- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
- Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- Adobe Connect Events
- Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
Create and manage Virtual Classroom and related courses, enrollees, templates, content, and recordings in Adobe Connect.
About virtual classrooms
Users with the Meeting and Training features installed can create virtual classrooms. Users must be a meeting host and training manager to create a virtual classroom. A Virtual Classroom Manager has the same rights as those of a Meeting Host and a Training Manager and can create a virtual classroom. The VC Manager can use Adobe Connect VCs without having the Meeting Host role as part of the Named Virtual Classroom licensing.
Use virtual classrooms to conduct training sessions. Virtual classrooms are added to a curriculum, just like a meeting. Unlike a meeting, virtual classrooms can have a Presenter course added that can impact completion requirements. (Course transcripts are not generated for students who enter a virtual classroom as a guest.)
Virtual reality (VR) functionality is not supported in Adobe Connect.
Completion requirements are not user configurable; completion is based on attendance. A learner is marked complete if they attended at all and marked incomplete if they were absent.
Just like meetings, there are three access levels for virtual classrooms: enrolled students only, enrolled students and accepted guests, and anyone who has the URL for the virtual classroom can enter the room.
When you select the option Anyone who has the URL, your room is publicly available. Any content uploaded to your room, is also publicly available. Any user who has the URL can access the uploaded content without your knowledge.
Creating a virtual classroom
In creating a virtual classroom, your workflow involves the following tasks:
Start the Virtual Classroom wizard
On the Adobe Connect Central home page, locate the Create menu bar and click Virtual Classroom.
Virtual classroom information
On the first page of the Virtual Classroom wizard, you enter background details about the virtual classroom, such as a name and summary. (Only the virtual classroom name and language are required; all other fields are optional.) You can edit this information after the virtual classroom is created.
You can suspend a virtual classroom. Suspending a virtual classroom prevents users from entering the classroom, until the organizer lifts the suspension after preparing the classroom completely, say by creating the room template.
By default, the Update Information for Any Items Linked To This Item option is selected. When creating a new virtual classroom, you do not have any items linked to the virtual classroom yet, but keep this item selected if you think you will link any items later.
Enroll learners
Only enrolled users can browse to the virtual classroom URL and log in to view the virtual classroom. To enroll large numbers of users, if you have the Event Management application, present the virtual classroom as an event.
You can add and delete learners, as required, after the virtual classroom is created. Also, you can enroll users in bulk.
Set up notifications
A virtual classroom notification is an email message telling enrollee how to access the virtual classroom.
When you format your notification, you can use runtime fields in the subject line and in the body of the message. These fields are virtual classroom information variables that are automatically filled in for you when the email notification is sent.
You can change the virtual classroom notifications after the virtual classroom is created.
Set up reminders
Reminders are optional. A virtual classroom reminder is an email message sent to either all or selected virtual classroom enrollee after you set up the virtual classroom. You can use reminders, for example, to remind enrollee that they are scheduled to enter the virtual classroom or to notify specific individuals that they are required to enter the virtual classroom.
View virtual classroom information
You can view information about a virtual classroom from the Virtual Classroom Information page. This page appears when you click the virtual classroom name in the Training folder list. From this page, you can view or edit the information for a specific virtual classroom, such as name, summary, URL, access details, and telephony information.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the folder that contains the virtual classroom.
Select the name of the virtual classroom.
Virtual classroom templates
If you have the Meeting and Training features installed, a Shared Training Templates folder, which contains the Virtual Classroom Template, is automatically installed. Hosts can choose to suspend a Virtual Classroom, before it is used for the first time. Suspending a Virtual Classroom locks out all users, including the host. Suspending is helpful in a scenario where hosts want to make final changes to the templates and ensure that they are applied.
For detailed information about templates, see Meeting room templates and layouts.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of virtual classrooms and what you can do in virtual classrooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
Apply a template to a new virtual classroom
When creating a new virtual classroom, choose a template from the Select Template menu on the Virtual Classroom Information Page. By default, the Default Virtual Classroom template is selected.Piezīme.
You can move a Virtual Classroom to the Shared Training Templates folder, and use the Virtual Classroom as a template while creating other Virtual Classrooms.
Convert a virtual classroom into a template
If you are a training manager and meeting host, you can create a virtual classroom template. Move the virtual classroom to one of two template folders: Shared Templates (in the Shared Training folder) if you want others to be able to access the template, or My Templates (in your user training folder) if you are the only one who uses the template.
note: To add a virtual classroom to the Shared Templates folder, you must have Manager permissions for the folder. By default, you have full control over virtual classrooms and templates in your user training folder.
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the folder containing the virtual classroom to convert.
In the Name list, click the check box next to the virtual classroom.
Click Move on the navigation bar.
The name of the virtual classroom is displayed in the left column.
Navigate to and select a folder. (Navigate to Shared Training > Shared Templates if you want to share the template with others.)
Click Move.
Your virtual classroom now resides in the template folder that you selected. The template is added to the list in the appropriate folder, either Shared Templates or My Templates.
When you are creating a virtual classroom with the New Virtual Classroom wizard, you can select the new template from the Select Template pop‑up menu. You can customize this classroom just like any other to meet your needs. Once the virtual classroom is created, you cannot apply a new template to it. Instead, create a new virtual classroom by using a new template. If the new template used to create a new virtual classroom contains any courses, then the new virtual classroom also contains the same courses.
Edit virtual classrooms
There are various tasks you can do to manage and maintain the virtual classrooms you have created.
Edit virtual classroom and telephony info
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the virtual classroom you want to edit.
In the Name column, click a virtual classroom.
In the navigation bar, click Edit Information.
Edit the virtual classroom information and audio conference settings as required.
Click Save.
Edit virtual classroom courses
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the virtual classroom you want to edit.
In the Name column, click a virtual classroom.
Click Manage Courses.Piezīme.
If a template used to create a new virtual classroom contains any courses, then the new virtual classroom also contains the same courses. Some courses are then pre-populated.
Add or delete courses as required, including courses created in Adobe Captivate.
Click Save.Piezīme.
Virtual classrooms do not support courses based on third-party SCORM content.
Edit virtual classroom enrollee
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the virtual classroom you want to edit.
In the Name column, click a virtual classroom.
To modify enrollment one at a time, click the Manage Enrollees link in the navigation bar. Do one of the following:
- Select an enrollee or enrollee in the Available Users and Groups list and click Add. (Press Control-click or Shift-click to select multiple users or groups. To expand a group to select individual members, double-click the group name. Then select individual users.)
- Select an enrollee or enrollee in the Current Enrollees list and click Remove.
To add enrollee in bulk, upload the names in a TXT or a CSV format, using the following steps:
- Create a CSV or a TXT file with the list of email IDs of users who already have a Connect account. Set the title of the first column containing the email IDs of users as login. Click Import Enrollees, and upload the CSV or TXT file. Upon successful import, the role of each enrollee is Participant. Change the roles of various enrollee using the user interface, if necessary.
- (Optionally) Select the checkbox 'Send Email Notifications to user enrolled on import' to send email notifications.
Duplicate entries in the CSV or TXT file are successfully imported at the first instance. The duplicate instances are ignored and reported after the import.
Edit virtual classroom notifications and reminders
You can use the notification feature to send an email message providing details to virtual classroom enrollee, including a link to the classroom. The message can go to all enrollee, or to a subset of enrollee.
The reminders feature in Adobe Connect Central, similar to the notification feature, lets you send email messages to enrollee. The primary difference between notifications and reminders, however, is that the Reminders page lets you send the messages at specified intervals. The message can go to all enrollee, or to a subset of enrollee.
note: Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of virtual classrooms and what you can do in virtual classrooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the virtual classroom you want to edit.
In the Name column, click a virtual classroom.
Click Notifications.
Click a notification or reminder in the list. (Notifications appear in the subject list with the notification icon
and reminders appear with the reminder icon
Click Edit.
Edit the notification or reminder as required. For example:
Change the timing option. (For reminders, you can set a recurrence option to automatically send out multiple reminders.)
Change the recipients. If you enter email addresses, use commas to separate the addresses.
Edit the email subject and message text. To edit using runtime fields, copy the field name from the Run Time Fields list and paste it into the message subject or body. Do not change the runtime field text in the curly brackets.
Click Send.
Edit virtual classroom content
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the virtual classroom you want to edit.
In the Name column, click a virtual classroom.
Click Uploaded Content.
Add, delete, and move content as required.
View and edit virtual classroom recordings
You control who can view a virtual classroom recording by setting the recording as public or private. For more information, see Play back a recorded meeting
From the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the virtual classroom you want to edit.
In the Name column, click a virtual classroom.
Click Recordings.
View and edit information as required.
View virtual classroom reports
The Reports feature of Adobe Connect Central lets you create reports that show you a given virtual classroom from different perspectives.
If you’re not on the Virtual Classroom Info page for the classroom, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the classroom. Click the classroom name to open the Virtual Classroom Info page.
Click the Reports link, toward the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
The default Summary report shows virtual classroom information and aggregate user information such as a single instance in which a given user has joined and exited the classroom (Unique Sessions); the last time that any invitee entered the classroom (Most Recent Session); number of people invited; number of people who attended; and the greatest number of people who entered the classroom at any one time (Peak Users).
Select another report type to obtain different information:
The By Attendees report lists the name and email address of each virtual classroom participant, as well as the time they entered the classroom and the time they left it.
The By Course report lists all courses embedded in the virtual classroom. Click the different embedded courses to view a list of the learners that have taken the course. If courses have been updated over time and there are multiple versions learners have viewed, the reports show which version each learner viewed.
The By Sessions report lists the start and end time of each session, the session number, and the number of attendees. Clicking the session number displays the participant list for this session, including participant name and entry and exist times for each participant.
The By Questions report lists each poll by session number, number, and question. You can drill down to two separate views by clicking the appropriate link under the Report column: “View answer distribution” displays a pie chart in which each answer is color-coded with a unique color. “View user responses” provides an answer key that lists each answer for this poll and its corresponding answer number; these numbers map to the pie chart. This option also shows a list of all the participants who responded in this poll and the number of the answer they selected (if the poll question allowed multiple responses, these are all shown for the user).
Set self-enrollment options
Self-enrollment options are set using the Training Catalog. Add courses, curriculums, and virtual classrooms to the catalog if you want to use the self-enrollment feature. For more information, see Manage the Training Catalog.
Adobe Connect administrators can change self-enrollment and Training Catalog settings to adhere to standards for governance. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
If you are not already on the information page for the course, curriculum, or virtual classroom, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the item. Click the course, curriculum, or virtual classroom name to open the information page.
Click Training Catalog Settings.
Select List in Training Catalog for Learner Self-Enrollment. This selection enables registered users to add themselves to the permission list for the course, curriculum, or virtual classroom in the Training Catalog.
Do one of the following:
Adobe Connect notifies enrollee of their status by email, when they self-enroll. Enable Catalog Notifications option works only when you select Enable Catalog Self-Enrollment.
Select Enrollment Is Open to give all learners access to the course, curriculum, or virtual classroom.
Select Display In Training Catalog.
Choose one or more locations in the Training Catalog and click Apply Listing or Apply Listing and Continue. (Remember, content must be in the Training Catalog before you use the self-enrollment feature.)
Click Save.
Withdraw your self-enrollment
Enrolled users or the ones who have submitted the enrollment request, can both withdraw their enrollment. This option applies to Virtual Classrooms, courses, and curriculums. It is available up to one hour before the start of the training. User is able to click the Withdraw Enrollment button to either remove the Enrollment or to withdraw the enrollment request - in both cases, status goes back to Not Enrolled.
If you are not already on the information page for the course, curriculum, or virtual classroom, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the item. Click the course, curriculum, or virtual classroom name to open the information page.
Click Training Catalog Settings.
Select List in Training Catalog for Learner Self-Enrollment.
Click the Withdraw Enrollment button to either remove the enrollment or to withdraw the enrollment request. In both the cases, the status is reverted to Not Enrolled.