Acrobat notifications

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Acrobat notifications are typically updates about any change in the status of the documents that you shared for viewing, reviewing, and signing. It alerts you for any action taken on a document including all the incoming and outgoing requests for documents shared by you, or with you. Both the sender and the recipient are immediately notified of a change in document status and activity on the workflow. Also, a daily digest of notifications is sent to you over email.


Notification bell icon

The bell icon is located next to the Profile menu in the upper-right corner of the Acrobat desktop app, the Acrobat Reader mobile app, and the Document Cloud web interface. If you have new notifications, the bell icon displays a red badge. You can click the icon to view all the notifications.

Notifications in Acrobat


Creative Cloud members can also see the notifications in the Creative Cloud desktop app.

OS notifications

Notifications on Windows

In Windows 10, Action Center is a unified place for all system notifications and quick actions. Acrobat or Acrobat Reader notifications are also visible in the Action Center.

When you click the notification in Action Center, Acrobat or Acrobat Reader is launched and the associated action is taken. For example, clicking on a review notification opens the review file in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.

Action Center on Windows 10


Acrobat or Acrobat Reader notifications in Action Center is supported on Windows 10 RS1 or higher.

Notifications on macOS

Notification Center on macOS provides an overview of alerts from applications. It displays notifications until the user completes an associated action. All Acrobat or Acrobat Reader notifications are visible in the Notification Center.

When you click the notification in the Notification Center, Acrobat or Acrobat Reader is launched and the associated action is taken. For example, clicking on review notification will open the review file in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.

Notification Center on Mac


Acrobat or Reader notifications in Action Center is supported on macOS v10.11, 10.12, and 10.13.

Notification panel

When you click the bell icon, your notifications are displayed in the Notification panel. The new notifications are highlighted so that you can easily find the new ones since your last visit. Each notification is displayed as a card and includes the details you need.

The notifications displayed for different workflows are listed in the tables below.

Review workflow



Document sent or shared: (invitation to review)

Take action

@mention tags

Take action (for the named reviewer)

Recipient comment activity: comments and replies added, modified, resolved, or deleted

Task completed

The recipient clicks Done to indicate that the review is finished

Task completed

Share and track



Document shared or sent: delivered

Take action

Sign workflow



Document sent for signature

Take action (for the recipient)

Signer either approves, declines, delegates, accepts, fills, or acknowledges the agreement

Task completed (for the sender)

Reminder to take action (Sign or Approve)

Take action

Signer viewed email

The document was opened by signer (for the sender)

Document sent to signer email bounced

Email to signer bounced. Check email address (for the sender)

Agreement expired

The deadline for the document has expired (for both sender and the signer)    

  • Acrobat desktop - Sign notifications for enterprise users are not currently available.
  • Acrobat Reader Mobile - Sign notifications for agreements that you send for signature using the mobile app is not currently available. However, you receive notifications for sign agreements that you receive for signing.

Fill, sign, and send workflow



Document shared/sent

Take action (for recipient)

Recipient views the document

Task completed (for the sender)

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