- Importing
- Importing from Avid or Final Cut
- File formats
- Working with timecode
- Edit video
- Create and change sequences
- Set In and Out points in the Source Monitor
- Add clips to sequences
- Rearrange and move clips
- Find, select, and group clips in a sequence
- Remove clips from a sequence
- Change sequence settings
- Edit from sequences loaded into the Source Monitor
- Simplify sequences
- Rendering and previewing sequences
- Working with markers
- Add markers to clips
- Create markers in Effect Controls panel
- Set default marker colors
- Find, move, and delete markers
- Show or hide markers by color
- View marker comments
- Copy and paste sequence markers
- Sharing markers with After Effects
- Source patching and track targeting
- Scene edit detection
- Cut and trim clips
- Video
- Overview of audio in Premiere Pro
- Edit audio clips in the Source Monitor
- Audio Track Mixer
- Adjusting volume levels
- Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
- Enhance Speech
- Enhance Speech FAQs
- Audio Category Tagging
- Automatically duck audio
- Remix audio
- Monitor clip volume and pan using Audio Clip Mixer
- Audio balancing and panning
- Advanced Audio - Submixes, downmixing, and routing
- Audio effects and transitions
- Working with audio transitions
- Apply effects to audio
- Measure audio using the Loudness Radar effect
- Recording audio mixes
- Editing audio in the timeline
- Audio channel mapping in Premiere Pro
- Use Adobe Stock audio in Premiere Pro
- Text-Based Editing
- Advanced editing
- Best Practices
- Overview of video effects and transitions
- Effects
- Transitions
- Properties panel
Essential Graphics panel (24.x and earlier)
- Overview of the Essential Graphics panel
- Create a title
- Linked and Track Styles
- Working with style browser
- Create a shape
- Draw with the Pen tool
- Align and distribute objects
- Change the appearance of text and shapes
- Apply gradients
- Add Responsive Design features to your graphics
- Speech to Text
- Download language packs for transcription
- Working with captions
- Check spelling and Find and Replace
- Export text
- Speech to Text FAQs
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Best Practices: Faster graphics workflows
- Retiring the Legacy Titler FAQs
- Upgrade Legacy titles to Source Graphics
- Overview: Color workflows in Premiere Pro
- Color Settings
- Auto Color
- Get creative with color using Lumetri looks
- Adjust color using RGB and Hue Saturation Curves
- Correct and match colors between shots
- Using HSL Secondary controls in the Lumetri Color panel
- Create vignettes
- Looks and LUTs
- Lumetri scopes
- Display Color Management
- Timeline tone mapping
- HDR for broadcasters
- Enable DirectX HDR support
- Collaboration in Premiere Pro
- Get started with collaborative video editing
- Create Team Projects
- Add and manage media in Team Projects
- Invite and manage collaborators
- Share and manage changes with collaborators
- View auto saves and versions of Team Projects
- Manage Team Projects
- Linked Team Projects
- Frequently asked questions
- Set preferences
- Reset and restore preferences
- Recovery Mode
- Working with Proxies
- Check if your system is compatible with Premiere Pro
- Premiere Pro for Apple silicon
- Eliminate flicker
- Interlacing and field order
- Smart rendering
- Control surface support
- Best Practices: Working with native formats
Knowledge Base
- Known issues
- Fixed issues
- Fix Premiere Pro crash issues
- Unable to migrate settings after updating Premiere Pro
- Green and pink video in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush
- How do I manage the Media Cache in Premiere Pro?
- Fix errors when rendering or exporting
- Troubleshoot issues related to playback and performance in Premiere Pro
- Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide
- Beta releases
- Getting started
- Hardware and operating system requirements
- Creating projects
- Workspaces and workflows
Import media
- Importing
- Importing from Avid or Final Cut
- File formats
- Working with timecode
- Edit video
- Create and change sequences
- Set In and Out points in the Source Monitor
- Add clips to sequences
- Rearrange and move clips
- Find, select, and group clips in a sequence
- Remove clips from a sequence
- Change sequence settings
- Edit from sequences loaded into the Source Monitor
- Simplify sequences
- Rendering and previewing sequences
- Working with markers
- Add markers to clips
- Create markers in Effect Controls panel
- Set default marker colors
- Find, move, and delete markers
- Show or hide markers by color
- View marker comments
- Copy and paste sequence markers
- Sharing markers with After Effects
- Source patching and track targeting
- Scene edit detection
- Cut and trim clips
- Video
- Overview of audio in Premiere Pro
- Edit audio clips in the Source Monitor
- Audio Track Mixer
- Adjusting volume levels
- Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
- Enhance Speech
- Enhance Speech FAQs
- Audio Category Tagging
- Automatically duck audio
- Remix audio
- Monitor clip volume and pan using Audio Clip Mixer
- Audio balancing and panning
- Advanced Audio - Submixes, downmixing, and routing
- Audio effects and transitions
- Working with audio transitions
- Apply effects to audio
- Measure audio using the Loudness Radar effect
- Recording audio mixes
- Editing audio in the timeline
- Audio channel mapping in Premiere Pro
- Use Adobe Stock audio in Premiere Pro
- Text-Based Editing
- Advanced editing
- Best Practices
Video Effects and Transitions
- Overview of video effects and transitions
- Effects
- Transitions
Titles, Graphics, and Captions
- Properties panel
Essential Graphics panel (24.x and earlier)
- Overview of the Essential Graphics panel
- Create a title
- Linked and Track Styles
- Working with style browser
- Create a shape
- Draw with the Pen tool
- Align and distribute objects
- Change the appearance of text and shapes
- Apply gradients
- Add Responsive Design features to your graphics
- Speech to Text
- Download language packs for transcription
- Working with captions
- Check spelling and Find and Replace
- Export text
- Speech to Text FAQs
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Best Practices: Faster graphics workflows
- Retiring the Legacy Titler FAQs
- Upgrade Legacy titles to Source Graphics
- Fonts and emojis
- Animation and Keyframing
- Compositing
Color Correction and Grading
- Overview: Color workflows in Premiere Pro
- Color Settings
- Auto Color
- Get creative with color using Lumetri looks
- Adjust color using RGB and Hue Saturation Curves
- Correct and match colors between shots
- Using HSL Secondary controls in the Lumetri Color panel
- Create vignettes
- Looks and LUTs
- Lumetri scopes
- Display Color Management
- Timeline tone mapping
- HDR for broadcasters
- Enable DirectX HDR support
- Exporting media
Collaborative editing
- Collaboration in Premiere Pro
- Get started with collaborative video editing
- Create Team Projects
- Add and manage media in Team Projects
- Invite and manage collaborators
- Share and manage changes with collaborators
- View auto saves and versions of Team Projects
- Manage Team Projects
- Linked Team Projects
- Frequently asked questions
- Long form and Episodic workflows
- Working with other Adobe applications
- Organizing and Managing Assets
Improving Performance and Troubleshooting
- Set preferences
- Reset and restore preferences
- Recovery Mode
- Working with Proxies
- Check if your system is compatible with Premiere Pro
- Premiere Pro for Apple silicon
- Eliminate flicker
- Interlacing and field order
- Smart rendering
- Control surface support
- Best Practices: Working with native formats
Knowledge Base
- Known issues
- Fixed issues
- Fix Premiere Pro crash issues
- Unable to migrate settings after updating Premiere Pro
- Green and pink video in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush
- How do I manage the Media Cache in Premiere Pro?
- Fix errors when rendering or exporting
- Troubleshoot issues related to playback and performance in Premiere Pro
- Extensions and plugins
- Video and audio streaming
- Monitoring Assets and Offline Media
Vastused küsimustele, mis on seotud Frame.io laiendusega Adobe Creative Cloudile.
Millised plaanid on saadaval Creative Cloudi klientidele?
Frame.io pakub erinevaid kliendiplaane sõltuvalt nende ärivajadustest; plaanid on vahemikus Tasuta kuni Ettevõte. Nende plaanide kohta leiate lisateavet siit.
Adobe'i mandaatidega registreerumisel saavad Creative Cloudi kliendid kasutada täiustatud tasuta plaani, mis sisaldab 100 GB spetsiaalset Frame.io pilvesalvestusruumi, võimalust töötada koos teise kasutajaga kuni 5 erineva projektiga ja funktsiooni Kaamerast pilve.
Märkus: see pakkumine ei kehti K-12 ja kõrgkoolidest klientidele.
Värskendades Frame.io rakenduses tasulisele plaanile, saavad kliendid hõlpsasti lisada rohkem koostöö- ja turvafunktsioone, kasutajaid ja salvestusruumi.
Kust saada teavet Frame.io meeskonna- ja ettevõtteversiooni kohta?
Teavet Frame.io meeskonna- ja ettevõtteversiooni kohta küsige oma müügiesindajalt juba täna.
Kontod ja arveldamine
Kas mult võetakse tasu, kui login Frame.io'sse sisse oma Adobe ID-ga?
Esimesel Adobe ID-ga Frame.io-sse sisselogimisel käivitub Frame.io meeskonnaplaani tasuta 30-päevane prooviperiood. 30-päevase Frame.io meeskonnaplaani prooviperioodi lõppemisel saate jätkuvalt kasutada täiustatud tasuta Frame.io plaani, mis sisaldab 100 GB Frame.io pilvesalvestusruumi, 5 projekti ja funktsiooni Kaamerast pilve.
Alati on võimalik üle minna tasulisele Frame.io plaanile (siit leiate lisateavet Frame.io plaanide kohta).
Kui otsustan osta Frame.io meeskonna plaani, kas arveldamine on seotud minu Adobe'i tellimusega?
Ei, hetkel toimub Frame.io arveldamine eraldi Adobe Creative Cloudi arveldamisest. Frame.io Pro meeskonna või ettevõtte plaan tuleb osta Creative Cloudist eraldi.
Olen oma Adobe ID-ga juba loonud tasuta Frame.io konto. Kuidas hankida täiustatud tasuta Frame.io plaani?
Oma Adobe ID-ga uue Frame.io konto loomiseks tuleb alustuseks ära muuta olemasoleva Frame.io esmane meiliaadress.
- Muutke oma olemasoleva Frame.io konto meiliaadressi nii, et see ei oleks enam teie Adobe ID meiliaadressiga sama.
- Kui Adobe ID-ga seotud meiliaadress ei ole enam seotud olemasoleva kontoga, saate Frame.io-sse sisse logida nupuga Continue with Adobe ID (Jätka Adobe ID-ga), et aktiveerida Frame.io Creative Cloudile.
Enne muudatuse tegemist laadige kindlasti alla kõik vahendid, mida oma algsel kontol soovite säilitada. Kui vajate abi, võtke ühendust Frame.io klienditoega.
Kuidas alustada Frame.io kasutamist?
Creative Cloudi tellijana saate Frame.io-sse sisse logida oma Adobe ID-ga (oma Adobe ID leiate siit). Logige sisse otse Premiere Pro ja After Effectsi uusimatesse versioonidesse sisseehitatud Frame.io paneelilt (Rakenduse värskendamine). Samuti saab sisse logida ka otse Frame.io veebilehe kaudu.
Kui olete Creative Cloudi meeskonna- või ettevõtteversiooni liige, peaks teie administraator teile esmalt seadistama või aktiveerima Frame.io konto ning seejärel teid ja teie grupi liikmeid koostöö tõhustamiseks kontole kutsuma. Lisateavet leiate jaotisest Frame.io ja Creative Cloudi meeskondade ja ettevõtete plaanid.