Enable responsive resize

Learn how to enable, override, and use responsive resize.

Enable responsive resize

  1. Select the artboard size to get started.

  2. In the Property Inspector, select the toggle button to switch ON responsive resize.  The default behavior is OFF.  However, if you select groups, individual elements, multi-selections, and all other elements in an artboard, responsive resize is set to ON and you can select OFF to disable responsive resize.

  3. If you set the resize option to OFF:

    • You can select Auto or Manual options. Select Manual to view the constraints for the selected artboard.
    • Constraints are disabled for all children in the tree (not just immediate children). 
    • Artboards retain the same default behavior of adding additional space when resized.
  4. If you set the resize option to ON:

    • All elements on an artboard become automatically responsive.
    • Objects on the pasteboard will not have the responsive resize Property Inspector controls, as objects on the pasteboard have no immediate parent. 

Override responsive resize

Though responsive resize is the default resize behavior for multi-selection and group resizing, you can: 

  • Use the Shift key to override the responsive behavior for a normal (scaling) resize and achieve an aspect-ratio locked scale.
  • Switch OFF responsive resize in the Property Inspector.

Enable responsive resize in an artboard


By default, responsive resize is turned off for artboards; users can turn it on and responsively resize artboards. 

  1. Select the objects in an artboard and enable responsive resize.

  2. Select the Manual option. If you select the Auto option, constraints are recalculated on every resize.

  3. Within the Constraints panel, apply the required constraints. You can also resize or drag the handle of the artboard to increase the artboard size to add more space.

Use responsive resize to replicate a mobile design to a tablet version

  1. Select and copy the content of the mobile design into the tablet artboard. Responsive Resize is enabled by default.

  2. In the tablet artboard, use the handle to resize the grouped element. The elements are distributed in a manner that maintains the size, height, and width of the icons while adjusting the padding between the elements.

Use responsive resize to modify the constraints of a mobile design replicated to a tablet version

  1. Select and copy the mobile content to the artboard.

  2. In the tablet artboard, click the group handle to resize. Artboard increases in size, adds more space, and ignores the content of the artboard.

  3. Drag the handle to display the on-canvas decorations and group the elements. 

  4. Select Manual resize option and modify the constraints based on the form factor. As you resize, the pink lines display the relationships between elements.

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