Working with component files in a PDF Portfolio

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You can sort and preview component files in a PDF Portfolio and open, edit, and save component files in their native application. Some file types require that you install the native application on your computer.

View files in a list

Open a PDF Portfolio. The list of component files in the PDF Portfolio is displayed.

Edit file details in a list (Acrobat Pro)

  1. Open a PDF Portfolio. The list of component files in the PDF Portfolio is displayed. 

  2. Do any of the following in the files list pane:

    • To show or hide a column in the list, right-click and select Portfolio Properties. Select the column you want to show and then select Show.  To hide a column, select the column, and then select Hide. Select OK
    • Select a column name to sort files in a particular order. Select the column name second time to reverse the order.
    • To add a column, right-click and select Portfolio Properties. In the Portfolio Properties dialog box, select Add, enter the column name you want to add and select OK.
    • To delete optional columns, open the Portfolio Properties dialog box, select the column name you want to delete, and then select Delete. You cannot delete required columns, such as Name, Modified, Size, and Created.
    • To change the order of a column, open the Portfolio Properties dialog box, select the column name, and select the Up or Down button.

Add files and folders to a PDF Portfolio

You can add files and folders to an existing PDF Portfolio.

Open the PDF Portfolio, right click on the PDF portfolio window, and select Add Files   to add a file or Add Folder   to add a folder.   

Alternatively, you can add files or folders from your computer by dragging any files or folders into the PDF Portfolio. You can also drag a file or folder onto a folder to add it to your portfolio.

You can also create and add a new folder in the Portfolio. Right-click in the opened PDF Portfolio window and select Create Folder.


For best performance, keep the total number of component files at 15 or less, and the total size of all component files under 50 MB.

Remove files and folders from a PDF Portfolio

If you delete a folder, all of the files within it are deleted from the PDF Portfolio.

Select one or more files or folders in the PDF Portfolio and press Delete. Select Yes if prompted. 

Rearrange files and folders in a PDF Portfolio

Under the Name column, you can drag and drop files or folders to do the following:

  • Rearrange files within a folder of the PDF portfolio.
  • Drop files to folders or folders to another folder provided both are at the same level or folder.

Sort, filter, and change the order of files or folders (Acrobat Pro)

By default, component files are arranged and sorted alphabetically by filename. Files appear and print in this order.

You can change or customize the order in which files appear. However, files always print alphabetically.

  1. Right-click in the open PDF Portfolio window, and select Portfolio Properties.

  2. In the Portfolio Properties dialog box, do any of the following:

    • To change the order of the columns in the files list pane, select a column name and then select Up or Down to rearrange accordingly. 

    • To specify the order in which files appear when the PDF Portfolio is initially opened, select a column name in the Sort by menu, then specify the Sort order. For example, select Modified in the Sort By menu to display files according to the date they were modified and then specify the Sort Order as Ascending or Descending.

  3. Save the PDF Portfolio.

Open, edit, and save component files

You can open, edit, and save a component file in its native application as long as the application is installed on your computer. Any changes to component files don't affect the original files outside your PDF Portfolio.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the file, and select Open File In Native Application (for non-PDFs) or Open File (for PDFs).

    • Select Open Document from the upper-right.


    The component file opens in a separate window. If you’re viewing the PDF Portfolio in a browser, the file opens in the stand-alone Acrobat product outside the browser.

  2. If a confirmation dialog box appears, select Open This File or Always Allow Opening Files Of This Type, if you trust the format, select OK.

  3. Edit the file as needed, and then save the file.

Extract component files in a PDF Portfolio

You can extract or drag files out of the PDF Portfolio window onto your computer. Extracting does not delete the file from the PDF Portfolio.

Right-click the component filename and select Extract from Portfolio. Alternatively, select one or more files, and then drag them to your Desktop.

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