Replaces occurrences of substring1 with substring2, in the specified scope. The search is case-insensitive.
A copy of the string, after making replacements.
Function syntax
ReplaceNoCase(string, substring, callback, [ scope ])
See also
Find, REFind, Replace, ReplaceList, REReplace
ColdFusion (2021 release): Added the parameter start.
ColdFusion (2016 release): Introduced named parameters.
Description |
string |
A string (or variable that contains one) within which to replace substring. |
substring |
String (or variable that contains one) to replace, if found. |
callback |
Function to replace string. Parameters are:
scope |
start |
Position to start searching in the string (starts at 1). |
<cfscript> myStr="hAppy app application apply appreciate appreciation Apprentice"; outStr = replacenocase( myStr, "app", function (transform, position, original) { return UCase(transform); } , "all"); writeoutput("Output:" & outStr); </cfscript>
Example 2
<cfscript> // ReplaceNoCase( String string, String substring, Object replacement, String scope, int start ) string="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow." substring="ow" replacement="aze" scope="ALL" start=len("The quick brown") myoutput=replacenocase(string,substring,replacement, scope, start) writeOutput(myoutput & "<br/>") // scope="ONE" myoutput1=replacenocase(string,substring,replacement, "ONE", start) writeOutput(myoutput1 & "<br/>") </cfscript>
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy caze.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy caze.
Example 3
<cfscript> // Define the callback function callback=(regexp,position,original)=>{ retString = regExp.reverse()&"aze" return retString } baseStr="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cow." writeOutput(replaceNoCase(baseStr, "ow", callback, "all", len("The quick bro")) & "<br>") writeOutput(replaceNoCase(baseStr, "ow", callback, "all", len("The quick brown")) & "<br>") </cfscript>
The quick brWOazen fox jumped over the lazy cWOaze.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cWOaze.
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