Bugs fixed in ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 5

Known issues in this release

  • On a Linux OS, you are unable to generate a chart in a pdf using the cfdocument tag. You can, however, generate charts in Windows, Solaris, or Mac.
  • ColdFusion 2016 Update 5 installations through the ColdFusion Administrator might fail on certain Linux configurations that include the X Window system . The issue was introduced due to an upgrade to InstallAnywhere 2017. As a workaround, install Update 5 manually with sudo  privilege.

Bugs fixed in ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 5

Bug ID Description Component
CF-4198947 CFGrid scripting options do not work as expected. AJAX : UI Components

cfquery requests result in the following error message:

Access denied ("java.io.FilePermission" "C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\classes\macromedia\sqlserverutil\userDefaults.properties" "read")

CF-4198854 A piechart does not get displayed with only one item (100%). Charting/Graphing
CF-4198761 On a Linux OS,  cfdocument  does not generate  chart  in a pdf. Document Management : PDF generation
CF-4198817 cfquery returns cached results even when the cachedafter date is updated to be after the date of the original cached query date, but is still a past date. Database : CFQuery
CF-4198816 Changes to cached query results are persisted back into cache . Database : CFQuery
CF-4198764 When loading the template for the first time, the template displays the CFTOKEN, however, with the second refresh the token disappears. Core Runtime : Session Management
CF-4198589 Method invocation through ajaxproxy fails even if the required arguments are passed. AJAX : Plumbing
CF-4198570 The datefield attribute in cfinput does not display the value of the attribute. CFForm : HTML
CF-4198559 The Elvis operator fails when used with argument scope. Core Runtime
CF-4198513 The cache does not get updated as expected. Caching
CF-4195407 cfinput type=" datefield " generates invalid HTML code. CFForm
CF-4182090 When Sandbox security is enabled, you are unable to connect to SQL Server. Security

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