Introducing the new Acrobat experience

Adobe Acrobat now has a simplified interface to help you quickly discover tools and complete your PDF tasks efficiently. Compared to your current interface, the new version is more intuitive and fluid and provides consistent experiences across all devices -- desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Check out the new interface

The new interface is clutter-free to let you focus more on your document. The menu bar, toolbar, and panels are leaner with tools organized contextually, which lets you quickly find the required tools. The interface is highly flexible. You can choose to have your preferred set of tools in the toolbar.


Where are all my tools?

You can find the common Acrobat tools more easily and quickly in the new interface. Here's a list of components that include all your tools:

Document pane
Document pane

The document pane displays the PDF page in the center, at an optimal zoom level. While interacting with the content, you can access various context menus to quickly launch a tool to perform an action.

Hamburger menu
Hamburger menu

The hamburger menu (Windows® only) includes options for the most common tasks that users perform. On Windows®, it helps to combine all the options available under the existing File, Edit, and View menus. However, on macOS, the File, Edit, and View menus continue to appear separately.

All tools panel
All tools panel

The All tools panel is a container that allows you to access the entire set of Acrobat tools.

Top bar
Top bar

The top bar segregates PDF-related tools from the file actions including search, save, print, and share.

Quick tools
Quick tools

The quick tools panel includes tools, such as commenting, annotating, and filling out forms that users can quickly access. The panel is a floating widget that users can customize for specific workflow requirements.

Search box
Search box

The Search box allows you to search for content within the document and also find Acrobat tools.

Navigation pane
Navigation pane

The navigation pane Includes options that allow you to bookmark, view, navigate pages, and access zoom settings and viewing options. 

Customize navigation pane
Customize navigation pane

You can customize the navigation pane to include your preferred settings.

How to enable the new experience


If you're a Teams or Enterprise admin, you can contact Adobe Customer Care to get the new Acrobat enabled for your org. Alternatively, you can set the bEnableAV2Enterprise registry key under FeatureLockDown (Lockable Settings) for Modern Viewer in the Acrobat Enterprise Toolkit (ETK) preference reference to enable the new Acrobat for you.

Enabling the new experience is easy. If you're on the current experience, perform the following to enable the new experience.

  1. Go to the hamburger menu   (Windows) or  View (macOS) > Enable new Acrobat.

  2. Select Restart to launch the new experience.

  3. To return to your current experience, do one of the following:

    • Windows®: Select the hamburger menu, and then choose Disable new Acrobat.
    • macOS: Go to View > Disable new Acrobat.
    Turn off new Acrobat
    Turn off new Acrobat

Quick tools menu

The quick tools menu enables you to access the tools that you commonly use to accomplish PDF tasks. By default, the Select or Pan, Annotation, and Adobe Fill & Sign tools appear on the quick tools menu. You can customize the Quick Tools menu to add more tools.

Select or Pan tool

Use the Select or Pan tool to select objects or pan the document.

Select or Pan tool
Select or Pan tool

Annotation tools

Add annotations to your PDF like comment, text box, highlight, underline, strikethrough, or draw freeform by using the commenting tools on the menu.

Commenting tools

Commenting tools

Annotation tools
Annotation tools

Adobe Fill & Sign tools

Use the Adobe Fill & Sign tools on the menu to fill the form or add a signature.

Commenting tools
Annotations to fill your form

Commenting tools
Add sign or initial to your form

Add more tools

Use the Options () menu to add more tools to the Quick Tools bar. In the Customize Quick Tools window, choose the tools you want to add and select Save.

Commenting tools

Commenting tools
Choose tools from the list and add to the toolbar for quick access

Explore other tools in new Acrobat

To learn about productivity enhancement tools in Acrobat, see Explore Acrobat toolsYou can also select the links in the table to learn more about other tools.

Turn off the new Acrobat experience

The new Acrobat experience is a step toward Acrobat's future. However, you can revert to the previous experience if it doesn't suit your needs. 

  • Windows: Select the hamburger menu, and then choose Disable new Acrobat.  

  • macOS: Go to View > Disable new Acrobat.

If you're an enterprise user, your admin can turn off new Acrobat by setting the bEnableAV2Enterprise registry key under FeatureLockDown (Lockable Settings) for Modern Viewer in the Acrobat Enterprise Toolkit (ETK) preference reference.

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