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Share a whiteboard


Learn how to share a whiteboard in a share pod during Adobe Connect session.

A host or presenter (or a participant with the necessary rights) can use a whiteboard to create collaborative text, drawings, and annotations in a meeting.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

Provide drawing rights to participants

Hosts and Presenters can let any participant draw on whiteboard by granting the drawing rights in three ways.


Participants cannot turn on the Drawing mode for Share pods with these rights. Only Hosts and Presenters can enable the Drawing mode.

  • To provide drawing rights to individuals, select the name from the Attendee list and from the pop up menu, select Drawing. Deselect the option to revoke the rights.
Enable drawing rights for individuals from the Attendees pod.
Enable drawing rights for individuals from the Attendees pod.

  • To provide drawing rights in a specific whiteboard to all the participants, select Allow Participants to Draw from the pod's context menu. Deselect the option to revoke the rights in the whiteboard, for all the participants.
Enable drawing rights in a Share pod for all participants.
Enable drawing rights in a Share pod for all participants.

  • You can grant universal drawing rights to all participants in all pods, from the in-meeting Preferences dialog. This preference is remembered for every session using the meeting room.
Enable drawing rights for everyone in a meeting room.
Enable drawing rights for everyone in a meeting room.

Create and display a whiteboard

A whiteboard allows hosts or presenters to create text, shapes, insert some symbols, and draw freehand drawings in real time during a meeting. By providing drawing rights to some or all the participants, meeting hosts can facilitate better collaboration. Users can zoom in and pan the whiteboard for a better experience.

You can use a whiteboard in two different ways in a Share pod:

  • A stand-alone whiteboard allows presenters to create content on a white background.

  • An overlay whiteboard allows presenters to create content over an existing document in a Share pod, adding annotations to and drawing on the document. You can lay a whiteboard over presentations, JPG, and PDF documents.

    If you turn off sharing, change the content in a Share pod, or close the Share pod, the whiteboard is still part of the meeting room. It can be displayed again.

Overlay and controls available in an Adobe Connect whiteboard.
Overlay and controls available in an Adobe Connect whiteboard.

A. Show/Hide whiteboard overlay B. Make full screen C. Pod options and help D. Drawing tools E. Zoom controls F. Access various pages of a Whiteboard 

Create a stand-alone whiteboard in a blank Share pod

  1. In the Share pod, choose Share My Screen > Share Whiteboard.

Add an overlay whiteboard in a Share pod

  1. With the document displayed in a Share pod, do one of the following:
    • Select Draw from the menu options   in the upper-right corner of the Share pod. View Whiteboard drawing tools.

    • If you share an application, in the upper-right corner of the application window, click the arrow next to the Stop Sharing button. Then select Pause and Annotate.

    • If you are sharing your entire desktop, click the Adobe Connect icon in the system tray (Windows) or icon bar (Macintosh) and select Pause and Annotate.

Display an existing whiteboard

  1. Select Pods > Share > [name of whiteboard].

A stand-alone whiteboard contains multiple pages that you can move between during a presentation.

  1. In the center of the Share pod, click the left or right arrow. Page numbers are displayed alongside the arrows.

Whiteboard drawing tools

Whiteboard drawing tools
Whiteboard drawing tools

A. Select objects or pan while drawing B. Markers tool C. Text tool D. Draw shapes and symbols E. Undo changes F. Redo changes G. Delete the selected objects H. Arrange an object relative to other objects 

The tools available to create text and drawings on the whiteboard are displayed below.

Whiteboard marker tools and their samples.
Whiteboard marker tools and their samples.

A. Marker B. Highlighter C. Pen D. Pencil 

Drawing shapes and symbols in a Whiteboard.
Drawing shapes and symbols in a Whiteboard.

A. Select a shape or a symbol to draw B. Set border C. Set line thickness D. Set fill color E. Set opacity of the shape 

Selection tool

Selects a shape or area of the whiteboard. Click a shape to select it. Drag on the whiteboard or content to create a selection rectangle that selects all the shapes within the rectangle. The selection rectangle has eight control points for resizing the selected shape or shapes. Shift-drag a corner control point to maintain the aspect ratio when you resize. Select and drag a shape to move it. To add a shape to the selection, Shift-click the shape.

Marker tool

Its width and alpha decrease with the speed of the stroke.

Highlighter tool

Creates a free-form thick marker line. You can customize stroke color and stroke weight by using the color picker and stroke weight. Its alpha decreases with the speed of the stroke but the width increases.

Pen tool

Its width and alpha remain constant with stroke width, except at a bend, at the start, and at the end. The tool is sensitive towards the speed of the pointer movement.

Pencil tool

Creates a free-form line. You can customize stroke color and stroke weight by using the color picker and stroke weight pop-up menu. Its width and alpha increase with the speed of the stroke. The tool is sensitive towards the speed of the pointer movement.

Text tool

Creates a floating multiline text field. You can customize fill color, font face, and font size by using the color picker, font pop‑up menu, and font size pop‑up menu. Drag to create a text area where you can type.

Shapes tool

Click and hold to choose from rectangles, ellipses, lines, arrows, and more. Use the options to the right of the tool to customize appearance. Drag to expand the shape. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to create even width and height for shapes, or snap lines every 45°.


Undoes the previous action. You can undo the following actions: drawing a shape, moving a shape, resizing a shape, clearing the whiteboard, and changing a shape’s property. There is no limit to the number of times that you can perform this operation in the pod.


Repeats the previous action.

Delete Selected

Deletes items selected with the Selection tool.

Arrange menu

Using the options available in the Arrange menu, you can move the objects to the front or the back relative to the other objects in the whiteboard.


If your company has a licensed Adobe Connect account, you can use custom images for shapes. 

To save your whiteboard content locally, you can either print a whiteboard or export the contents in a local file.

  • In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, click the menu options  , and select Print.
  • Click the menu options  and select Export Snapshot > Save As PNG, to create a local snapshot.

In the Meeting Preferences or the Whiteboard Preferences, you can provide rights to meeting participants to export a PNG snapshot of a whiteboard. In the Meeting Preferences, in Share Pod settings, click Allow articipants to export check box.

  • Click the menu options   select Export Snapshot > Send Snapshot, and provide an email address to send a PNG snapshot via email.

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