In VS Code, right-click the project and select Import Code Profiler Data.
Last updated on
Aug 8, 2024
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- Adobe ColdFusion Builder extension for Visual Studio Code
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- Visual Studio code plugin update 4 release notes
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- Visual Studio code plugin update 2 release notes
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The Performance Monitoring Toolset monitors all transactions on a ColdFusion server and captures the response times along with other basic details of a transaction.
The procedure requires recording metrics for all components of a transaction, and thus you have the Code Profiler.
The first step is to run the Code Profiler in Performance Monitoring Toolset and then download the profiler data as a json file. For more information, see Code Profiler in Performance Monitoring Toolset.
The next step is to import the profiler data in the VS Code extension. To do so, follow the steps below: