud desktop app in your package.

    To view the list of selected plug-ins, click Selected Plugins.


    The plug-ins that you include in the package do not necessarily need the supporting application to be part of the same package. You can include plug-ins and extensions for apps that are previously installed on your users' computers. Also, if a computer does not have the targeted application for a plug-in, the plug-in is not installed on the computer.

    Choose plugins

  8. On the Options screen, select the required options and then click Next.

    • Enable Remote Update Manager: Run the updater remotely on the client machine as an administrator. For more information, see Remote Update Manager.
    • Redirect to internal Adobe update server: Redirect all updates for this package to an internal update server. The details of the internal server are specified in an override XML under Packages > Preferences in the Admin Console. For more information, see Preferences.
    • (Not currently available for Windows ARM devices) Create a folder for extensions and include the UPIA command-line tool: Create a subfolder in your package folder. In this folder, include extensions that you want to install with the package. For more information, see Manage Extensions in packages.
    • Install package to custom install directory: Install the apps in this package to a custom installation directory. The directory is defined under Packages > Preferences in the Admin Console. For more information, see the Preferences.
    Choose offline options

  9. On the Finalize screen, specify the following:

    Package name: Enter the name of the package.

    Create flat package: If you have chosen a macOS platform, you have the option to create flat packages. This option is selected by default. For more details, see Creating flat packages.

    Review the included applications and configuration for this package before building the package.

    Click Create package.


    If you are creating macOS packages, the Adobe Package Downloader is downloaded to your computer. Open and run to complete download process. For further details, see Adobe Package Downloader.

You are returned to the package list when the package creation process begins.

If the package is built successfully, you are prompted to download the package.

Also, the Download link is available in the Actions column of the corresponding package row. So you can download the package later. 

A package is available in the Admin Console for up to three days. To check the time remaining to download a package, click  to the right of the package name.


If the package that you've created, contains one or more apps that have been rolled back owing to a bug or issue which needs to be fixed, this package displays as Revoked. You will be unable to download this package.

Also, if you have previously downloaded a package that contains a revoked app, you should not deploy it. You should create and deploy a new package with a non-revoked version of the app. 

Revoked package

The downloaded package file is a .zip file format.

If you double-click to unzip the package file, you may encounter the following, Unable to expand error on macOS 10.14 and prior versions.

This is because the macOS Archive Utility does not support the unzipping of large files that are zipped using the Zip64 mode.

Error 1 - Operation not permitted

To unzip the file, open the terminal in the folder where you've downloaded the file and run the unzip command:

unzip <file name>.zip


The package that you download, contains a Packageinfo.txt file. This file has the information such as the following about that package:

  • Package Name
  • Package Type - FRL Offline Package
  • Platform
  • Locale
  • Creative Cloud Desktop application version
  • Package Configurations
    • Remote update manager - Enabled or Disabled 
    • App Panel - Enabled or Disabled
    • Beta App Download - Enabled or Disabled
    • Browser Based Auth - Enabled or Disabled
    • Files Panel - Enabled or Disabled
    • Market Panel - Enabled or Disabled
    • Use OS Locale - Enabled or Disabled

The PackageInfo.txt file is for informational purposes only.

Deploy packages

After you create the feature restricted license package, set up the end-user machines with the license:

For details on troubleshooting Creative Cloud apps installation and uninstallation errors, see this document.

Update licenses

If your organization renews the contract, and you require to relicense your users. Deploy a license-only package that contains the updated license expiration date once the contract renewal process has completed. 

To get the latest apps, deploy a new package that includes the apps. Also deploy a new package to update the apps following a contract renewal. You can either create a package or update a previous package, by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to Packages > Packages.

    The history of all packages created by all admins in your organization is displayed.

  2. Click the expired package you want to update.

  3. In the package details pane, click Update Package.

  4. Download the updated package and deploy to user machines.

Remove licenses


You can remove a license from a computer in the following scenarios:

  • The package is a license-only package.
  • The package includes the license and apps, and the apps are uninstalled using the OS-specific procedures (for example, Add-Remove Programs on Windows).

Use Adobe's Licensing Toolkit to remove a license. Adobe Licensing Toolkit is a command-line utility that is used to activate or uninstall licenses. It is available in the licensing package that you download from the Admin Console. Alternatively, you can download it directly from the Admin Console under Packages > Tools.

To remove a license, run the following commands with admin privileges:


adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --precondition --uninstall --filePath <absolute path of the .json file>


sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --precondition --uninstall --filePath <absolute path of the .json file>

For more information, see these steps.


The .json file can be found within the package that was downloaded from the Admin Console and deployed to the user machine. The file contains the licensing information.


In the scenario where multiple licenses have been installed on a single machine, run the following commands with admin privileges to remove the licenses:


adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --precondition --uninstall --all


sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --precondition --uninstall --all

For more information, see these steps.

Uninstall products and licenses

Instead of removing licenses from a user's computer, you can uninstall the license and the products. By using the Feature Restricted Licensing packages, themselves.

Read the details on how to uninstall packages from a user's computer.

Frequently asked questions

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