New and enhanced features | June 2020 release of Lightroom
Learn about new features and enhancements in the June 2020 release of Lightroom desktop (version 3.3) and Lightroom for mobile (version 5.3)
Share your photos with their edits in Discover section

Share inspirational edits

You can now share your favorite photos with their edits to the Discover section to inspire and connect with other photographers. On Lightroom desktop, you can also follow other photographers and their edits.

Adjust hue locally without affecting colors in the rest of the photo

Local Hue adjustment

You can now adjust Hue locally. Local Hue allows you to easily recolor objects in a scene, as well as make more subtle adjustments such as fine-tuning skin tones, without impacting colors in the rest of your photo.

Create versions of different edits and easily compare them

Create edit versions

Experiment with different edits of the same photo and save them as Versions without creating multiple copies. This way you don't lose your first set of edits and can easily compare different edits.

Set default settings during import for raw photos

Customize default settings for raw photos

In Preferences, you can easily customize default import settings for raw photos to streamline your edit workflow. 

Add text watermarks in Lightroom desktop

Add text watermarks to photos on desktop

Now add watermarks to your exported photos using Lightroom desktop like you did on Lightroom for mobile. The watermark syncs with your updates in Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android). 

Send photos from Lightroom to Photoshop on the iPad

Easily send photos to Photoshop on the iPad
(iPad only)

Now, just like on desktop, you can send your photos directly from Lightroom on iPad to Photoshop on iPad and back when you need edits that only Photoshop can provide.


Support for new cameras and lenses

Find the full list of supported cameras and lens profiles for Lightroom desktop and Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android).


Other enhancements

Notifications are displayed in the bell icon when likes or comments are added in shared albums. On mobile, viewers and contributors of shared albums can add likes or comments. Learn more about these features and other UI enhancements.

Share inspirational edits

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

You can now share your favorite photos along with their step-by-step edits to fellow photographers. You can also allow others to save your edits as a preset. To share your edits:

  1. Click My Photos in the left navigation panel or press P.

  2. Select a photo with at least three edits.

  3. Click the Share icon in the upper-right corner and select Share Edit.

    Share Edits from Share menu
    The Share menu in Lightroom desktop.
  4. Enter the title of your post and description in the respective fields. You can also set Permissions such as Allow save as preset and Show location info and select up to three categories for your post to be discovered.

    The Share Edits panel in Lightroom desktop.
    The Share Edits panel in Lightroom desktop.
  5. Finally, click Share. A shareable link is displayed that you can copy and share with others or share directly to Twitter and Facebook using the icons.

Local Hue adjustment

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

To fine-tune skin tone or change colors in specific areas of a photo, follow these steps:

  1. In Lightroom desktop, open a photo in Loupe view and select a local adjustment tool such as Brush, Radial Gradient, or Linear Gradient.

  2. Make a selection in your photo where you want to edit the color. 

  3. In the Brush, Linear Gradient, or Radial Gradient panel, adjust the Hue slider. Keep the Use fine adjustment option selected if you're fine tuning skin tone. You can also add a numerical value against Hue to select a specific color.

    Local hue adjustment in Lightroom desktop
    Local hue adjustment in Lightroom desktop

Create edit versions

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

Here's how you can view and compare different edits to the same photo:

  1. Open a photo and add your desired edits from the Edit panel. 

  2. In the bottom of the Edit panel, click Versions.

    Versions in Edit panel
    Versions in the Edit panel of Lightroom desktop.
  3. In the Versions panel, you can view the Original which is the photo you imported. Click Create Version, add a name for the edits you made, and click Create. The edited photo is created as a Version.

    Create Versions
    Create Versions in Lightroom desktop.
  4. This way, you can create more Versions of different edits. To compare the edits, simply hover over the listed Version.

  5. Click the three-dot icon in any of the listed Versions to rename or delete that Version.

Customize default settings for raw photos

New in Lightroom desktop and mobile

Easily specify default settings to process raw photos during import. To access Raw Defaults:

  1. In Lightroom desktop, select Edit > Preferences.

  2. Click the Import tab to view the settings for Raw Defaults.

    Raw default settings in Lightroom
    Edit raw default settings in Lightroom.
  3. Raw Defaults is originally set to Adobe Default. You can now select Camera Settings to import raw photos with the style you've set in your camera or select a preset from the Preset drop-down list.

  4. Click Done. These settings will sync across the Lightroom ecosystem.

Add text watermarks to photos

New in Lightroom desktop

Here's how you can quickly add a customized watermark to your photo:

  1. Click the Share icon and select Export.

  2. In the Export screen, select Include Watermark. A default watermark of your name is added. To edit the watermark settings such as font, style, anchor point, size, color, and more - click the Settings icon.

    Add watermark in Lightroom desktop
    Watermark settings in Lightroom desktop.
  3. As you change the watermark settings, you can view the preview in real time. Once you reach the desired settings, click Done.

  4. Finally, click Export Photo to export the photo with your watermark.

    Your watermark settings are synced across the mobile platforms of Lightroom.

For more details on the watermark settings, see Add a watermark in Lightroom desktop.

Easily send photos to Photoshop on the iPad

New in Lightroom for iPad

Need to add more refined edits that only Photoshop can offer? Send your photo from Lightroom to Photoshop on the iPad and back with these easy steps:

  1. In the Lightroom app on the iPad, open the desired photo and click the Share icon.

  2. Select Edit in Photoshop.

    The Share menu in Lightroom app on the iPad.
    The Share menu in Lightroom app on the iPad.
  3. Make your edits in Photoshop on the iPad. To bring the photo back to Lightroom, select Send to Lightroom in the top panel.

    Send to Lightroom from Photoshop on the iPad.
    Send to Lightroom from Photoshop on the iPad.

Support for new cameras and lenses

For a full list of supported cameras and lens profiles for Lightroom desktop and Lightroom for mobile (iOS and Android), see the following resources:

Other enhancements

Lightroom desktop

  • The bell icon in the upper-right corner displays notifications when a like or comment is added to photos in shared albums.
  • You can view the likes and comments added to a photo in the Activity panel.
  • Russian and Thai locales are now supported.

Lightroom for mobile (iOS)

  • The bell icon in the upper-right corner displays notifications when a like or comment is added to photos in a shared album.
  • The navigation bar which was previously at the top is moved to the bottom of the screen. As a result, Learn and Discover sections are separated for easier access. For more details see, Get to know the workspace
  • For shared albums, viewers and contributors can like or comment on photos. Album owners can set permission levels when inviting people to the album. For more details, see Shared album settings.
  • If you're using iOS 13, you can access any installed font to customize a text watermark. For details on how to add a watermark, see Add a watermark.

Lightroom for mobile (Android)

  • In Shared and Library view, the bell icon displays notifications each time a like or comment is added in a shared album. 
  • For shared albums, viewers and contributors can like or comment on photos. Album owners can set permission levels when inviting people to the album. For more details, see Shared albums.
  • Photos contributed in a shared album will now display a thumbnail of the contributor in the lower-right corner of the photo.
  • The navigation bar is moved to the bottom of the screen. As a result, the Learn and Discover sections are now accessed separately. For more details, see Get to know the workspace.
  • Sharing Options has been moved from Preferences. These options can be accessed from the Share to settings icon in the Share menu.
  • You can customize watermarks with additional settings - Horizontal and Vertical Offsets and Drop Shadow. The same watermark settings are applied when you export photos using Share to, Save to Device, or Export as from the Share menu. For more details, see Add a watermark.