Export photos

Learn how to export photos to a folder in Elements Organizer.

  1. Select items you want to export.

  2. Select File > Export As New File(s).

  3. Specify the following options as required:

    File Type

    Specifies the file format for the exported photo. Choose Use Original Format to keep the file in its current format.

    Size And Quality

    Changes the pixel dimensions, file size, compression, and quality of the photo. You can’t increase the original image size when exporting using the Original Format file type.


    Specifies the folder in which to store the exported file. Click Browse to specify a different folder or drive.


    Specifies the name of the exported file. Select Original Names to use the current name of the photos. To export files with the same name plus a sequential number, select Common Base Name and type a name. If a filename exists in the target folder, the exported file’s name is modified to avoid overwriting an existing file.

  4. Click Export.

    Export New Files
    The Export New Files dialog box

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