Email photos as PDF file

Learn how you can email photos as a PDF file using Elements Organizer.

You can create a PDF file using the selected photos and share it using email. The photos in the PDF file play as a slideshow when the PDF file is opened.

  1. Select photos that you want to share.

  2. Select Share > PDF Slide Show.

  3. Specify the file size and quality for the exported files. When you specify higher values, the size of the PDF file correspondingly increases.

  4. Enter a name for the PDF file.

  5. If you have created a contact book for your email client, the list of contacts is displayed. Select the recipients from the list.

  6. Click Next.

    Your default email client (set in Sharing > Preferences) opens. The generated PDF file can be found as an attachment.

  7. Edit the contents of your email and send it.

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