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Migrate Apple Photos Library to Lightroom


Learn how to migrate your Apple Photos Library to Lightroom, Adobe’s all-in-one service designed from the ground up for photo enthusiasts.

Prepare Apple Photos Library for migration

Ensure that the Apple Photos Library you want to migrate is set as the Systems Photos Library. To set your library as the Systems Photos Library, follow these steps:

  1. Open Apple Photos and select Preferences in the menu bar.

  2. Click the General tab and select Use as System Photo Library under Library Location.

    Migrate Apple Photos Library. Select Use as System Photo Library.
    Select Use as System Photo Library. If it is grayed out, then it is already set as the System Photos Library.

    • If Use as System Photo Library is grayed out, then the library is already set as System Photos Library.
    • If you want to migrate the assets synced to your iCloud Library, click the iCloud tab and select iCloud Photo Library.
    • Ensure that Download Originals to this Mac is selected, as the Photos migrator can only migrate photos for which originals are stored locally. Wait for all your originals to be downloaded before you begin migration.
    Migrate Original photos
    Select 'iCloud Photo Library' to migrate assets that are synced to iCloud Library. Select 'Download Originals to this Mac' to allow migration of originals.

Before you begin migration

A Photos Library can be migrated to Lightroom only once. You can, however, migrate additional libraries. Also consider the following before you begin migration to Lightroom:

Start migration

  • In Lightroom, ensure that Local Storage > Originals Are Currently Stored In A Custom Location preference points to the desired location to store the migrated Apple Photos Library. To know more, see Local storage preferences.
  • An Apple Photos Library can be migrated only once. You can however migrate additional libraries.
  1. Open Lightroom and select File in the menu bar. In the File menu, select Migrate Apple Photos Library and click Continue.

  2. You can then view and read the Before You Begin dialog box. Keep the following considerations in mind and click Continue.

    • You can migrate an Apple Photos Library only once.
    • Photos with originals only on iCloud and Hidden Photos are not migrated.
    • Ensure that the Apple Photos Library you want to migrate is set as System Photos Library.
    Migration behavior of Apple Photos Library to Lightroom
    Read the details before you begin migration of Apple Photos Library to Lightroom CC.

  3. Lightroom scans the catalog, launches the migrator, and displays a progress bar of the migration. This step can take a while to complete.

    (Occasional) Review any exceptions that the migrator reports. For example, the migrator can report an exception if it is unable to locate some photos included in your source catalog. In such a case, you can click Cancel and begin the process afresh after resolving the issues in Apple Photos Library. If you want to ignore the exceptions and continue migrating, click Start Migration.

    Review the information in the Catalog Ready for Migration dialog. If necessary, click Open Log File to inspect details. When ready, click Start Migration.

    Lightroom begins the migration process and displays a progress bar. Depending on the catalog size and the resources on your computer, this step can take a while to complete.

    Get catalog ready and begin migration
    Click Open Log File to view the log file. Click Start Migration to begin migration.

  4. When the migration is complete, a dialog box displays the status. If there are exceptions, click Open Log File to review the details.

    Migration complete
    Click Open Log File to view the errors in migration. Click Done to complete the migration.

  5. Click Done.

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