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We're rolling out a new, more intuitive product experience. If the screen shown here doesn’t match your product interface, select help for your current experience.
Before you begin
We're rolling out a new, more intuitive product experience. If the screen shown here doesn’t match your product interface, select help for your current experience.
You can start with a blank PDF, add the required text and labels in the PDF, and then add form fields to complete the form.
From the top toolbar, choose Edit > Prepare a form.
In the Prepare a form tool, select Start from blank page > Create form.
The form components are displayed on the left. To add text, select the Text option and type the desired text or information wherever you want to in your form.
To add a logo or image to the form, close the Prepare a form tool and choose the Add Image option in the Edit tool. Select the image, select OK, and then place it at the desired location. Adjust the size or location of the image as appropriate.
Below is an example form with labels created using the Text, Text field, and Image components.
To change existing text or images, select the Edit megaverb in the global bar. All the text and image fields are enabled for editing.
Add fields using the form components displayed on the left pane. Delete, resize, or arrange the fields as needed. To add a field:
While you’re adding fields, select Preview to view how they look. Select Exit preview to come back to the prepare a form mode.
Considering the example of the Vacation Request Form, below screenshots show it in the prepare a form mode and the preview mode.
Once you complete adding form fields, save the form.