Select music clip.
- Importing
- Importing from Avid or Final Cut
- File formats
- Working with timecode
- Edit video
- Create and change sequences
- Set In and Out points in the Source Monitor
- Add clips to sequences
- Rearrange and move clips
- Find, select, and group clips in a sequence
- Remove clips from a sequence
- Change sequence settings
- Edit from sequences loaded into the Source Monitor
- Simplify sequences
- Rendering and previewing sequences
- Working with markers
- Add markers to clips
- Create markers in Effect Controls panel
- Set default marker colors
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- View marker comments
- Copy and paste sequence markers
- Sharing markers with After Effects
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- Scene edit detection
- Cut and trim clips
- Video
- Text-Based Editing
- Advanced editing
- Best Practices
- Overview of video effects and transitions
- Effects
- Transitions
- Properties panel
Essential Graphics panel (24.x and earlier)
- Overview of the Essential Graphics panel
- Create a title
- Linked and Track Styles
- Working with style browser
- Create a shape
- Draw with the Pen tool
- Align and distribute objects
- Change the appearance of text and shapes
- Apply gradients
- Add Responsive Design features to your graphics
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- Working with captions
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- Speech to Text FAQs
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Best Practices: Faster graphics workflows
- Retiring the Legacy Titler FAQs
- Upgrade Legacy titles to Source Graphics
- Overview: Color workflows in Premiere Pro
- Color Settings
- Auto Color
- Get creative with color using Lumetri looks
- Adjust color using RGB and Hue Saturation Curves
- Correct and match colors between shots
- Using HSL Secondary controls in the Lumetri Color panel
- Create vignettes
- Looks and LUTs
- Lumetri scopes
- Display Color Management
- Timeline tone mapping
- HDR for broadcasters
- Enable DirectX HDR support
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- Premiere Pro for Apple silicon
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- Control surface support
- Best Practices: Working with native formats
Knowledge Base
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- Unable to migrate settings after updating Premiere Pro
- Green and pink video in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush
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Import media
- Importing
- Importing from Avid or Final Cut
- File formats
- Working with timecode
Video Effects and Transitions
- Overview of video effects and transitions
- Effects
- Transitions
Titles, Graphics, and Captions
- Properties panel
Essential Graphics panel (24.x and earlier)
- Overview of the Essential Graphics panel
- Create a title
- Linked and Track Styles
- Working with style browser
- Create a shape
- Draw with the Pen tool
- Align and distribute objects
- Change the appearance of text and shapes
- Apply gradients
- Add Responsive Design features to your graphics
- Speech to Text
- Download language packs for transcription
- Working with captions
- Check spelling and Find and Replace
- Export text
- Speech to Text FAQs
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Best Practices: Faster graphics workflows
- Retiring the Legacy Titler FAQs
- Upgrade Legacy titles to Source Graphics
- Fonts and emojis
- Animation and Keyframing
- Compositing
Color Correction and Grading
- Overview: Color workflows in Premiere Pro
- Color Settings
- Auto Color
- Get creative with color using Lumetri looks
- Adjust color using RGB and Hue Saturation Curves
- Correct and match colors between shots
- Using HSL Secondary controls in the Lumetri Color panel
- Create vignettes
- Looks and LUTs
- Lumetri scopes
- Display Color Management
- Timeline tone mapping
- HDR for broadcasters
- Enable DirectX HDR support
- Exporting media
Collaborative editing
- Collaboration in Premiere Pro
- Get started with collaborative video editing
- Create Team Projects
- Add and manage media in Team Projects
- Invite and manage collaborators
- Share and manage changes with collaborators
- View auto saves and versions of Team Projects
- Manage Team Projects
- Linked Team Projects
- Frequently asked questions
- Long form and Episodic workflows
- Working with other Adobe applications
- Organizing and Managing Assets
Improving Performance and Troubleshooting
- Set preferences
- Reset and restore preferences
- Recovery Mode
- Working with Proxies
- Check if your system is compatible with Premiere Pro
- Premiere Pro for Apple silicon
- Eliminate flicker
- Interlacing and field order
- Smart rendering
- Control surface support
- Best Practices: Working with native formats
Knowledge Base
- Known issues
- Fixed issues
- Fix Premiere Pro crash issues
- Unable to migrate settings after updating Premiere Pro
- Green and pink video in Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush
- How do I manage the Media Cache in Premiere Pro?
- Fix errors when rendering or exporting
- Troubleshoot issues related to playback and performance in Premiere Pro
- Extensions and plugins
- Video and audio streaming
- Monitoring Assets and Offline Media
Retime music to match the duration of your video.
Powered by Adobe Sensei, Remix in Premiere Pro saves hours of cutting, rippling, adding fades, and previewing results, trying to fit a piece of music to the length of a scene.
Whether your music clips come from a favorite stock audio service like Adobe Stock, your personal or commercial libraries, or even your neighbor's garage band, you can use Remix to find the ideal cut points or loops, retiming and rearranging your songs almost instantly.
How does Remix work?
When you apply Remix, Premiere Pro analyzes by measuring several qualities of each beat in a song, comparing them to every other beat. Remix then finds the path of highest confidence based on those qualities to create a musically coherent and seamless song remix, including cuts and crossfades.
Where do I start?
To use Remix:
What should I consider when remixing a music clip?
When you remix a song, consider elements like target duration, dynamics (how many different sections there are in the song), and the type of music.
Use the Customize sliders in the Essential Sound panel to try out different arrangements.
Simply select an audio clip, enable Remix, and then edit these properties.
There is a slight timing issue with preview versions of Adobe Stock music. If you use Remix on a Preview and then decide to purchase the track, check the timing of your remix with the full version. If necessary, reapply Remix to the original full-length song.
Target duration
If you know the duration you're trying to achieve, you can type this in the Target Duration text in the Essential Sound panel Remix Properties. You can also use the Remix tool in the Toolbar panel to drag the length of the music clip to match your content visually. Depending on factors like the original tempo and composition of the song, and other parameters, Remix finds a version of the music within 5 seconds of the target duration and usually within 1 second.
Adjust this parameter to control the number of cuts and crossfades made in a Remix. Lower values make as few cuts as necessary, while higher values give the algorithm more flexibility to adapt to dynamic songs.
Adjust this parameter to quickly preview alternative remixes, focusing on either more melodic or harmonic elements of the song. A track with a strong solo instrument, like a trumpet or voice, may get better results with a melodic variation, while an orchestral or chorale piece may sound more natural with a harmonic variation.
How do I know my Remix worked?
Every edit Remix makes is displayed as a vertical zig-zag line on the new audio clip. Move your playhead a little before these indicators and press Play. You can hear the new edit in real time. You can also double-click the clip to open the remixed song in the Source Monitor and listen to it in isolation.
Tips and tricks
- Remix always keeps the beginning and end of your clip and remixes the middle. If there is a specific part of the song you want to happen at a particular point in your project, split the original clip right at this point and Remix both clips separately. You can then put them together to make a seamless transition between the two and align this point with your video.
- Remix does not understand the vocals in the music. Sometimes, this means Remix keeps the first few lines from one verse and edits them into the last few lines of a different verse. Keep this in mind while remixing music with vocals.
Related resources
Talk to us

If you have a question on Remix, reach out to us in our Premiere Pro community. We would love to help.