Adding music to video clips

Learn to add music scores to video clips and enhance the musical atmosphere of the video. You can choose from various royalty-free music scores in Adobe Premiere Elements.

Adding a music score to a video clip

A music score here refers to an audio track you can apply to a video in the timeline. It includes an intro, a body, and an extro. The music played in a score dynamically fits the length of the video track.

Soundbooth scores are like music pieces that adapt themselves to user-specified parameters, such as a video's length, by intelligently rearranging the musical structure and altering the mix to match a desired intensity.  

To add a music score to your video clip, follow these steps:

  1. Select Add Audio to the soundtrack button.  

  2. From the drop-down list, select Music Score. A list of categories of musical scores is displayed. Select a category of music score to explore the sounds available in that category.

    Music Score
    Music Scores

  3. The scores are displayed under the music score category selected in the previous step. Click the preview button to hear the score before applying it to the video clip.

    Download on demand
    Download Music Score


    All content in Premiere Elements 2025 is downloaded on demand. Manual and Deterministic downloads of content are not present.


    Right-click and select Download Now to download the music score, can be done in Premiere Elements 2024 and previous Versions. Click here to read more about downloading music scores/online content.

  4. Click to select the music score you want to apply to the video clip. Drag-and-drop it on the timeline on the intended video. The Score Property contextual pop-up menu is displayed.  

  5. In the Score Property pop-up, select from the following options:

    • Intensity: A music score is an audio clip that contains sounds of various musical instruments playing together. You can increase the intensity of these sounds by dragging the slider toward Intense. To decrease the intensity of the musical instruments, drag the slider to the left toward Mellow.
    • Fit Entire Video: Click Fit Entire Video to add the score to the entire video clip. The score sound plays throughout the video clip.

    Click Done.

    Music panel PRE 2025
    Score Property

  6. Click Play or press Spacebar key to listen to the music score after applying it on the video clip.

Repositioning the music score

The music score is a dynamic component and can be repositioned and adjusted dynamically. You can perform the following actions while repositioning the music score:

Trim the score

You can trim the duration of the music score. Select the beginning/end of the music score and trim it using the trim handles. You can drag inwards to reduce the length/duration of the music score.

Trim Music
Trim Music Score

Stretch the score

To increase the duration of the music score, click at the end of the score and drag(stretch) it.

Stretch the score until where you want to apply the score on the video clip.

Reposition the score

Click to select the music score and drag-drop it anywhere on the video clip to change its location.

Deterministic download of online content

Adobe Premiere Elements 2024 and previous versions offers a deterministic download of the online content. It implies you can ascertain the size of online content before downloading all the content. If you download one content at a time, you can view the progress of download.

For example, let us take the example of downloading music scores. To see how deterministic download works for music scores, follow these steps:

  1. Select Audio > Music Score.

  2. Select any type of music score.

  3. If the blue bars are displayed, it implies the music scores have to be downloaded.


All content in Premiere Elements 2025 is downloaded on demand. Manual and Deterministic downloads of content are not present.

Adding sound effects to a video

You can enhance your video with sound effects which allows you to make a creative point or emphasizing a certain portion of the video clip or movie. These effects are added to the video background. To add a sound effect to a video clip, follow these steps:

  1. Import your video clip to the timeline.

  2. In the action bar, select Music > Sound Effects (All the sound effects are downloaded by default in Premiere Elements 2024 and previous verions).


    All content in Premiere Elements 2025 is downloaded on demand. Manual and Deterministic downloads of content are not present.

  3. Select a sound effect category from the list to load and explore the sound effects.

  4. Click Play on a sound effect to listen to the preview.

  5. Click the sound effect to select it and drag-drop on the Music track in the timeline.

  6. Click Play or press spacebar to view the video clip with the Sound Effect.

Adding audio tracks to your video clip

You can add audio tracks to video clips and enhance the output video. You can choose from various audio tracks available in Adobe Premiere Elements.

  1. Import your video clip to the timeline.

  2. In the action bar, select Music > Audio tracks (All the audio effects are downloaded by default).

    Audio Tracks
    Audio tracks

  3. Select a audio track category from the list to load and explore the effects present in the category.

  4. Click the play icon on a audio track to listen to the preview.

  5. Select the audio and drag-drop on the Music track in the timeline.

  6. Click Play or press spacebar to view the clip with the audio track.

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