Viewing clip properties

Learn to use the Properties panel in Premiere Elements to view the properties of the clips imported into the timeline.

See an overview of basic clip properties

To view the basic properties of a clip, right-click on the clip in the Project Assets panel and select Properties.

View comprehensive file information

Adobe Premiere Elements includes tools that you can use to evaluate a file in any supported format stored inside or outside a project. For example, you can determine whether a clip you exported has an appropriate data rate for Internet distribution. Video file properties can include file size, number of video and audio tracks, duration, average frame rate, audio sample rate, video data rate, and compression settings. In addition, they include information about dropped frames in captured clips.

Properties panel

properties panel

You can use the Get Properties feature to check for dropped frames in a clip you captured. 

In the Properties panel, you'll find the property details such as File Path, File Type, File Size, File Size, Frame Rate, Source Audio Format, Project Audio Format, Total Duration, Pixel Aspect Ratio, Alpha, Color Space, Color Space Override, Input LUT, Video Codec Type of the selected clip.

  1. If the clip is in the Advanced view timeline, select it and choose File > Get Properties For > Selection.


The customization of list view properties for Project Assets below applies to Premiere Elements 2024 and the previous versions.

Customize List view properties

You can customize the List view to display only the information you want to see. You can also rename columns, add columns of your own, rearrange columns, and change the width of columns.

Specify which properties appear in List view

The Name property appears by default, and displays the clip name on disk. You cannot remove the Name property using the Edit Columns dialog box. You can change the name the clip uses inside the project.

  1. Open the Project Assets panel.
  2. Right-click in the Media view and choose Edit Columns. Ensure that you select an area outside the rows containing the assets.

  3. Select any of the following properties you want to appear in Media view, and click OK:


    Displays a check mark if the clip is used in the project.

    Media Type

    Media, such as Movie or Still Image.

    Frame Rate

    The frame rate of the clip, such as 29.97 fps.


    In Adobe Premiere Elements, all durations in a panel include the frames specified by the In and Out points. For example, setting the In point and Out point to the same frame results in a duration of one frame.

    Video Duration

    The duration of the clip the Video In point and Out point define. Incorporating any adjustments applied in Adobe Premiere Elements, such as changing the clip speed.

    Audio Duration

    The duration of the clip the Audio In point and Out point define. Incorporating any adjustments applied in Adobe Premiere Elements, such as changing the clip speed.

    Video Info

    The frame size and aspect ratio of the clip, and whether an alpha channel is present.

    Audio Info

    The audio specifications of the clip.

    Video Usage

    The number of times the video component of a clip is used in the movie.

    Audio Usage

    The number of times the audio component of a clip is used in the movie.


    Specifies whether a clip is online or offline. If a clip is offline, this option also indicates why.


    Field for adding a client’s name or other details.

    Length of the captured media on disk, expressed in the Display Format specified in the General section of the Project Settings dialog box.

Adjust columns in List view

Use the List view to quickly evaluate, locate, or organize clips based on specific properties.

  1. Open the Project Assets panel.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • To change the width of a column, position the pointer over a dividing line between column headings until the Column Resize icon appears. Then, drag horizontally.

    • To create a column, right-click and choose Edit Columns > select Add, and select a column name (after which the new column appears). Type a name, select a type for the new column, and select OK. Text columns can contain any text you enter. Boolean columns provide a checkbox.

    • To display a column, right-click > Edit Columns, and then select the box next to the column name you want to display.

    • To sort columns in ascending or descending order, select their heading.

    • To rearrange columns, right-click, choose Edit Columns, select a column name, and select Move Up or Move Down.


    Adobe Premiere Elements locks some column attributes. You can’t locate or change these attributes in the Edit Columns dialog box. For example, you can change the names of columns you added but not those of columns built in Adobe Premiere Elements.

View details about effect properties

  1. Select a clip in the Sceneline or the Advanced view timeline.

  2. Click the Effects Controls button and view the properties in the Effects Controls panel.

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