Creative Cloud Photography plan for China | Common questions

Frequently asked questions about the Creative Cloud Photography plan - China

What does the Creative Cloud Photography plan for China include?

The Creative Cloud Photography plan for China is specifically designed for the Chinese markets and includes:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

Learn more about the Creative Cloud Photography plan.

I am a Creative Cloud Photography plan member. If I am interested in a complete set of Adobe's creative apps, is there a plan I can upgrade to?

You can upgrade to our Creative Cloud for teams plan which includes a complete set of Adobe's creative apps.

Learn more about the Creative Cloud for teams plan.

Are the applications installed on my computer or are they cloud based?

Your Creative Cloud desktop applications are installed locally on your computer. You don't need an ongoing Internet connection to use them. Connect to the Internet, once every 30 days to validate your membership.

However, you require an ongoing Internet connection to update your applications. Also, most learning tutorials and Help resources are available online. 

My redemption code doesn’t work. What should I do?

I lost my redemption code. What should I do?

Contact our partner Baozun (tel: 400-6806-121). They will resend your redemption code to you. 

Can I download a free trial of the Creative Cloud apps?

Yes. You can download a free seven-day trial of any app. 

See Adobe free trials and downloads.

What if I want to cancel my Creative Cloud Photography membership?

You can contact our partner Baozun (tel: 400-6806-121) for cancelation. If the cancelation happens within 14 days from purchase, you are eligible for a full refund. If cancelation happens after 14 days, you are not eligible for a refund but you can continue using the product until your plan expires. The 14-day period begins when the you purchase the Creative Cloud Photography plan.

If you purchased your Creative Cloud Photography membership via marketplaces such as Tmall, they may have a different return policy. 

How do I access the premium features in Lightroom for mobile?

To access the premium features in Lightroom for mobile, sign in with the Adobe ID associated with your Creative Cloud Photography plan. 

Can I use the Old creative suite and my new Creative Cloud Photography applications at the same time?

Yes. Your existing Creative Suite product installation is not affected by installing the new Creative Cloud Photography applications. For example, you can install and use the perpetually licensed Photoshop CS6 on the same computer as Photoshop.

What happens if I decide to stop my membership?

If you saved your work to your computer, you continue to have access to those files on your own device. However, you no longer have access to the Creative Cloud Photography applications. 

What if I have problems downloading the applications?

What are the minimum system requirements to run Creative Cloud Photography applications?

Can I use my Creative Cloud Photography applications when I travel outside China?

Yes, but when you use it the first time it must be within China for the software to work.

Is the Creative Cloud Photography plan offered in China the same as what is offered worldwide?

The Creative Cloud Photography plan for China is specifically designed for the Chinese markets. To adapt to China’s need, Adobe has localized the software into simplified Chinese.

The Creative Cloud Photography plan for China does not include cloud service for now.

