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Fix crash issues with InDesign

  1. InDesign User Guide
  2. Get to know InDesign
    1. Introduction to InDesign
      1. What's New in InDesign
      2. System requirements
      3. Common questions
      4. Use Creative Cloud libraries
    2. Workspace
      1. Workspace basics
      2. Contextual task bar
      3. Customize your workspace in InDesign
      4. Toolbox
      5. Set preferences
      6. Properties panel
      7. Touch workspace
      8. Default keyboard shortcuts
      9. Undo edits and manage History panel
      10. Document recovery and undo
    3. Generative AI (Not available in mainland China)
      1. Text to Image
      2. Generative Expand
      3. Generate Effect in InDesign (Beta)
      4. Generative AI FAQ
  3. Create and layout documents
    1. Documents and pages
      1. Create documents
      2. Work with parent pages
      3. Work with document pages
      4. Set page size, margins, and bleed
      5. Work with files and templates
      6. Convert PDFs to InDesign files in InDesign (Beta)
      7. Create book files
      8. Add basic page numbering
      9. Number pages, chapters, and sections
      10. Convert QuarkXPress and PageMaker documents
      11. Share content
      12. Understand a basic managed-file workflow
      13. Save documents
    2. Grids
      1. Grids
      2. Format grids
    3. Layout aids
      1. Rulers
      2. Align and distribute objects using rulers
      3. Measure objects using the Measure tool
  4. Add content
    1. Text
      1. Add text to frames
      2. Threading text
      3. South-East Asian Scripts
      4. Arabic and Hebrew features in InDesign
      5. Create type on a path
      6. Bullets and numbering
      7. Insert MathML to create math expressions
      8. Glyphs and special characters
      9. Text composition
      10. Text variables
      11. Generate QR codes
      12. Edit text
      13. Align text
      14. Wrap text around objects
      15. Anchored objects
      16. Linked content
      17. Format paragraphs
      18. Format characters
    2. Typography
      1. Using fonts in InDesign
      2. Kerning and tracking
      3. Scale and skew type
      4. Apply color effects to type
    3. Format text
      1. Format text
      2. Auto Style text
      3. Work with Style Packs
      4. Tabs and indents
    4. Review text
      1. Track and review changes
      2. Add editorial notes in InDesign
      3. Import PDF comments
    5. Spell check and language dictionaries
      1. Check spelling, autocorrect, and dynamic spelling
      2. Create, add, and manage dictionaries and words
      3. Change dictionary preferences
      4. Duden dictionary
    6. Add references
      1. Create a table of contents
      2. Footnotes
      3. Create an index
      4. Endnotes
      5. Captions
    7. Styles
      1. Paragraph and character styles
      2. Map, export, and manage styles
      3. Object styles
      4. Drop caps and nested styles
      5. Work with styles
      6. Leading
    8. Tables
      1. Format tables
      2. Create tables
      3. Table and Cell styles
      4. Select and edit tables
      5. Table strokes and fills
    9. Interactivity
      1. Hyperlinks
      2. Dynamic PDF documents
      4. Buttons
      5. Forms
      6. Animation
      7. Cross-references
      8. Structure PDFs
      9. Page transitions
      10. Movies and sounds
    10. Graphics
      1. Understand paths and shapes
      2. Draw with the Pencil tool
      3. Draw with the Pen tool
      4. Apply line (stroke) settings 
      5. Compound paths and shapes
      6. Edit paths
      7. Clipping paths
      8. Change corner appearance
      9. Frames and objects
      10. Align and distribute objects
      11. Linked and embedded graphics
      12. Integrate AEM assets
    11. Color and transparency
      1. Apply color
      2. Use colors from imported graphics
      3. Work with swatches
      4. Mix inks
      5. Tints
      6. Understand spot and process colors
      7. Blend colors
      8. Gradients
      9. Flatten transparent artwork
      10. Add transparency effects
  5. Find and replace
    1. Find and replace text
    2. Find and replace fonts
    3. Find and replace glyphs
    4. Find and replace using GREP expressions and queries
    5. Find and replace objects
    6. Find and replace colors
    7. Search options to find and replace
  6. Share
    1. Save and access cloud documents
    2. Organize, manage, and share cloud documents
    3. View and manage versions in cloud documents
    4. Common questions about InDesign cloud documents
    5. InCopy on the web (Beta)
    6. Share and collaborate        
    7. Share for Review
    8. Review a shared InDesign document
    9. Manage feedback
    10. Invite to edit
  7. Export, import, and publish
    1. Place, export, and publish
      1. Publish online
      2. Publish online dashboard
      3. Copy, insert graphics
      4. Export to Adobe Express
      5. Export content for EPUB
      6. Adobe PDF options
      7. Export to HTML5
      8. Export content to HTML (Legacy)
      9. Export to Adobe PDF
      10. Export to JPEG or PNG format
      11. Import SVG files
      12. Supported File Formats
      13. Export and import User Settings
    2. Printing
      1. Print booklets
      2. Printer's marks and bleeds
      3. Print documents
      4. Inks, separation, and screen frequency
      5. Overprinting
      6. Create PostScript and EPS files
      7. Preflight files before handoff
      8. Print thumbnails and oversized documents
      9. Prepare PDFs for service providers
      10. Prepare to print separations
  8. Extend InDesign
    1. Automation
      1. Data merge
      2. Plug-ins
      3. Capture extension in InDesign
      4. Scripting
  9. Troubleshooting
    1. Fixed issues
    2. Known issues
    3. Crash on launch
    4. Preference folder read-only issue
    5. Troubleshoot file issues
    6. Unable to export InDesign file to PDF
    7. InDesign document recovery

Learn how to troubleshoot and fix crash issues when you launch InDesign.

"I installed InDesign on my system and it keeps crashing on launch. All of a sudden, I am no longer able to open InDesign from Start menu or by double-clicking on InDesign file". 

Before you proceed, follow these steps to troubleshoot some of the common issues yourself if InDesign crashes unexpectedly or becomes unresponsive:

  • Run the disk repair utility tool for Windows or macOS.
  • Ensure that your InDesign is up to date.

Update InDesign

InDesign system messages help you determine the cause of the crash by providing a list of problem-causing scenarios. Here are some of the scenarios and their solutions:

Launch issues on Windows

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 5 mins. 

Issue:  InDesign 2024 (v19.4.0) and above fails to launch or experiences a silent crash on N editions of Windows 11 Pro.

Workaround 1: Install the Windows Media Feature pack.

Workaround 2: Update Windows.

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 7 mins. 

Try out the following troubleshooting steps to fix the issue. 

  1. Add the InDesign executable as an exception in the Symantec DLP Security Suite:

    1. Open the Symantec Security Suite Enforce Console and navigate to System > Agent > Application Monitoring and add InDesign as an Exception.
    2. Deselect all the detection channels under ApplicationMonitoring Configuration.
    3. Click Save. Restart the system and then launch InDesign.
    Symantec DLP_Settings
    Symantec settings to add InDesign as an exception.

  2. Launch and run InDesign from the Creative Cloud desktop.


    This workaround is not applicable if the app panel is disabled.

  3. Run the InDesign executable from the installation directory or from the Start menu shortcut as an administrator.

  4. Run the application in compatibility mode for Windows 7.

    Right-click the executable and choose Properties. In the Compatibility tab, select Run this program in compatibility mode for and select Windows 7 from the drop-down list.

    Change Compatibility Mode
    Run compatibility mode for Windows 7.

  5. Roll back the Windows installation to Windows 7.

DLL errors on launch

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 3 mins. 


This issue has been found only on Windows 10 Operating Systems with standard user rights. 

  1. Open Windows Event Viewer logs from C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\folder.

  2. Check the logs for a faulty module path for InDesign
    %programfiles%\Adobe\Adobe InDesign[version] \PMRuntime.dll.

  3. Run the app as administrator.

  4. Right-click InDesign in the Start menu and select Run as Administrator.

Preferences folder permissions

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 4 mins.


Ensure to back up your folders as resetting preferences removes all the custom settings, and InDesign launches with default settings. 

Follow the steps outlined at Unable to launch InDesign due to insufficient permissions to set read/write permissions for the preferences folder. 

Damaged fonts

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 5 mins.

  1. Remove or disable fonts with special characters in their names, such as Ithornët.

  2. Before you test your fonts, remove or update any third-party font plug-ins.

  3. Clear the system font cache.

  4. Identify, isolate, and troubleshoot the font causing the problem.

App freeze/crash on launch

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 3 mins.


Ensure to back up your folders, as resetting preferences removes all the custom settings, and InDesign launches with default settings.

  1. Uninstall InDesign.

  2. Delete the following InDesign application folder to remove corrupt preferences, and reinstall InDesign.

Windows 10

  • InDesign_Cache=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\

  • InDesign_Preferences=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\


  • InDesign_Cache=~/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign\

  • InDesign_Preferences=~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign\

Antivirus settings

It is possible that antivirus software settings on your computer cause InDesign to crash on launch. Follow these steps to troubleshoot some of the antivirus issues:

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 2 mins.

  1. Open the GDATA antivirus software and navigate to Settings > Advanced > Mode.

  2. Change the Mode to Only check read access.

  3. Click OK and launch InDesign.

For further clarification on contact GDATA support team.


This issue is fixed in GDATA antivirus software version and above.

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 2 mins.

  1. Upgrade the AVG antivirus to its latest version.

  2. Follow these steps to add the dvatemporalxmp.dll file to the exception list for AVG:

    • In the AVG UI console, choose Settings > General option > Exception list.

    • In the exception list, add the dvatemporalxmp.dll file, which is available in the installation directory of InDesign 15.0.


AVG antivirus types such as AVG Zen or Business Security have different UI consoles and follow a different procedure to add the DLL file in the exception list. For any clarification on AVG antivirus software, contact the support team of the AVG antivirus maker. 

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 2 mins.

When you launch an Adobe application on systems running macOS 10.12 and above with Cylance antivirus, the application crashes and returns the following error: Adobe application cannot be opened because of a problem

Contact your IT administrator to whitelist Adobe Crash Reporter Client from the Cylance web-based management console.  Share the following paths to whitelist Adobe Crash Reporter Client with your IT administrator:


Replace <Adobe application> with the name and version of the application installed on your system. For example, if you have the latest release of Adobe InDesign installed on your system, replace <Adobe application> with Adobe InDesign 2022.

  • /Applications/<Adobe application>/<Adobe application>.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeCrashReporter.framework/Versions/A/AdobeCrashReporter

  • /Applications/<Adobe application>/<Adobe application>.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeCrashReporter.framework/Versions/Current/AdobeCrashReporter

  • /Users/<username>.Trash/AdobeCrashReporter.framework/Versions/Current/AdobeCrashReporter

Miscellaneous issues

Follow these steps to troubleshoot unexpected errors like library files issues on a network, OS-specific issues, or naming issues for UXP and CEP folders:

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 3 mins. 

InDesign 2020 crashes on launch due to faulty Windows update corrupting the VCRuntime dlls. Before you begin performing the steps below, close all the applications in your system. 

Crash issue dialog
Crash dialog

  1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.

  2. Right-click Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 (x64)/ 2017-2019 (x64).

  3. Click Change > Repair. 

    Follow the instructions to repair the Microsoft Visuall C++ application. 

    Change VC 2015-2020 application settings
    Click Change.

    Repair the VC runtime
    Click repair and follow the instructions.

  4. Restart the system and launch InDesign.

If the issue is still not resolved, download the latest VCRuntime from Microsoft support site and repeat the steps 1-4. 

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 3 mins. 

InDesign can crash when working with InDesign Libraries stored on a network or shared location. Follow the steps below to fix the issue on Windows or macOS operating systems. 

  1. Open the Library folder, which is hidden by default. See Show hidden files to display hidden files and folders.

  2. Navigate to C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\{Version #}\{language}\. {user} is the user name with which you are logged in, {Version #} is the version of InDesign, and {language} is the language of InDesign application installed on your computer.

    For example, if you are logged in with user ID as john doe, the version of InDesign is 17.0, and the language is en_US, the path will be C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 17.0\en_US\

    Navigate to InDesign application installation path
    Navigate to InDesign application installation path

  3. Rename the Caches folder to Caches_old.

  4. Launch InDesign.

  1. Open the Library folder, which is hidden by default. To open the Library folder, click the desktop to make sure you are in the Finder, hold down the Option key, then choose Go > Library.

  2. Navigate to Hard Drive/Users/{user}/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/{Version #}/{user} is the user name with which you are logged in and {Version #} is the version of InDesign.

    For example, if you are logged in as john doe and the version of InDesign is 17.0, the path will be Macintosh HD/Users/johndoe/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/Version 17

  3. Rename the folder indicating the language of InDesign application that is installed on your system. For example, rename the en_US folder to en_US_old.

  4. Launch InDesign.

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 2 mins. 

Rename CEP folder as CEP.old and UXP folder as UXP.old in the following paths and relaunch InDesign. 




CEP folders

  • C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP

  • /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/


Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\UXP

Navigate to Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP

 Approximate troubleshooting time: 5 mins. 

InDesign/InCopy crashes on launch due to multiple factors, both internal and external, to InDesign/InCopy.

Update macOS and Windows OS to the latest versions to solve the issue.

Third-party plugins

If you've installed a third-party plugin recently, it could be the reason for the crash. Learn how to troubleshoot InDesign third-party plugins.

Corrupt InDesign file

If you double-click an InDesign file to open the application and there is a crash, the issue could be with the InDesign file. Try to open the application separately to rule out the issue with the file. Learn how to troubleshoot damaged InDesign files.

Not meeting the minimum requirements

We recommended you to upgrade the system as per the following requirements:

Are you still facing crash issues?

We're here to help!

If you're unable to fix the issue and need help, you can share more information about your crash issue and crash log to help Adobe resolve the issue for you. 


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