Feature summary | Illustrator (May 2022 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the May 2022 release of Illustrator on the desktop (version 26.3.1).

Add perspective to 3D objects

Add perspective to 3D objects with Perspective Camera, which lets you make precise rotation adjustments and angles to capture a specific viewpoint.

For more details, see Rotation and perspective

Drag and drop graphics to 3D panel

You can now easily add new graphics to the 3D panel by using drag and drop from the document. Select an artwork and include it as a Graphic from the Materials tab to make it available for mapping. 

For more details, see Map artwork over 3D objects

AVIF format support

Illustrator now supports AVIF file format. AVIF is an image file format that uses the AV1 compression algorithm. AV1 is an open format initially designed for video transmission over internet.

AVIF format support

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