Create forms using Acrobat


Adobe Acrobat Sign 指南


  1. 预发行说明
  2. 发行说明
  3. 重要通知


  1. 管理员快速入门指南
  2. 用户快速入门指南
  3. 针对开发人员
  4. 视频教程库
  5. 常见问题


  1. Admin Console 概述
  2. 用户管理
    1. 添加用户
      1. 添加一名用户
      2. 批量添加用户
      3. 从目录添加用户
      4. 从 MS Azure Active Directory 添加用户
    2. 创建以功能为中心的用户
      1. 技术帐户 - API 驱动
      2. 服务帐户 - 手动驱动
    3. 检查是否有用户存在配置错误
    4. 更改姓名/电子邮件地址
    5. 编辑用户的组成员资格
    6. 通过组界面编辑用户的组成员资格
    7. 将用户提升为管理员角色
    8. 用户身份类型和 SSO
    9. 切换用户标识
    10. 使用 MS Azure 对用户进行身份验证
    11. 使用 Google 联合身份验证对用户进行身份验证
    12. 产品配置文件
    13. 登录体验
  3. 帐户/组设置
    1. 设置概述
    2. 全局设置
      1. 帐户级别和 ID
      2. 全新的收件人体验
      3. 自签名工作流
      4. 批量发送
      5. Web 表单
      6. 自定义发送工作流程
      7. Power Automate 工作流程
      8. 库文档
      9. 收集包含协议的表单数据
      10. 有限文件可见性
      11. 附加已签名协议的 PDF 副本
      12. 在电子邮件中包含链接
      13. 在电子邮件中包含图像
      14. 附加至电子邮件的文件将命名为
      15. 将审核报告附加到文档
      16. 将多个文档合并为一个
      17. 下载单个文档
      18. 上传签名文档
      19. 我的账户中的用户委托
      20. 允许外部收件人委派
      21. 授权签名
      22. 授权发送
      23. 授权添加电子密封
      24. 设置默认时区
      25. 设置默认日期格式
      26. 位于多个组的用户 (UMG)
        1. 升级以使用 UMG
      27. 组管理员权限
      28. 替换接收者
      29. 审核报告
        1. 概述
        2. 允许在事务验证页面上进行未经身份验证的访问
        3. 包含提醒
        4. 包含查看事件
        5. 包含协议页面/附件计数
      30. 事务页脚
      31. 在产品消息发送和指南中
      32. 可访问的 PDF
      33. 新版“编辑”体验
      34. 医疗保健客户
    3. 帐户设置
      1. 添加标志
      2. 自定义公司主机名/URL
      3. 添加公司名称
      4. 发布协议 URL 重定向
    4. 签名首选项
      1. 格式精美的签名
      2. 允许收件人签名的方式
      3. 签名者可以更改其姓名
      4. 允许接收者使用其保存的签名
      5. 自定义使用条款和消费者信息披露条款
      6. 在表单字段中导航收件人
      7. 重启协议工作流
      8. 拒绝签名
      9. 允许图章工作流
      10. 要求签名者提供其职务或公司
      11. 允许签名者打印并置入书面签名
      12. 进行电子签名时显示消息
      13. 需要签名者使用移动设备创建其签名
      14. 请求签名者的 IP 地址
      15. 从参与者图章中排除公司名称和职务
    5. 数字签名
      1. 概述
      2. 下载并使用 Acrobat 签名
      3. 使用云签名进行签名
      4. 包括身份提供商的元数据
      5. 受限的云签名提供商
    6. 电子签章
    7. 数字身份
      1. 数字身份网关
      2. 身份检查策略
    8. 报告设置
      1. 新版报告体验
      2. 经典报告设置
    9. 安全设置
      1. 单点登录设置
      2. 记住我设置
      3. 登录密码政策
      4. 登录密码强度
      5. Web 会话持续时间
      6. PDF 加密类型
      7. API
      8. 用户和组信息访问
      9. 允许的 IP 范围
      10. 帐户共享
      11. 帐户共享权限
      12. 协议共享控件
      13. 签名者身份验证
      14. 协议签名密码
      15. 文档密码强度
      16. 按地理位置屏蔽签名者
      17. 手机身份验证
      18. 基于知识的身份验证 (KBA)
      19. 允许页面提取
      20. 文档链接过期
      21. 上传用于 Webhook/回调的客户端证书
      22. 时间戳
    10. 发送设置
      1. 登录后显示“发送”页面
      2. 发送时需要收件人姓名
      3. 锁定已知用户的名称值
      4. 允许的收件人角色
      5. 允许电子见证人
      6. 收件人组
      7. CC
      8. 收件人协议访问
      9. 必填字段
      10. 附加文件
      11. 字段拼合
      12. 修改协议
      13. 协议名称
      14. 语言
      15. 私人消息
      16. 允许的签名类型
      17. 提醒
      18. 已签名文档的密码保护
      19. 通过以下方式发送协议通知
      20. 签名者身份识别选项
        1. 概述
        2. 签名密码
        3. 通过电子邮件发送一次性密码
        4. Acrobat Sign 身份验证
        5. 手机身份验证
        6. 基于云的数字签名
        7. 基于知识的身份验证
        8. 政府 ID
        9. 签名者身份报告
      21. 内容保护
      22. 启用 Notarize 事务
      23. 文件过期
      24. 预览、定位签名和添加字段
      25. 签名顺序
      26. “液体”模式
      27. 自定义工作流控件
      28. 电子签名页面的上传选项
      29. 签名后确认 URL 重定向
    11. 消息模板
    12. 生物识别设置
      1. 概述
      2. 强制执行身份验证
      3. 签名原因
    13. 工作流程集成
    14. 公证设置
    15. 付款集成
    16. 签名者消息发送
    17. SAML 设置
      1. SAML 配置
      2. 安装 Microsoft Active Directory 联合身份验证服务
      3. 安装 Okta
      4. 安装 OneLogin
      5. 安装 Oracle Identity Federation
    18. 数据管理
    19. 时间戳设置
    20. 外部归档
    21. 账户语言
    22. 电子邮件设置
      1. 电子邮件页眉/页脚图像
      2. 允许个人用户电子邮件页脚
      3. 自定义“请求签名”电子邮件
      4. 自定义“收件人”和“抄送”字段
      5. 启用无链接通知
      6. 自定义电子邮件模板
    23. 从 迁移到
    24. 为收件人配置选项
  4. 监管要求指导
    1. 无障碍访问
      1. 无障碍访问合规性
      2. 使用 Acrobat 桌面版创建可访问的表单
      3. 创建可访问的 AcroForm
    2. HIPAA
    3. GDPR
      1. GDPR 概述
      2. 将用户标记为密文
      3. 将用户的协议标记为密文
    4. 21 CFR part 11 和 EudraLex Annex 11
      1. 21 CRF part 11 验证包
      2. 21 CFR 和 EudraLex Annex 11 手册
      3. 分担责任分析
    5. 医疗保健客户
    6. IVES 支持
    7. “保管”协议
    8. 欧盟/英国注意事项
      1. 欧盟/英国跨国事务和 eIDAS
      2. 电子签名契约的 HMLR 要求
      3. 英国脱欧对英国电子签名法的影响
  5. 批量下载协议
  6. 申请您的域
  7. “举报滥用”链接


  1. 收件人选项
    1. 取消电子邮件提醒
    2. 电子签名页面上的选项
      1. 电子签名页面概述
      2. 打开以阅读不含字段的协议
      3. 拒绝签署协议
      4. 委派签名权限
      5. 重启协议
      6. 下载 PDF 版协议
      7. 查看协议历史记录
      8. 查看协议消息
      9. 从电子签名转换为书面签名
      10. 从书面签名转换为电子签名
      11. 浏览表单字段
      12. 清除表单字段中的数据
      13. 电子签名页面放大和导航
      14. 更改协议工具和信息中使用的语言
      15. 查看法律声明
      16. 调整 Acrobat Sign Cookie 首选项
  2. 发送协议  
    1. “发送”页面概述
    2. 仅向您自己发送协议
    3. 将协议发送给其他人
    4. 书面签名
    5. 收件人签名顺序
    6. 批量发送
      1. 批量发送功能概述
      2. 批量发送 - 配置父模板
      3. 批量发送 - 配置 CSV 文件
      4. 取消“批量发送”事务
      5. 添加批量发送提醒
      6. 批量发送报告
  3. 在文档中创作字段
    1. 应用程序内创作环境
      1. 自动字段检测
      2. 使用创作环境拖放字段
      3. 向收件人分配表单字段
      4. 预填充角色
      5. 使用可重复使用的字段模板应用字段
      6. 将字段传输到新库模板
      7. 更新了发送协议时的创作环境
    2. 使用文本标记创建表单
    3. 使用 Acrobat (AcroForms) 创建表单
      1. 创建 AcroForm
      2. 创建无障碍 PDF
    4. 字段
      1. 字段类型
        1. 常用字段类型
        2. 内嵌图像
        3. 图章图像
      2. 字段内容外观
      3. 字段验证
      4. 遮挡的字段值
      5. 设置显示/隐藏条件
      6. 计算型字段
    5. 创作常见问题
  4. 签署协议
    1. 签署发送给您的协议
    2. 填写并签署
    3. 自签名
  5. 管理协议
    1. “管理”页面概述
    2. 委派协议
    3. 替换收件人
    4. 限制文档可见性
    5. 取消协议
    6. 创建新提醒
    7. 查看提醒
    8. 取消提醒
    9. 访问 Power Automate 流程
    10. 更多操作...
      1. 搜索的工作方式
      2. 查看协议
      3. 通过协议创建模板
      4. 在视图中隐藏/取消隐藏协议
      5. 上载已签名协议
      6. 修改已发送协议的文件和字段
      7. 编辑收件人的身份验证方法
      8. 添加或修改过期日期
      9. 向协议添加注释
      10. 共享单个协议
      11. 取消共享协议
      12. 下载单个协议
      13. 下载一份协议下的各个文件
      14. 下载协议的审核报告
      15. 下载协议的字段内容
  6. 审核报告
  7. 报告和数据导出
    1. 概述
    2. 授予用户对报告的访问权限
    3. 报告图表
      1. 创建新报告
      2. 协议报告
      3. 事务报告
      4. 设置活动报告
      5. 编辑报告
    4. 数据导出 
      1. 创建新数据导出
      2. Web 表单数据导出
      3. 编辑数据导出
      4. 刷新数据导出内容
      5. 下载数据导出
    5. 重命名报告/导出
    6. 复制报告/导出
    7. 计划报告/导出
    8. 删除报告/导出
    9. 检查事务使用情况


  1. Web 表单 
    1. 创建 Web 表单
    2. 编辑 Web 表单
    3. 禁用/启用 Web 表单
    4. 隐藏/取消隐藏 Web 表单
    5. 查找 URL 或脚本代码
    6. 使用 URL 参数预填充 Web 表单字段
    7. 保存 Web 表单以便稍后完成
    8. 调整 Web 表单的大小
  2. 可重复使用的模板(库模板)
    1. Acrobat Sign 库中的美国政府表单
    2. 创建库模板
    3. 更改库模板的名称
    4. 更改库模板的类型
    5. 更改库模板的权限级别
    6. 复制、编辑和保存共享模板
    7. 下载库模板的聚合字段数据
  3. 转让 Web 表单和库模板的所有权
  4. Power Automate 工作流程
    1. Power Automate 集成和包含的权限概述
    2. 启用 Power Automate 集成
    3. “管理”页面上的上下文操作
    4. 跟踪 Power Automate 使用情况
    5. 创建新的工作流(示例)
    6. 用于工作流的触发器
    7. 从 Acrobat Sign 外部导入工作流
    8. 管理工作流
    9. 编辑工作流
    10. 共享工作流
    11. 禁用或启用工作流
    12. 删除工作流
    13. 实用模板
      1. 仅限管理员
        1. 将所有已完成的文档保存到 SharePoint
        2. 将所有已完成的文档保存到 OneDrive for Business
        3. 将所有已完成的文档保存到 Google Drive
        4. 将所有已完成的文档保存到 DropBox
        5. 将所有已完成的文档保存到 Box
      2. 协议存档
        1. 将已完成的文档保存到 SharePoint
        2. 将已完成的文档保存到 OneDrive for Business
        3. 将已完成的文档保存到 Google Drive
        4. 将已完成的文档保存到 DropBox
        5. 将已完成的文档保存到 Box
      3. Web 表单协议存档
        1. 将已完成的 Web 表单文档保存到 SharePoint 库
        2. 将已完成的 Web 表单文档保存到 OneDrive for Business
        3. 将已完成的文档保存到 Google Drive
        4. 将已完成的 Web 表单文档保存到 Box
      4. 协议数据提取
        1. 从已签名文档中提取表单字段数据并更新 Excel 工作表
      5. 协议通知
        1. 发送包含协议内容和已签名协议的自定义电子邮件通知
        2. 在 Teams 渠道中获取 Adobe Acrobat Sign 通知
        3. 在 Slack 中获取 Adobe Acrobat Sign 通知
        4. 在 Webex 中获取 Adobe Acrobat Sign 通知
      6. 协议生成
        1. 通过 Power Apps 表单和 Word 模板生成文档,并发送以供签名
        2. 从 OneDrive 中的 Word 模板生成协议并获取签名
        3. 为所选 Excel 行生成协议,发送以供审阅和签名
  5. 自定义发送工作流程
    1. 自定义发送工作流程概述
    2. 创建新的发送工作流程
    3. 编辑“发送”工作流程
    4. 激活或停用发送工作流程
    5. 使用发送工作流程发送协议
  6. 共享用户和协议
    1. 共享用户
    2. 共享协议


  1.  Acrobat Sign 集成概述
  2. Acrobat Sign for Salesforce
  3. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft
    1. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft 365
    2. 适用于 Outlook 的 Acrobat Sign
    3. 适用于 Word/PowerPoint 的 Acrobat Sign
    4. Acrobat Sign 团队版
    5. 适用于 Microsoft PowerApps 和 Power Automate 的 Acrobat Sign
    6. 适用于 Microsoft Search 的 Acrobat Sign 连接器
    7. 适用于 Microsoft Dynamics 的 Acrobat Sign
    8. 适用于 Microsoft SharePoint 的 Acrobat Sign
  4. 其他集成
    1. Acrobat Sign for ServiceNow
    2. 适用于 HR ServiceNow 的 Acrobat Sign
    3. 适用于 SAP SuccessFactors 的 Acrobat Sign
    4. 适用于 Workday 的 Acrobat Sign
    5. 适用于 NetSuite 的 Acrobat Sign
    6. 适用于 VeevaVault 的 Acrobat Sign
    7. 适用于 Coupa BSM Suite 的 Acrobat Sign
  5. 合作伙伴管理的集成
  6. 如何获取集成密钥

Acrobat Sign 开发人员

    1. 方法文档
    2. SDK/开发人员指南
    3. API 常见问题
  2. Webhook 
    1. Webhook 概述
    2. 配置新 Webhook
    3. 查看或编辑 Webhook
    4. 停用或重新激活 Webhook
    5. 删除 Webhook
    6. 双向 SSL 证书
    7. API 中的 Webhook


  1. 客户支持资源
  2. 企业客户成功资源 


Adobe Acrobat Sign text tags can be used in conjunction with Acrobat form fields to define the specific properties of a field. While text tags are added directly to a document in line with the content, PDF tags are used to name the fields, defining the rules and validations of the physically placed field. Acrobat form fields combine the ease of use of the drag-and-drop authoring environment with the versatility of the text tags.

When a document is uploaded to the Acrobat Sign Document Library or send out for signature, the Acrobat form fields are processed by the system and converted into Acrobat Sign form fields. The system specifically looks at the name the field is given, verifies that an Acrobat Sign tag has been defined. It then creates an Acrobat Sign form field with the properties you have defined.

Tags allow for specific properties to be set for the fields. Using this with Acrobat’s form field placement tools, your document can be fully functional and professional in appearance.

Text Tag Version

This document describes the current, 2.0 syntax of Acrobat Sign text tags. This syntax should be used for all new documents and revisions to existing documents. If you are not familiar with Text Tags in Acrobat Sign, see the Text Tag Documentation.

Creating Forms for Acrobat Sign

Acrobat allows you to physically place form fields directly onto a document’s pages. This section explains how to add form fields, as well as options for having a more uniform look to the fields on your document.

Preparing the Form

  1. Using Acrobat, open the PDF you want to convert to an Acrobat Sign form.

  2. Choose Tools > Prepare Form.

    Click Prepare Form

  3. Click Start. Acrobat creates the form and opens it in the Form Editing mode. The right-hand pane displays options for editing the form. The toolbar contains form field tools for adding additional fields.

    Click Start

    Acrobat searches the document for text (identified by underlined spaces or empty boxes) that can be converted to form fields and attempts to place an appropriate field in that location. 


    If the document does not already have spaces or boxes that can be converted, a dialog notifying you that no form fields were detected displays. Click OK to continue.

  4. In the right-hand pane, click More and then choose Convert to Acrobat Sign Form

  5. When alerted that Acrobat removes form fields that Acrobat Sign doesn't support, click Next.

    Conversion warning

  6. If a subsequent alert displays, click OK.

    Field warning

Clean up the Automated Field Placement

When creating fields, Acrobat is looking for landmarks like lines of underscores, boxes and circles that might indicate fields, checkboxes and radio buttons. Additionally, the surrounding text is evaluated to give the generated fields a meaningful name.  However, the odds are good that some fields will be named or placed incorrectly, and will require manual adjustment.

Acrobat Field Placement


 Review your form, delete any extra fields, and move any fields that are misplaced.

Cleaned up field placment


All fields that are automatically placed will have unique names, and some may be obscure (like fill_3). 

It’s worth taking the time now to give meaningful names to your fields in case you want to run reports against the document and need to evaluate the field data.

To rename a field, double click the field (or right click and select Properties from the menu). The field name will be at the top of the properties window. 

Manually Placing Form Fields

If the automated field placement doesn’t find all your fields, you will need to manually add them in. This is a simple click-click process using the toolbar at the top of the Acrobat window.

  1. To add a field to the form, click to select the appropriate icon for the field you want in the toolbar.

    Acrobat for Adobe Sign toolbar

    The fields, from left to right are:

    • Select Object – Frees the cursor to select any object on the page.
    • Text field – The Generic Text field for allowing input. The most commonly used field for most forms.
    • Check Box – Used for presenting an array of line items when the user can select multiple options.
    • Radio Buttons – Used to present an array of line items and the user can select only one of them.
    • Drop-down box – A pick list of items that the user can select one of.
    • Signature Field – A single field signature.
    • Signature Block – A multi-field signature that contains at least the Signature and Email fields, but can optionally include the signer's Title and/or Company, depending on the settings of the Acrobat Sign account used to send the document.
    • Initials – A single initials field that can contain up to four characters.
    • Title – A required field that requests the Title of the recipient.
    • Company – A required field that requests the Company name of the recipient.
    • Full Name – A read-only field that returns a type-set version of the text entered in the Signature field.
    • Email – A read-only field that returns the email address of the recipient.
    • Date – A read-only field that returns the current time date stamp when the recipient opens the Agreement.
    • Keep Tool Selected – Click this icon to enable/disable the ability to place multiple fields.  When disabled, the cursor will return to the selector arrow after placing a field. When enabled, the cursor remains the field footprint, allowing you to place multiple fields without having to reselect the icon first.

    The required and read-only fields are recipient specific, meaning they are intended to only collect information about the recipient they are assigned to. If you need to request content other than the personal information of the recipient, use a text field. For example, if you need to collect any date that isn’t the signature date, use a text field and validate that field to be a date format.

  2. The cursor will change to show the footprint of the field you selected. Click to place the field where you want it. 

    Field Footprint

  3. When the field is first placed on the page, a small window will appear where the name of the field can be changed, and the participant role can be defined. Setting a meaningful name is useful, but setting the participant role should only be done if you have a solid understanding of the signature process for the document, and the appropriate participation roles to be applied.

    Placed Field properties

  4. Click and drag on one of the blue boxes (or handles) in the frame of the field to change the size of the field.

    Resizing the field

Aligning Fields and Matching Size

Once field have been roughly placed on the document, tools within Acrobat can help you ensure consistent field size and alignment, providing a polished and professional look to the form.


To select multiple fields you can either hold down the Ctrl/Cmd button and individually click fields, or click in the PDF, and drag the cursor to describe a box. All fields that are at least partly contained in the described box will be selected. Click anywhere on the PDF to de-select the fields.

  1. The first step to aligning fields is to establish one properly placed field. In the below example, the Address field has been properly sized using the manual click and drag process.

    Rough Form field placement

    Visually, you can see that the Contact field to the right will be the same height, and the Phone, Fax and Order Number fields will be the same width. 

  2. Select both the Address and Contact field. You will notice that the field borders will change color from the other fields, indicating they are selected

    Selected Fields

    • The “template” field will show the blue “handle” boxes. When using alignment or size matching tools, all fields will be aligned or matched to the template field.
    • You can change the template field once all fields have been selected by right clicking on the field you want to become the template.
    • Clicking outside the selected fields will de-select all fields.
  3. The top-right side of the Acrobat window shows the alignment tools. Click the Match width and height icon. 

    Match width and height tool

    The Contact field will snap to the size of the Address field:

    Width and height aligned fields

  4. With both fields still selected, click the Align Top icon to bring the Contact field to the correct alignment across the top of the fields.

  5. Left click the Contact field to select just that field, and then adjust the handles on the left and right of the field to fit it in place.

    Manually adjust the width of the field to fit

  6. Next, select all the fields in a column. Make sure your template field is correct

    Select all fields in a column

  7. Click the Match width icon to snap all fields to the same width

    Fields with matching widths

  8. With all fields still selected, click the Align Left icon 

    Fields Aligned to the left

  9. Adjust the fields to the correct height.  This can be done manually for each field if necessary, or you can manually fit one field, then select the others and snap them to the same height.

    Fields matched to field height

  10. Fine field adjustment can be done using the arrow keys on your keyboard.  Select one or more fields, and then use the arrows to move the fields by tiny increments.

    All fields correctly sized


    Remember that you can zoom in to the PDF to give you larger field objects that can be more precisely adjusted

  11. Follow the same principal of matching the remaining fields to appropriate templates:

    In this example, you would:

    • Select the Contact, Email and Website fields and snap them to the same width
    • Align the fields to the left side
    • Select the row fields (Phone and Email) and snap them to the same height
    • Then use Align Top tool to bring them to alignment.
    • Do the same for the Fax and Website row of fields.
    All fields correctly sized and placed


    Once the fields are all in place, the document is minimally ready to send through Acrobat Sign.

    All fields have an identifying name, but none are explicitly assigned to a recipient, and no fields have any content validation.

    If you would like to include field properties, like recipient identification, content validation, conditional appearance or calculations, you will need to append the field name with arguments just as you would with Text Tags.



Using Tags in Placed Form Fields

As you are adding fields to the form, a listing of the field names displays in the right rail of the Acrobat page. This list can be used to find or access any form field on the document quickly, without being on the page, and will readily indicate if a field name exists in more than one place on the form by appending a #1 after the name.


Unique field names can contain unique content. Fields that have the same name will contain the same content.  By filling in one field, you will automatically pollinate that content to every other field using the same name. This is useful if you have a form that asks for the same information in multiple place.

If you are using the fields automatically placed by Acrobat, then the names of your fields will be simple descriptive strings. (if they aren’t meaningful, then it is advised that you take the time to make them so.)

Field names without arguments


Fields placed from the toolbar may have a larger name including arguments identical to the Text Tag format. 

Field names with arguments added

Naming Form Fields

Changing the name of the form field to an Acrobat Sign tag allows you to apply all the field properties recognized by Acrobat Sign, without sacrificing space on the document as a text tag would.

To access the properties menu for the form field, either double click on the field or right-click and choose “Properties” from the menu.

The General tab on the Properties window displays the Name, Tooltip, Field Type, Participant Role, and

Common Properties of the field.

Text field properties

  • Name — Where the tag for the form field will be added.
  • Tooltip — Information that will popup if the mouse pointer is held over the field.
  • Field Type — Indicates the type of field such as Text, Signature, Date, and so on.
  • Participant Role — Determines which signing party should interact with that field such as Sender, Signer, Prefill, and so on.
  • Read-Only — Makes the field inaccessible and not editable, generally used if the field is being populated through an integration or using a CSV file.
  • Required — Marks the field as required so the signing process cannot be completed unless data is entered into this field.

While the Acrobat Sign drag-and-drop authoring environment does not support (or have an option for) multi-line fields, you can set a field up this way in Acrobat and have it function through Acrobat Sign. This option is called “Multi-Line Field” under the “Options” tab.

Refer to Text Tag Documentation for tags to be used in the form fields on your document.


The Text Tag Documentation shows all tags with “{{}}” surrounding them, as it is necessary for them to be parsed. These “curly braces” are not necessary when creating fields in Acrobat, and should be omitted.

Placing Other Objects

Aside from the standard text fields, Acrobat has checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdown menus that will function through Acrobat Sign. The options for these objects can be applied using the arguments in the tag, or through the object properties in Acrobat.

If you choose to use the object properties in Acrobat, ensure you still enter a basic tag for the name of the object. For example, if you have a check box and all of the settings were set in the Properties window, just name it CB1_es_:signer1, for example. This will ensure the object has a name and is assigned to the intended recipient.

Check Boxes

Selecting “Check Box” from the “Select Object” bar changes the cursor and allows you to place the check box. See Manually Placing Form Fields for more information.

To access the properties menu for the check box, either double click on the field or right-click and choose “Properties” from the menu.

Under Options, the available settings are Check Box Style, Export Value, and the Check box is checked by default option. Changing the “Check Box Style” will not affect how the check box is visually represented in Acrobat Sign, but the resulting PDF document will have the chosen style.

Checkbox field properties

Radio Buttons

Selecting “Radio Button” from the “Select Object” toolbar changes the cursor and allows you to place the radio button. See Manually Placing Form Fields for more information.

When you place the radio button, the basic properties dialog displays warning you that there needs to be a minimum of two radio buttons in the group because radio buttons provide a “one or another” solution.

Another radio button can be added by clicking the “Add Another Button” link or by choosing “Radio Button” from the ”Select Object” toolbar again, placing the object and renaming it to the same Group Name.

Radio Button Warning

To access the properties menu for the radio button, either double click on the field or right click and choose “Properties” from the menu.

Radio Button Field Properties

Under Options, the available settings are the Button Style, Radio Button Choice, and the two options: Button is checked by default and Buttons with the same name and choice are selected in unison, which links identically named buttons. The name of the radio button determines what group it is in, so if you’re creating an array of radio button options, they will need to be named identically in order to be a part of the same group.

Dropdown Menus

Selecting “Dropdown” from the “Select Object” toolbar changes the cursor and allows you to place the dropdown menu. See Manually Placing Form Fields for more information.

To access the properties menu for the dropdown, either double click on the field or right click and choose “Properties” from the menu.

Drop-down box Field Properties

Under Options, the available settings are Item, Export Value, Item List, Sort Items, Allow user to enter custom text, Check spelling, and Commit selected value immediately.

Enter the name of the option in the “Item” field. Additionally an export value is recommended. For example if the item is “Red”, the export value might be “R”. This value can then be exported during the signing process.

Once you’ve set up the dropdown choice, click the Add button. This moves the options down to the Item List where they can be sorted and managed.

Drop-down box field options

