Upload content
Images (Photos or Illustrations):
- JPEG format only.
- Images must have standard aspect ratios and cannot be resized.
- Minimum image resolution is 1,600 x 2,400 pixels (4 megapixels)
- Maximum image resolution is 100MP (megapixels)
- Maximum file size is 45 MB (megabytes)
- AI or EPS format. We recommend to save your file compatible with earlier versions of Adobe Illustrator, such as Illustrator CS6.
- Upload EPS or AI files directly. Previously, you had to place each file in a ZIP archive that includes a JPEG preview. If you have ZIP files already created, you can continue to upload them.
Note: A direct upload of .eps files isn't supported if you're using Internet Explorer as your browser. Switch to a different browser to upload them.
- Minimum resolution is 5,000 x 3,000 (15 million pixels).
- Content should be recorded in 4K DCI, UHD TV, or Full HD, with a minimum resolution of 1280x720 in . MOV, MP4, MPG ,or AVI format.
- Duration needs to be at least 5 seconds and not exceed 60 seconds.
- File size must be less than 3900MB (3.9GB).
- Please avoid vertical or square framing.
For additional tips on what makes a good stock photo, vector, or video, check out our tutorials.
You can upload photos and illustrations in the JPEG format using the Adobe Stock Contributor portal or through Adobe Lightroom CC, Adobe Bridge CC, and mobile apps like Photoshop Mix and Photoshop Fix.
Vector files in .ai or .eps format can only be uploaded from the Contributor portal at this time. Vector files require to be placed in a ZIP folder with a JPEG preview.
You can drag and drop your files (maximum file size 30 MB) or upload via FTP. For an FTP upload, use your own FTP client and click on the “Learn More” option on the portal’s upload page to obtain the server information and your one-time personal password.
Note: Videos can only be uploaded through FTP at this time.
You can upload photos and illustrations in the JPEG format directly from the following Creative Cloud apps:
- Adobe Lightroom
- Adobe Bridge
- Adobe Photoshop Fix
- Adobe Photoshop Mix
The supported file specifications are:
- Images must have standard aspect ratios and cannot be resized.
- Minimum image resolution is 1,600 x 2,400 pixels (4 MP)
- Maximum image resolution is 65 MP
- Maximum file size is 30 MB
You can upload as many files as you wish. If your network connection drops, already uploaded files will be available in the Contributor portal. Upon reconnection, you can continue uploading the remaining files.
We only accept content uploaded via the Adobe Stock Contributor portal or the integrated Creative Cloud apps.
Use the title field for a description of your content, such as “Sunset view in Fira, Santorini, Greece.” It is important to stay relevant, descriptive, precise, and avoid using offensive keywords. Buyers decide whether to license your assets not only based on finding the right content, but also on how you describe the content. Using unprofessional descriptions could limit your sales.
The keywords you enter will ensure your content appears in search results. Be as descriptive as possible and add keywords in order of relevance. For example, an image of a pizza should have “pizza” as the first keyword and not “cheese.”
All of your keywords must be in the same language, which needs to match the language you selected under “Keyword Language”. Our search engine automatically translates all keywords into other languages available on Adobe Stock.
Do not use trademarked names (ex. Porsche, iPad, Ferrari), camera specifications (ex. Nikon, 12MP), or type of content (ex. Vector, illustration) as keywords.
Feel free to use our auto-keyword feature to speed up the keyword process, but note that this feature is still in beta and we would encourage you to review them. Re-order, remove or edit irrelevant keywords and use more appropriate ones to improve your sales opportunities. As you edit and update your keywords, the auto-keyword tool “learns” from your edits, which will improve your future experience.
We support title and keywords in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Korean. If buyers search for content on Adobe Stock in other languages, Adobe Stock handles the translation and will display all images, vectors or videos that have been tagged with titles or keywords that match the search query, regardless of their original language.
You can add metadata to your files in Lightroom, Bridge, Photoshop, and other image editing software. The data will be displayed in the keyword section on the Contributor portal and you can review and edit it before submitting your content.
If your image or video features an identifiable person you will need a Model Release. If it features intellectual or private property, you will need a Property Release. These refer to signed releases from the person(s) in the image or the property owner of the copyrighted item permitting you to use the content for commercial purposes.
Ask yourself “If I went to this place, met this person, or saw this work of art, would I recognize it/them from this image?” If your answer is “No,”, then likely no release will be required. However, if your answer is “Yes,” you should investigate whether the item is protected by privacy, trademark or copyright.
Read more about protected content here.
We accept all standard formats of releases, as long as they contain required information including the release wordings, model or property photo as reference, the model’s or the property’s printed name, date of birth, and a dated signature. You also need to include a dated signature of a witness.
You can download a model and a property release template from the Contributor portal.
Manage content
Our goal is to review content within 2-5 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
Your submission may be rejected if it doesn’t adhere to our legal requirements or technical and quality standards. Typical reasons for rejection include missing property or model releases when required; images that do not have a clear subject matter; and common technical quality issues such as lighting, exposure, focus, composition, dust, noise, etc.
For more information, see Reasons for content rejection.
You can modify or remove a certain amount of your content at any time under the Uploads tab in the Contributor Portal, subject to the Adobe Stock Contributor additional terms.