Browse, sync, and manage assets

Your Adobe Creative Cloud account comes with online storage so that your assets are available to you anywhere and on any device or computer. You can preview many creative asset types directly in a web browser on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. These asset types include: PSD, AI, INDD, JPG, PDF, GIF, PNG, Photoshop Touch, and many others.

The Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app keeps all the assets in sync. Any additions, modifications, or deletions are reflected on all connected computers and devices. For example, if you upload an .ai asset using the Your Work section of Creative Cloud, it is automatically downloaded on all connected computers.

Browse assets

Your Work includes files synced with your desktop, assets created using Creative Cloud–enabled mobile apps, and Creative Cloud libraries. You can browse all of these assets using Your Work, which organizes assets as follows:

  • Files:  Shows all your source files categorized into the following tabs:
    • Synced Files: Shows assets synced with the Creative Cloud Files directory on your desktop.
    • Cloud Documents: Shows your XD cloud documents.
    • Mobile Creations: Shows assets created using Creative Cloud enabled mobile apps.
  • Libraries: Shows design libraries created by you.
  • Published: Shows artifacts of your source files - prototypes and design specs created in Adobe XD, and 3D scenes created in Adobe Dimension.
  • Shared with You: Shows the folders, and prototypes and design specs shared with you.
  • Deleted: Shows your deleted Creative Cloud synced files.
Browse assets

When you click an asset category, you can sort your assets by filename or date modified.

Sort assets by filename or date

Search Assets

  • The Search box is displayed at the top of the window. Type your search term or keyword in the box and press Enter.

    Search assets


    To search for all synced files with a particular extension, such as .txt or .png, type the extension in the box and then press the Enter key.

  • The Search Results display matching synced files from all the folders and subfolders of your assets.

Sync or upload assets

To sync assets from your computer, do one of the following:

  • Copy, paste, or move assets to the Creative Cloud Files directory on your desktop.
  • In an app, choose File Save or File Save As and navigate to the Creative Cloud Files directory.

To open the Creative Cloud Files directory from the Creative Cloud desktop app, select File > Open Sync Folder or Files > Open Folder, depending on your version of the Creative Cloud desktop app.

Filenames that contain special characters such as |, ", ?, <, >, /, *, or : are not synced. Nor are files with reserved names, such as AUX or Com1. If you receive an error, rename the asset filename to sync it to Creative Cloud. For more information, see Error: "Unable to sync assets."

Also, you can upload assets directly to Your Work using any of the following methods.

Upload and manage your assets on Creative Cloud using the Upload Files button.


Drag and drop assets from your desktop to the Your Work page.

Replace an asset

(Applicable only to files) Uploading a file again creates a version of it and replaces the existing file with a new one. Creative Cloud keeps a copy of every change you make to a file.

To replace a file in Your Work, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the file.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the in-context menu for the asset, select Upload New Version.
    • Select the file,  click  ,  and choose Upload New Version.
    • Open the file for viewing. Then,  click   and  choose Replace.

For information on versioning, see Versioning FAQs.

Manage assets

  1. In Your Work, navigate to the file or folder that you want to rename.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the in-context menu for the asset, select Rename.
    • Select an asset and click the Rename icon .
  3. Type a new name for the asset and click Save.

    Rename file or folder

  1. In Your Work, select the files or folders that you want to move to a different folder.

  2. Click the Move icon .

  3. In the contextual dialog box that appears, do one of the following:

    • Choose the desired folder and click Move Here.
    • To create a folder, click  in the lower-left corner. Then, specify a name for the folder and click Create New Folder.
  1. In Your Work, select the files or folders that you want to copy.

  2. Click the Copy icon .

  3. In the contextual dialog box that appears, do one of the following:

    • Choose the desired folder and click Copy Here.
    • To create a folder, click  in the lower-left corner. Then, specify a name for the folder and click Create New Folder.

Deleting a file, library element, or mobile creation is a two-step process. You first delete it temporarily and then permanently from the Deleted folder for its category from Your Work.

You can delete files on your desktop, from within Your Work, and from a Creative Cloud-enabled mobile app. You can even use OS commands to delete assets from the Creative Cloud Files directory on your desktop.

All asset deletions are synced with your Creative Cloud account. Deleted assets continue to occupy online storage. Permanently deleting the assets frees up your storage quota.

Delete an asset from within Your Work

  1. In Your Work, navigate to the file that you want to archive.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the in-context menu for the asset, select Delete.
    • Select one or more assets and click the Delete icon .

    Creative Cloud moves the asset to the Deleted folder.

    Delete an asset
    Delete an asset

Permanently delete assets

  1. In Your Work, navigate to the Deleted folder.

  2.  Do one of the following:

    • From the in-context menu for the asset, select Permanently Delete.
    • Select the assets that you want to delete forever and click the Permanently Delete icon .
  3. When prompted to confirm, click Permanently Delete again.

Restore assets

  1. In Your Work, navigate to the Deleted folder.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the in-context menu for the asset, select Restore.
    • Select the assets that you want to restore. Then click the Restore icon .
  1. In Your Work, select the file you want to replace with a new version.

    Select asset

  2. In the right pane, click the Version icon .

  3. Click Upload New Version.

    Upload new version

  4.  Select the file, and click Open.  To overwrite and replace the file with the new version, click Continue

    Replace current file

    A confirmation message is displayed at the bottom of the window.

    File updated successfully

  1. In Your Work, select the file you want to restore to a previous version.

    Select asset

  2. In the right pane, click the Version icon .

  3. From the list, select the version to restore and then click Revert.


    If there are no previous versions listed, you will not be able to restore the file back to an earlier date.

    Revert asset to a previous version

    A confirmation message is displayed at the bottom of the window.

    Confirmation bar

Access cloud documents

By default, new documents in Adobe XD are saved as cloud documents in your Creative Cloud space. You can easily access the cloud documents across devices.

To view your cloud documents, in Your Work, select Files > Cloud Documents. From the Cloud Documents tab, you can:

  • View metadata of your cloud documents.
  • Delete the XD cloud documents you own; you can permanently delete or restore your deleted cloud documents.
  • Search for XD cloud documents you own.
Cloud documents

For more information, see Manage and work with cloud documents.

Storage plans and quota

The storage quota depends on your Creative Cloud membership.

Membership plan

Free storage quota



Creative Cloud (Photography)


Creative Cloud (Single App and All Apps)


Creative Cloud for teams


You can view your storage status in the lower-left corner of Your Work.

Creative Cloud syncs up to 1GB of overflow from any device. After that, the Creative Cloud desktop app stops syncing new assets and notifies you that you are over quota. A red exclamation point marks any assets that are unable to upload. You can still move, rename, or delete assets. To continue to sync assets, permanently delete other assets to free up space.


A small portion of storage is used for administrative purposes. Therefore, the actual storage space is slightly less than allocated. It varies from 100 KB to 500 KB based on the number of user assets.

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