Presets for export, and other settings

Export photos using presets

Export presets make it faster to export photos for common uses. For example, you can use a Lightroom Classic preset to export JPEG files suitable to e-mail to clients or friends.

Export photos using presets

  1. Select the photos you want to export and then choose File > Export With Preset or click the Export button.
  2. Choose a preset. Lightroom Classic offers the following built-in export presets:

    Burn Full-Sized JPEGs

    Exports photos as JPEGs converted to and tagged as sRGB with maximum quality, no scaling, and a resolution of 240 pixels per inch. By default, this preset saves the exported files to the Files On CD/DVD destination specified at the top of the Export dialog box, in a subfolder named Lightroom Classic Burned Exports.

    Export To DNG

    Exports photos in DNG file format. By default, this preset specifies no postprocessing action and allows you to choose a destination folder after you click Export.

    For Email

    Opens a message to allow you to send the photos to someone using email. See Email photos from Lightroom Classic.

    For Email (Hard Drive)

    Exports photos to the hard drive as sRGB JPEG files. Exported photos have a maximum size of 640 pixels (width or height), medium quality, and a resolution of 72 pixels per inch. Upon completion, Lightroom Classic shows the photos in the Explorer (Windows) or the Finder (Mac OS). Choose the destination folder after you click Export.

Save export settings as presets

  1. In the Export dialog box, specify the export settings you want to save.
  2. Click Add at the bottom of the Preset panel on the left side of the dialog box.
  3. In the New Preset dialog box, type a name in the Preset Name box and click Create.

Export photos using the previous settings

You can export photos using the same settings from the most recent export session that was set manually, including modified presets. Otherwise, the Export With Previous command does not work with export presets.

  1. Select the photos to export.
  2. Choose File > Export With Previous.

Create export actions

You can put any item in the Export Actions folder that can be opened with a set of photo files. For example, you can place an executable file or shortcut (Windows), or application or alias (Mac OS) in the Export Actions folder. Items added to the folder are listed in the After Export menu of the Export dialog box the next time you export photos.


You can also add Photoshop droplets or script files to the Export Actions folder.

  1. Do any of the following to open the Export Actions folder:
    • In the Export dialog box, choose After Export > Go To Export Actions Folder Now.

    • Windows 10 and 11: Navigate to \Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Export Actions\.

    • Mac OS: Navigate to /Users/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Export Actions/.

  2. Add the item to the Export Actions folder.

Export plug-ins

Lightroom Classic supports plug-ins from third parties that add functionality to the Export dialog box. Depending on what third-party plug-ins you have installed, different options may be available in the Export dialog box. Check with the plug-in developer for support or documentation for their software.

Plug-ins located in the following folders are automatically loaded by Lightroom Classic and can be enabled and disabled by the Plug-In Manager, but not removed:

  • Mac OS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules

  • Windows 10 and 11: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Modules

For documentation on the Lightroom Classic SDK, visit

Manage export plug-ins

  1. Choose File > Plug-In Manager or click the Plug-In Manager button in the lower-left corner of the Export dialog box.

    The Lightroom Classic Plug-In Manager dialog box lists installed plug-ins in the left panel.

  2. Do any of the following:
    • Select a plug-in from the left panel to view information about it in the main panel.

    • To add a plug-in to Lightroom Classic, click the Add button. Navigate to the plug-in, select it, and then click Add Plug-In.

    • To remove a plug-in from Lightroom Classic, select it from the left panel and then click Remove.

    • Click Plug-In Exchange to go to the Adobe website and search for plug-ins.

  3. Click Done to close the Lightroom Classic Plug-In Manager and return to the Export dialog box.

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