Customizable motion graphics templates allow you to easily call out details in your social posts.

Find a template on Adobe Stock

Search Adobe Stock for an animated callout template. In this example, we used the search term simple infographic callout.

To refine your results to find data-driven Premiere Pro motion graphic templates, click the dropdown menu to the left of the search bar and select templates.

Click the View Filters button and in the App list, select the radio button next to Premiere Pro.

When you find the template that you like, click the Buy License button, follow the prompts, and your animated motion graphic template will automatically download to your computer.

Note: You can also search for a template directly inside Premiere Pro.

Import and edit the template

In the menu bar, click Window > Workspaces > Graphics.

Find your Essential Graphics panel and click on the Browse tab. In the lower right corner of the panel, click the Plus button to import your downloaded motion graphic template.

Navigate to its location on your hard drive and select it.

Your template will be located within the My Templates tab in the Essential Graphics panel.

Drag it onto the Timeline to edit it.

Customize your callouts

Use the Essential Graphics panel’s Edit tab to customize the look and feel.

Place your first callout, and adjust the colors, location, text, and position.

In our example, we’re using the callouts to show what someone is packing for a vacation.

  • Circle Graph Text Controls
    • Callout Text: Packing for trip
    • Text Properties: Gibson, SemiBold
    • Size: 20
    • Text Position: X -56.6  Y -252
    • Text Background Size: X 172.5  Y 172.5
    • Text Background Distance: -84

Duplicate your graphic

Make a copy of your infographic and change the design.

Copy and paste the graphic on your Timeline, then select it to adjust the colors, location, text, and position in the Essential Graphics panel:

  • Circle Fill Graph Text Controls
    • Callout Text: 2 Shirts
    • Text Properties: Gibson, SemiBold
    • Size: 65
    • Text Position: X -467  Y -221.4
  • Graph Controls
    • Data Percentage: 41
    • Circle Size: X 79  Y 79
    • Circle Position: X 1.0  Y 3.4
  • Callout Controls
    • Callout Start Position: X 534  Y 164
    • Callout End Position: X 634  Y -78
    • Line Width: 8
    • Line Dashes: 7
    • End Cap Options: 5
    • End Cap Fill Opacity: 100
    • End Cap Rotation: 289

You can duplicate and modify your template as many times as you like.


Use a Premiere Pro export preset to export for social media.

You’ve quickly and uniquely created custom callouts to highlight important parts for social videos.

Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.

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