उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

Services browser

The Services Browser lets you view all the component files that are associated with your projects. The Service Browser lists all the component files that are present inside those Coldfusion servers. 

The Service Browser lists the following components: 

  • Components that the ColdFusion component browser lists the ColdFusion component browser is located at cf_root/wwwroot/CFIDE/componentutils/componentdoc.cfm.

  • Components that are in any directories specified in the ColdFusion Administrator Mappings page

  • Components that are in any directories specified in the ColdFusion Administrator Custom Tag paths page

You can restrict the list of CFCs according to whether the functions in a CFC are remote, public, or private.

To launch the Services Browser, perform either of the following:

  • Click the lightning icon on the lower left corner of the VS Code editor. The Services Browser tab launches on the right side of the editor.
  • Click the options button on the right side of the editor and choose Services Browser.

The Services Browser’s primary role is to list all the CFCs defined for a server. It creates a package base listing of each CFC. You can expand a package to see individual CFCs, and then expand a CFC to see the physical file path.

If you click any class, you can see the handlers and the list of functions of all scopes, private, public, or remote.

The Services Browser presents a high-level view of the component file and the functions that are present in the component. You can also see the data type, arguments, access type, and the return type of that function.

Services Browser filter

On top of the Services Browser, there are the following filters that filter the CFC files based on their access types.

  • Show Remote CFCs

  • Show Public 

  • Show Package

  • Show Private


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