Feature summary | Adobe Premiere Rush (May 2020 releases)

Learn about new features and enhancements in Adobe Premiere Rush (version 1.5.12)

Apple Files support

Available for Premiere Rush on iOS

When using Premiere Rush on iOS devices, you can now import media from the Files app directly from the media browser in Premiere Rush. This integration simplifies browsing and searching for media files stored on your device, in the cloud, or on an external drive.

Back Camera Support

Available for Premiere Rush on iOS

Back camera support available in Premiere Rush on iOS
Back camera support available in Premiere Rush on iOS

You can now capture from any back camera available on your device (Ultra Wide, Wide, and Telephoto) right into Premiere Rush. Choose Take Video or Photo, then tap the lens icon to switch. 


You must have iOS 13 to use this feature. 

4:5 aspect ratio

Available for Premiere Rush on mobile and desktop

Premiere Rush now supports 4:5 aspect ratio as an option for resizing projects. Media within a sequence is automatically resized to fill the frame when you change the aspect ratio to 4:5. This feature is particularly useful when sharing on Instagram or Facebook.

Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio

For more information, see Change aspect ratio.

Duplicate projects

Available for Premiere Rush on desktop

You can now duplicate any project with a single click from the project browser. This action duplicates the project as well as the media associated with it.

Duplicate projects
Duplicate projects

For more information, see Duplicate projects.

Automatically update audio devices

Available for Premiere Rush on macOS

Set Audio Hardware preferences to System Default on macOS to switch changes in the OS audio device settings, such as when connecting headphones or AirPods, or plugging in a USB microphone. You can configure this separately for input and output devices, providing control and flexibility for different editing environments.

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