Two users working on the same organization do not see changes made by each other until those changes are executed and the other user refreshes their display. Unexecuted persisted changes may conflict with executed changes. If there are conflicts, they are reported at execution time, or in cases where data is refreshed due to sign out/ sign in or browser refresh, at data reload time.
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Changes in the Global Admin Console are done in two phases, making changes to the organizations or allocating products as needed, then reviewing and executing these changes. Learn how you can execute the pending changes.
To ensure that all changes made within the Global Admin Console are implemented and take effect, navigate to the Job Execution tab and proceed with executing them.
You can sign out and back in or even refresh the page without losing edits. Unexecuted changes are discarded after 30 days. However, pending changes are cleared if you close the browser tab or window.
As a global administrator, you can review the list of changes and initiate the execution, or continue to make changes. To execute the changes, do the following:
Sign in to the Global Admin Console.
Navigate to the Job Execution tab. Review the pending changes, if any, and select Submit Changes to execute them.
The job starts executing, and the status appears as pending until the execution is complete. Adobe recommends having only one job in execution at a time. If an error occurs while executing a job, changes not successfully applied must be reentered.
If an allocation takes over 12 hours to process, the job is marked as failed and any subsequent pending tasks are not executed.
Cancel a running job
To cancel a running job, select Cancel Running Job in the Job Execution tab.
Canceling a running job stops the job at the end of the current step. It does not stop the job immediately in the middle of a step. Some steps may take minutes or hours to complete, so a job may be in the canceling state for some time.
View job history
To view the jobs executed in the past 30 days, do the following:
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Job Execution tab, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Select Recent Jobs.
- Job commands are listed as they were when they were submitted. Subsequent renames or deletions to not affect display of commands.
- Errors and warnings are displayed with each command.