Adobe Connect 9.6 Release Notes

Welcome to the Adobe Connect 9.6 release. Know the release dates, upgrade information, updates and improvements, and the known issues.


Adobe Connect is a market-leading web conferencing solution that enables corporations and government agencies worldwide to improve collaboration, webinars, and eLearning through exceptionally rich interactions. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

This release delivers new capabilities and resolves several issues and bugs.

Release Date

Adobe Connect 9.6 rolls out in the following phases:

  • On-premise: Adobe Connect 9.6 installer for customer on-premise deployments in all the supported Locales: May 10, 2017
  • Hosted: Adobe Connect 9.6 service hosted by Adobe: Starting Apr 24, 2017. Check the migration schedule for your account here
  • Managed Services: Adobe-managed, customer-specific cloud deployments of Adobe Connect: Updates are scheduled based on customer requirements. Reach out to your representative to schedule an update.

What's New in Adobe Connect 9.6

To know the new features and enhancements in Adobe Connect, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

System Requirements

For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Tech Specs Page.

New Adobe Connect Add-in 

This update requires a new Adobe Connect Add-in (henceforth referred to as simply “Add-in”) for functionality specific to meeting hosts and presenters on Windows and Mac.  The following minimum Add-in versions will be required:

  • Windows:  11.9.979.355
  • MAC: 11.9.979.366

You will be asked to install the new Add-in when:

  • You try to start/join a 9.6 meeting for the first time and
  • Have an older version of the Connect Add-in installed


  • You invoke screen sharing, application sharing, or share PowerPoint (PPTX format) files and
  • Do not have the Connect 9.6 Add-in installed OR
  • Do not have the latest version of the Connect Add-in installed

If you are in a locked-down IT environment, we recommend that you ensure that all of your end users have the new Adobe Connect Add-in and Adobe Flash Player (version 13.0 or later) installed. Download the Adobe Connect 9.6 Add-ins from this page, or directly from the links here:

Add-in for Windows

Add-in for Mac

Upgrade path for on-premise deployments

Adobe Connect 9.6 server upgrade paths for on-premise deployments are from the following versions:

  • Adobe Connect 9.0.x
  • Adobe Connect 9.1.x
  • Adobe Connect 9.2.x
  • Adobe Connect 9.3.x
  • Adobe Connect 9.4.x
  • Adobe Connect 9.5.x
  • Adobe Connect 8.x to Adobe Connect 9
  • Adobe Connect 7.5 to Adobe Connect 8 to Adobe Connect 9

Issues Resolved

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


Fixed an issue where an incorrect Adobe Connect version and Adobe FMG version are displayed in the Control Panel after installing Adobe Connect version 9.5.7.


Fixed issue where addin version 11.9.978.354 crashes on Windows


Added feature to retain manually changed attendee names on reconnect


Fixed issue where individual session report did not list all users attending the meeting


Fixed issue where threshold exceeded notification was shown to authors upon logging to connect account


Fixed issue where poll pod question was not showing in the event report


Fixed issue where manager field was blank in Downloadable Reports> Users


Fixed issue where few users could not receive VoIP Audio


Fixed issue where overlap of text was observed on drawing over a combined PDF document in Breakout Rooms


Fixed issue where "Force Adobe Connect Add-in for:" workflow did not work for few users when Add-in was deployed using Add-in checker


Fixed issue where for Edge server, stream cache directory did not get created when file contained Asian Unicode characters


Fixed issue to ensure that Arkadin Adaptor uses the standard org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout instead of a custom layout


Fixed issue where Recording Analyzer doesn't remove unexpected Gap


Fixed issue where few video feed appeared cropped for few users


Fixed issue where Add-in Checker installer gave error during installation in WIN10 machine


Fixed issue where sometimes Add-in notification appeared without content


Fixed issue where Add-in version was not getting changed in control panel after upgrade


Fixed issue where virtual classroom ByCourse and ByUser report were out of sync


Fixed issue where 'Enter Room' button was overlaid by 'Enter with your login and password' for non-English languages


Fixed issue where users received "Request Not Processed" error after clicking on Event Management tab


Fixed issue where screen share went blank when 2 users tried sharing the screen on same share pod


Fixed issue where PowerPoint 2016 was throwing security errors which affected the PPTX upload in the share pod on Mac


Fixed issue where seek in recording playback took a lot of time


Fixed issue where user got wrong error message when he tried to log in a meeting on an account whose TOS grace period has expired


Fixed issue where Add-in opens in background on launch for edge/Spartan browser on windows 10


Added feature to allow Engagement Pod for regular meetings without the need for Events/Training modules


Fixed issue where Files Share pod download announcement (JAWS) didn’t happen regarding new tab being opened


Fixed issue where for Q&A pod participant view the list box was not announced by JAWS


Fixed issue where calendar time slots 12:00AM and 23:00PM did not show correct seminar session data


Fixed issue where Add-in installer gave an error if there was an instance of Add-in already opened while installing


Fixed issue where pressing Ctrl+. "Full screen" was not announced (JAWS)


Installer: Fixed issue where wrong index title was present for Shared Storage panel


Installer: Fixed issue where for customized Users.xml, the default password was not picked up on upgrading to 9.5 and User.xml is customized


Installer: Fixed issue where upgrading CQ using option to deploy with specific user account, did not work


Installer: Fixed issue where 'Support comments' was a mandatory field


Installer: Fixed issue where PGi (NA) dial out capabilities were not honoured in telephony-capabilities.xml


Installer: Fixed issue where installer did not honour MSSQL install folder location, while installing embedded database


Installer: Fixed issue where fresh Connect install with embedded database did not restrict network access


Installer: Fixed issue where dial-in sequence section in telephony-settings.xml got removed during installation for few telephony adaptors


Installer: Fixed issue where connect upgrade from 9.0 to 9.5 failed if it had embedded database


Installer: Fixed issue where sharing of PDF files in meetings failed after installing Connect on clean Windows Server 2008/2012 machine


Installer: Fixed issue where upgrade scripts, that wnet to tempdb folder, included few unrelated scripts


Installer: Fixed issue where some inconsistent behaviour was seen for Connect uninstaller, while upgrading with only pre-deployment enabled


Installer: Fixed issue where Connect upgrade of CQ publisher instance did not install CQ patches


Installer: Fixed issue where changing "Call Me Dialog" option during installation of telephony adaptors did not do anything


Installer: Fixed issue where Connect installer did not configure MeetingOne EMEA adaptor (if selected)


Installer: Fixed issue where post installation, none of the configured telephony adaptors appeared as enabled in telephony-capabilities.xml


Installer: Fixed issue where unchecked files for migration were still getting migrated


Installer: Fixed issue where installation would freeze if user/password for deploying services was not correct


Installer: Fixed issue where upgrading FMG from Connect 9.1 or later did not trigger upgrade workflow


Installer: Fixed issue where Connect installer did not correctly update sip.xml profile while installing FMG


Installer: Fixed issue where "Do not start services" option after completing install still started CQ services.


Installer: Fixed issue where 9.5 Installation was displayed as 9.2 under program & features


Known Issues

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


Intermittently camera stream freezes or camera stops sending any video stream when sharing high-quality camera stream from a browser.


If a user tries to upload blocked content, it is not uploaded. However, the content is erroneously displayed in the uploaded content tab.


An incorrect error message is displayed when uploading .jsp and .jspx files in the file Share Pod.


Details of attachments in PPT files are not displayed properly when shared on Share Pod.

More Information

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