Enable 3D content in PDF

The autoplay of 3D content in PDFs is turned off by default due to security vulnerabilities. Learn how to enable playing of 3D content in PDF.

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Enable playing of 3D content in PDF

When you open a PDF with 3D content, you are prompted to enable the feature if you trust the document.

Enable playing of 3D content
Autoplay of 3D content is turned off by default

To enable playing of Multimedia & 3D content in the current document:

Select Options and then select one of the following options:

  • Trust this document one time only
  • Trust this document always

To enable playing of 3D content permanently, follow the steps for your operating system:

  • Press Command + K (for macOS) or Ctrl + K (for Windows) to open Preferences. Select Multimedia & 3D option in the left sidebar. Then select Enable Playing of Multimedia and 3D content.

Enable 3D content for trusted content

You can still view 3D content even if you have turned off Enable Ppaying of Multimedia & 3D content option. To use the feature, follow these steps to add trusted files, folders, and hosts as Privileged Locations:

  1. Turn off 3D content (If it's switched on): Press Command + K (for macOS) or Ctrl + K (for Windows) to open Preferences. Select the Multimedia & 3D option in the left sidebar. Deselect Enable Playing of Multimedia and 3D content.

  2. Add files, folders, and hosts as Privileged Locations: In Preferences, use the left sidebar to go to Security (Enhanced), and add your files, folders, and hosts as Privileged Locations. Once added, select OK.

Now open a PDF with 3D content:
  • If the file or location is added as Privileged Locations, the 3D content in the PDF will render.
  • If it isn't trusted, a yellow bar will appear with the message Multimedia and 3D content has been disabled. Enable this feature if you trust this document. The Options menu provides the choice to Trust this document one time only or Trust this document always.

Specific configuration for enterprise IT

Enterprise IT can configure the end-user settings via HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\<version>\3D\bEnable3DContent. Enterprise IT can disable and lock 3D rendering so that the user cannot change the setting via HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\(product name)\(version)\FeatureLockDown\bEnable3D.

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