Feature summary | Bridge (June 2021 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the June 2021 release of Bridge (version 11.1)

Substance 3D material support

Bridge now supports thumbnail and preview generation of Substance 3D material. This will help users to easily search through and manage .sbsar files.

Thumbnail and preview
Substance 3D material thumbnails and preview in Bridge

You can also use the Browse in Bridge feature from your Substance 3D apps to quickly launch and preview Substance 3D material in Bridge.


Thumbnail and preview of Substance 3D material will only be available on systems with supported GPU. For more information, see Bridge system requirements.

Place materials in Painter & Sampler

With this release, you can now place Substance 3D files from Bridge in Adobe Substance 3D Painter and Adobe Substance 3D Sampler.

Follow these quick steps to place and open your supported Substance 3D files in the desired app on your device directly from within Bridge:

  1. Select your .sbsar file in Bridge. 

  2. With your file selected, right-click on the .sbsar file and select Place > In Adobe Substance 3D Painter or Place  > In Adobe Substance 3D Sampler

Place in Painter and Sampler
Place in Painter and Sampler

If you have Substance 3D products installed on your machine, your file will directly open in the library of the chosen app from where you can resume further editing. If you don't have Substance 3D apps installed, you will be prompted to install them on your machine. 

To learn more about Adobe Substance 3D apps, see:

View and edit .sbsar metadata

Bride 3D metadata

You can view and edit the metadata of .sbsar files.

You can view the following metadata:

  • Listing Graph Outputs
  • Listing Graph Presets

 Apart from this, you can also edit the following metadata attributes of the .sbsar file:

  • Category
  • Label
  • Description
  • Keywords
  • Author
  • Author URL
  • User Tag 

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