Using RoboHelp 7 to publish a FlashHelpPro project onto a RoboHelp 8 server with IIS (RoboHelp 7.0.3 patch)

The RoboHelp 7.0.3 patch will allow you to publish RoboHelp 7 FlashHelpPro projects to a RoboHelp 8 server with IIS(Internet Information Services).

Install the RoboHelp 7.0.3 patch.

As a pre-configuration, you will need to install theRoboHelp patch 7.0.3 on your RoboHelp 7 client system.

Configure IIS to redirect requests from RoboHelp 7 to RoboHelp Server 8.

  1. Create a folder called filter at $<robohelpserver-install>

    (e.g. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Robohelp 8 Server)
  2. Place RobohelpFilter.dll at $<robohelpserver-install>\filter
  3. Using the IIS management console, add RobohelpFilter.dll as a filter in your IIS web site.

    You could name the filter in the IIS console to reflect its task (for example redirect), and the executable must be $<robohelpserver-install>\filter\RobohelpFilter.dll
  4. Restart IIS.
  5. Check in the IIS management console that the redirect filter is marked with a green up-pointing arrow.

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