Last updated on
Feb 25, 2025
Adobe ColdFusion customers who do not meet the system requirements for the current version, can purchase a current version of that product, but install an earlier version.
Backwards licensing policy
- If you already have the media and serial numbers for the earlier version, then you can continue to use your existing media and serial numbers. You can, however, downgrade to one version back.
- You can only use the backward license to the same language as the license purchased.
- Support for previous versions is not available (ColdFusion 2018 and earlier).
- You are bound by the terms of use stated in the current version End-User License Agreement (EULA).
- The serial numbers of the previous versions are not tracked in the Adobe Licensing Website (LWS). Make a note of the serial number of the previous version.
- Only licenses bought under Adobe Volume Licensing are eligible for a backward license.
Backwards licensing - Serial numbers
You can request installation media for a previous version and serial number/license key as part of Adobe Volume Licensing (AVL) backwards licensing.
If you are downgrading to the previous version (one version back, such as ColdFusion (2025 release) to ColdFusion (2023 release)), and require serial key, reach out to Adobe ColdFusion Support.