Fixing photos in Elements Organizer

Learn how to quickly correct the most common problems in photos by using the tools in the Instant Fix editor in the task pane of the Elements Organizer.

Using the tools in the Instant Fix editor in the task pane of the Elements Organizer, you can quickly correct the most common problems in photos. With these tools, you can make quick adjustments or add interesting effects to a group of photos simultaneously. For example, you can:

  • Crop a photo
  • Remove red eye 
  • Apply various effects
  • Adjust light and color
  • Improve clarity

The Instant Fix editor creates copies of the selected photos, makes the required adjustments in the copies, and saves the copies to the version sets of the photos on which they are based.


The Instant Fix editor is meant to perform quick edits and apply effects from within Elements Organizer. You can edit your photos in the full-fledged Photoshop Elements Editor by clicking the Editor button.

Editing photos using Instant Fix

  1. Select one or more photos in the Media view. (Ctrl-click/Cmd-click photos to select more than one.)
  2. In the Action panel, click the Instant Fix icon.

    Instant Fix

  3. The photos are opened in the Instant Fix editor that is built in to Elements Organizer. Based on the number of photos in selection, either the Single-image Edit view or the Multi-image Edit view is displayed. If the number of photos is more than that can be displayed in the Edit screen, you can scroll through the photos by using the < or > buttons.

    Once you are in the Edit view, try using different edit features and other functionalities available in that view. Some of these edits are explained in the next sections.

    Multi-image view

    Single-image view

Applying edits and effects

You can apply various edits and effects simultaneously to all the photos or to a single photo. The following edits and effects are available.

Experiment with the various edit options available in the Instant Fix editor. The following example shows the Antique Light effect, which is one of the options available with in Effects.

Any edits you choose are applied to all the photos that you selected when you clicked the Instant Fix button in the Action panel. The only exceptions are the Crop, Red-eye, and Flip, which are available only in the Single-image view. 

To apply an effect only to a single photo, do one of the following:

  • click that photo and then click the Single-image view icon, or
  • double-click the photo in the Multi-image view

The photo is displayed in the Single-image view. You can now apply the edit of your choice to this photo. 

The following image shows the Bueno effect applied to a single photo.

Using the slider in effects

Edits such as Light, Color, and Clarity include a slider that you can use to change the intensity of the effect across a range of values. If you are using a touch device, you can drag the slider up or down to change the intensity of the effect.

Using Smart Fix

Smart Fix corrects problems commonly caused due to poor exposure, contrast, color balance, and color saturation. This is a fast, one-click solution to instantly improve the quality of your photos. As with other edits, it can work simultaneously on multiple photos.

Smart Fix

Applying or undoing changes

  • To apply an effect and remain in the Instant Fix editor, click the Save button.
  • To apply a change and exit to the Media view, click the Done button.
  • To Undo a change, click the Undo button. You can use the Undo button to undo multiple changes one by one. For example, if you applied five edits to an image, you can use the Undo button to remove all five effects one by one (by clicking the button five times).
  • To redo a change, use the Redo button. 
  • To completely discard all edits applied to a photo, use the Reset button.

Rotating photos

  1. In the Media view, select one or more photos. Shift-click to select adjacent photos, or Ctrl-click/Cmd-click to select nonadjacent photos.
  2. In the task pane, do one of the following:
    • To rotate the photo counterclockwise by 90°, click the Rotate Left button .

    • To rotate the photo clockwise by 90°, click the Rotate Right button .

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