- Adobe ettevõtetele ja meeskondadele: administreerimisjuhend
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Enhance user creativity and extend the functionality of Creative Cloud apps by adding plugins or extensions.
Currently, we do not support adding plugins to packages for Windows ARM desktop devices.
Many organizations rely on extensibility to support custom workflows. We have made this process easier by allowing you to bundle extensions into the deployment package you create using the Admin Console. So, installation of your Creative Cloud applications and installation of your extensions happen as part of a single deployment process.
There are two ways to package extensions or plugins:
When you deploy a package that includes plugins and extensions, they are installed in the targeted Adobe products that are installed on the end-user computers. However, you must note the following:
- The supporting products are installed before you install any plugins. Any errors encountered while installing the plugins do not affect the package installations.
- Plugins are not installed if the targeted Adobe products are not previously installed or not installed as part of the current package.
- If a plugin requires users to restart the targeted product, users must do that before the plugin or extension is available.
Add plugins to a package while creating it
Instead of manually placing the plugins in a folder, you can browse and choose the plugins from the Marketplace within the Admin Console. This experience is only available for Named User Licensing packages, it allows you to add plugins while creating a managed package in the Admin Console.
With Named User Licensing, users can even install plugins using the Creative Cloud desktop app. Alternatively, you can package and deploy the plugins to the users' machines. Following are the options to deploy and deliver plugins for named user licenses:
Self-service | Self-service packages | Managed packages | |
Make plugins available to users | Users can install plugins themselves using the Creative Cloud desktop app. | You can choose to allow or disallow end users to install and update plugins from the Creative Cloud desktop app. If you choose to disallow, you must package the required plugins, and deploy them to the users' computers. Learn more. |
Make updates available to users |
Users can update plugins themselves using the Creative Cloud desktop app. |
You can create a package for the updated plugins from the Admin Console. | |
Sample use cases | Fulfill the diverse and changing requirements of apps. |
Next steps for admins | - |
Create self-service packages |
End-user experience | Use the Creative Cloud desktop app to install extensions and add-ons. |
Install plugins and updates from a package, or the Creative Cloud desktop app if self-service plugin install is enabled. |
Manually place plugins in the package folder
If you already have the plugin or extension files to be deployed to the users' machines, follow the instructions below to include extensions in your package folder:
Sign in to the Admin Console and create a managed package.
On the Options screen, enable Create a folder for extensions and include the UPIA command-line tool.
After you complete the package creation procedure, the following folder is created in the package folder:
- macOS: <package name>/Build/<PackageName>_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/post/addon/ZXP
- Windows: <package name>\Build\post\addon\ZXP
For macOS Universal packages, you may need to create the following folder if it isn't already present.
<package name>/Build/<PackageName>_Install.pkg/Contents/Resources/post/addon/MACUNIVERSAL/ZXP
Download and place the plugins and extensions to be installed as part of the deployment in the above folder.
Märkus.The plugins that you include in the package do not necessarily need the supporting application to be part of the same package. You can include plugins and extensions for apps that are previously installed on your users' computers. Also, if a computer does not have the targeted application for a plugin, the plugin is not installed on the computer.
Deploy the package for the users in your organization.