Share files online with Adobe Acrobat

Before you begin

We're rolling out a new, more intuitive product experience. If the screen shown here doesn’t match your product interface, select help for your current experience.

In the new experience, the tools appear on the left side of the screen.

You can quickly share a link to a PDF document with others for viewing or commenting. The document shared as a link opens in any browser on any device. The document is stored securely in Adobe cloud storage. Recipients get an email with a link, and they can click the link to view and comment on the document in a browser; no sign-in is required.


The new share experience is gradually being rolled out and unavailable to all users.

Adobe Acrobat deeplink

Try it in the app
Invite people to view, review, or sign your PDF in a few simple steps.

Share PDFs

  1. Open a PDF in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and select Share in the upper-right corner.

  2. (Optional) Select Link Setting and ensure that People can comment toggle is on. 

  3. Select the appropriate option to share the PDF:

    • Enter the recipient's name or email and select Invite. You can add a message and a deadline. 
    • Select any third-party App and follow the onscreen instructions. 
    • Select Create a link to share and share copied link with recipients.
    • Select Send a link or attach this file to an email and follow the onscreen instructions. 

By default, the People can comment on this file switch is turned on. To share the file only for viewing, select the switch to turn it off.

PDF sharing options

  • Add name or email to invite - Enter the name or email of the recipient. If necessary, add a message, or Add deadline, and select Invite.
Add name or email to invite
Add name or email to invite

  • Create a link and share using third-party apps. When you select any available third-party app like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, or the default email client, Acrobat creates a shareable link and opens the respective application with the copied link in the message draft. Alternatively, select Create a link to share, then copy and share it with the intended recipients.
Share a link to the file
Share a link to the file

Recipients experience

Recipients get a notification that the file is shared with them. The message contains the link to the shared document. Clicking the link or the button opens the document in a browser. Recipients can also download the document if necessary.

Track shared files

The files that you have recently shared are listed in the Home view in Acrobat. Select Home > Shared by you. When the recipient views the file, you get a notification in Acrobat and an email. To view and track all the files shared for viewing, do the following:

  1. Select Home, and do one of the following:

    • To view the files shared by you for view or review, select Shared by you.
    • To view the files received for view or review, select Shared by others.

    All the files shared for viewing are displayed along with the following information:

    • Name: Name of the file shared for view.
    • Sharing: Shows if the file is shared or unshared.
    • Last activity: The last time the file was modified.
    Operations on shared files

  2. To view the details of a file, select the file. A thumbnail of the file is displayed in the right pane. The action board in the right pane displays the actions you can perform on the file. The displayed actions vary based on whether you have shared the file, or received the file for viewing as shown below:

    Actions on files shared By You

    • View the timestamp when the file was last modified.
    • Add People to the shared file.
    • Copy shared link and share with other recipients for viewing.
    • Unshare file if you want to prevent anyone else from viewing or downloading the file.
    • Delete the shared file permanently from the Adobe Document Cloud.
    Actions on files shared for viewing
    Actions on files shared by you

    Actions on files Shared By Others

    • View the timestamp of the file received.
    • Copy shared link to either share it with other recipients or open the file on browser.
    • Remove me to remove yourself as a reviewer of the shared file.
    • Report abuse for any inappropriate content received.
    Actions for files received for viewing
    Actions for files shared by others

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