Import photos from Photoshop Elements

Automatically import photos from Photoshop Elements to Lightroom Classic

Import photos from Photoshop Elements to Lightroom Classic CC

If you have Lightroom Classic, likely as part of the Creative Cloud Photography plan, you can quickly transfer all your photos from Elements to Lightroom Classic with just a click. In Lightroom Classic , select File > Import a Photoshop Elements Catalog... Information from your Elements catalog; including photo ratings, people tags, and other data; is preserved in Lightroom Classic.


With the Creative Cloud Photography plan, you can take your digital photography to the next level. Creative Cloud Photography plan gives you access to all the essential photography tools, including Lightroom Classic and Photoshop, that let you quickly create incredible pro-quality digital images. Read more about the Creative Cloud Photography plan.

Import a Photoshop Elements catalog

  1. If you don't already have Lightroom Classic, download and install it on your computer.
  2. In the Library module, choose File > Import a Photoshop Elements Catalog...
Import a Photoshop Elements catalog in Lightroom Classic
Transfer your photos from Elements to Lightroom Classic

  1. In the Import a Photoshop Elements Catalog dialog box that appears, click Browse to choose a catalog to import. Click Import to import the selected Photoshop Elements Catalog.
Lightroom Classic CC Import Photoshop Elements Catalog dialog
The Import a Photoshop Elements Catalog dialog

  1. Click Import to import the Elements catalog into a new Lightroom Classic catalog. Lightroom Classic displays a progress bar indicating the status of the operation.
Lightroom Classic catalog creation
Progress bar: Lightroom Classic catalog creation

Important considerations

  • Any albums you may have created in Elements are now represented as Collections in Lightroom Classic.
  • Information added using the Events feature in Elements Organizer will not
    appear in Lightroom Classic. You can create tags for the events you've identified in Elements Organizer and the tag information will be imported into Lightroom Classic.

Import photos from a different Lightroom Classic catalog

When you import photos from a different Lightroom Classic catalog into the current catalog, you can specify options to handle new photos and photos that already appear in the current catalog.


Catalogs from earlier versions of Lightroom Classic, including public beta releases, must be opened and updated before they can be imported into another catalog. See Upgrade a catalog from an earlier version of Lightroom Classic.

  1. Choose File > Import From Another Catalog.
  2. Navigate to the catalog you want to import and click Open (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS).
  3. Specify the photos to import:
    • Under Catalog Contents, make sure the folders containing the photos to import are selected.

    • To select or deselect individual photos, click Show Preview, and click the box in the upper-left corner of any preview image. You can also choose Check All or Uncheck All.

  4. In the New Photos area, choose an option from the File Handling menu:

    Add New Photos To Catalog Without Moving

    Imports photos at their current location.

    Copy New Photos To A New Location And Import

    Imports photos to a new location. Click Choose and specify the folder.

    Don’t Import New Photos

    Only photos that exist in the current catalog are imported. Lightroom Classic determines a photo is a duplicate (already in the catalog) if it has the same, original filename; the same Exif capture date and time; and the same file size.

  5. In the Changed Existing Photos area, do any of the following:

    • Replace metadata, Develop settings, and negative files to override all the settings in the current catalog. If you choose this option, you can select the Preserve Old Settings As A Virtual Copy option to keep a backup. You can also select the Replace Non-Raw Files Only option to avoid replacing raw negatives. If changes to raw negative files affect only metadata, selecting this option helps save time.

    • Replace metadata and Develop settings only to leave the negative files (the source photos) unchanged. If you choose this option, you can select the Preserve Old Settings As A Virtual Copy option to keep a backup.

    • Replace nothing to import only new photos.

    • If photos in the current catalog are missing and can be found in the imported catalog, indicate whether you want to update the metadata and Develop settings for these files. Select the Preserve Old Settings As A Virtual Copy option to keep a backup. If the photos missing in the current catalog appear in the imported catalog, specify whether the missing files are copied and where they copied to.

  6. Click Import.

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