Setting up your web viewer for China Distribution

Note:  Unless you verified with qualified counsel in China that all distributed content is legal and you do not require a GAPP license, before diving any further please make sure you have signed a “China Addendum” to your DPS Service Order.

Adobe requires publishers who use DPS to maintain a valid General Administration of Press and Publication (“GAPP”) license for publications delivered into China. Fore more detailed information please refer to Distribution of DPS content in China.

By this point you should have your Adobe Content Viewer for Web set up and running. This article details what changes you need to make to your web viewer code in order to distribute your content to the People’s Republic of China.

Getting Started

The main webviewer page should load the Adobe API library:

<script type="text/javascript" 

The China version of it that you should use is:

When pulling the issue list or wherever else you reference the edge server in your code you should use the China Cache version of that URI:

Creating a store instance

When creating a new store instance to display your content, you should replace the:

adobeDPS.libraryService.createLibrary(guid, <optionsObject>, <successCallback>, <errorCallback>);

with the China Cache version:

var chinaCacheEndpoints = {
strAPIProtocolAndHost: '', // China Cache
strCDNProtocolAndHost: ''

adobeDPS.libraryService.createLibrary(guid, chinaCacheEndpoints, createLibraryHandler, function(error) {});

Once you have implemented these changes in the code, your web viewer is ready for distributing the published content in China.

Where to go from here

This article provided steps on how to customize your web viewer's code for distribution of content to China. For information on setting up and displaying the content in your webviewer go to Embedding Web Viewer Content in Your Web Page

Look into the Adobe Content Viewer for Web SDK for more detailed information on how to use the API.

If China is your content destination you should also check out the Distribution of DPS content in China.


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