Use the Radial Filter tool

The background or elements surrounding the primary object of your photograph can distract the viewer. To draw attention to the focal point, you can create a vignette effect. The Radial Gradient tool enables you to create multiple, off-centre, vignetted areas to highlight specific portions of a photograph.

With the Radial Gradient tool, you can make local adjustments with an elliptical mask. You can use the Radial Gradient tool to draw an elliptical area around the subject and choose to reduce the exposure, saturation, and sharpness of the portions outside the selected mask.

Lightroom Classic CC Radial filter
The background is too prominent in the image Two Radial Filters applied to the image to accentuate the subject


Press Shift + M to toggle the Radial Gradient tool.

Video tutorial: The Radial Filter tool

Apply a Radial Gradient to enhance a photo

  1. In the Develop module, Under Masking, select the Radial Gradient tool from the toolstrip.

    Lightroom Classic CC Radial filter tool
    The Radial Gradient tool (Shift + M) is available in the Develop module.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a Radial Gradient, click and drag the mouse across the region of interest. This will draw an elliptical shape, determining the area affected or excluded from your adjustments.
    • To edit an existing Radial Gradient, click and drag any white handles on the photo.

    While drawing, press Shift to constrain the Radial Gradient to a circle.

  3. Select or clear the Invert checkbox to determine what area of the photo you want to modify. The checkbox isn't selected by default.

    • Invert not selected (default): Changing any setting affects the image region inside the marquee area.
    • Invert selected:  Changing any setting affects the image region outside the marquee area.
  4. Adjust the size (width and height) and orientation of the Radial Gradient added. Select a filter, and:

    • Click and drag the center of the filter to move and reposition it.
    • Hover the pointer on any of the four filter handles, and when the pointer icon changes, click and drag to change the filter size.
    • Hover the pointer close to the edge of the filter, and when the pointer icon changes, click and drag the edge of the filter to change the orientation.
    Lightroom Classic CC Adjust Radial filter size
    The filter area is represented by an elliptical marquee area.

  5. Use the adjustment sliders to create the desired visual changes. Use the Feather slider to adjust the visual falloff of the applied adjustment.

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to continue adding or editing filters.

  7. Click Reset, to remove all the Radial Filters applied to your image.

Keyboard shortcuts and modifiers for the Radial Gradient tool

New adjustments

  • Press and hold Shift + drag, to create an adjustment constrained to a circle.

Editing adjustments

  • While dragging one of the four handles to resize an adjustment, press and hold the Shift key, to preserve the aspect ratio of the adjustment shape.

Deleting adjustments

  • While an adjustment is selected, press the Delete key to delete the adjustment.

Adjustments with maximum coverage

  • Press Command/Control and double-click an empty area, to create an adjustment that is centred and covers the cropped image area.
  • Press Command/Control and double-click within an existing adjustment, to expand that adjustment to cover the cropped image area.
  • Double-click without pressing the Cmd/Ctrl key commits and dismisses the Radial Gradient tool.

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