Create titles and motion graphics

Learn to add and create Titles and Shapes to your clips in Premiere Elements.

 You can also use the Titles and Shapes panel to customize Motion Graphics templates (.mogrt files). For more information on Motion Graphics templates, see Using Motion Graphics templates in Premiere Elements

Access the Titles and Shapes panel

To access the Titles and Shapes panel:  Click Titles icon in the workspace left bar at the top of the screen or select Window > Titles and Shapes from the main menu.

Parts of the Titles and Shapes panel

Use the tools in the Essential Graphics panel to work with text and shapes
Use the tools in the Tools and Shapes panel to work with text and shapes


Use this tab to browse Motion Graphics templates (.mogrt files) in Adobe Stock. These professionally designed templates are easy to drag and customize to your timeline. Adobe Stock is a marketplace for video footage, Motion Graphics templates, photos, and more. For more information, see Browsing and managing Motion Graphics templates.


You can use this tab to Align and transform layers, change appearance properties, edit text properties, and more.

Create graphics

Graphics can contain multiple text, shape, and clip layers, similar to Photoshop Elements. Multiple layers can be contained inside a single Graphic track item in your sequence. When you create a new layer, a graphic clip containing that layer is added to your timeline, starting at the playhead location. If you have selected a graphic track item, the next layer you create will be added to the existing graphic clip.

Any graphics you create in Premiere Elements can be exported as a Motion Graphics Template (.mogrt) to Local Templates Folder, Local Drive.


You can create Graphic Layers even if the sequence does not yet contain any video clips.

Create text layers

You can create a text title by selecting a clip in which you want to add the Text title and select Titles and Shapes > New Layer > Text or Vertical Text.

Create shape layers

In Premiere Elements, you can create a shape by selecting Titles and Shapes > New Text Layer > choose from RectangleEllipse, and Polygon shapes for creating freeform shapes and paths.

Create clip layers

In Premiere Elements, you can add a clip by selecting Titles and Shapes > New Text Layer > From file... to create clip layers. You can select any image and clop from your system to create clip layers.


Make sure that the graphic is selected in the Program Monitor. If the graphic is not selected, the options are not available.

Also note that there are various Editable properties for each type of selected layer, multiple selected layers, and for whole Graphics (Graphic is selected but no layers are).

Group text and shape layers

Grouping text and graphic layers is useful when working with complex text and graphic elements. Grouping layers keeps the Edit tab of the Titles and Shapes panel uncluttered, and is also useful when you want to create cool masking effects.

  1. Select multiple layers in the Titles and Shapes panel.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Create Group icon at the bottom of the Edit section of the Titles and Shapes panel.
    • Right-click the selected layers and select Create Group from the context menu.
    Creating groups using the Create Group icon or the context menu
    Creating groups using the Create Group icon or the context menu

  3. To add layers to a group, do one of the following:

    • Drag a layer to the group folder.
    • Drag a group folder into another group folder. The group and all of its layers move.
  4. To ungroup layers, select the layers and move them out of the group.

Rename layers

Premiere Elements supports inline name editing. Shape layers and clip layers can be renamed in the Titles and Shapes Panel. To rename a layer in the Titles and Shapes panel, do the following:

  1. Click the name of the layer.

  2. Edit the name in the text field.

    Inline rename layer
    Inline rename layer

  3. To save the new name, do one of the following:

    • Click Enter.
    • Click away from the text field.

Inline name editing does not work for text layers because the name of the text layer is the text shown in the Program Monitor.

Alternately, you can right-click on a shape or clip layer in the Titles and Shapes Panel. Select Rename from the pop-up list. Type a new name in the text field and click OK.

Animate layers in your graphics

You can animate text layers, shape layers, and paths using keyframes. You can add animation directly from within the Titles and Shapes panel, or by using the Effect Controls panel.

Animate layers using the TITLES and Shapes panel

  1. Select the layer you want to animate in the Titles and Shapes panel.

  2. Click the icon next to the property you want to animate (Position, Anchor Point, Scale, Rotation, or Opacity).

    This action toggles on animation for the property. The icon for the selected property turns blue to indicate that animation is active.

    Toggle animation for graphic layers
    Toggle animation for graphic layers


    Clicking the icon in Titles and Shapes panel is the same as clicking the Stopwatch in Effect Controls panel. If you toggle on animation in one location, it appears active in the other view too.

    With animation toggled on in the Titles and Shapes panel, a new keyframe is added to the Titles and Shapes panel or timeline each time you change the animated property.

  3. Move your playhead and adjust this property in the Titles and Shapes panel or directly in the Program Monitor to record the keyframes.

  4. Refine your animation using the Effect Controls panel.

Animate layers using the Effect Controls panel

  1. Locate the layer you want to animate in the Effect Controls panel.

  2. To toggle animation for the desired property, click the Stopwatch icon.

  3. To achieve the effect you want, click Add/Remove keyframes

  4. To access interpolation settings such as Bezier curves and Ease In/Ease Out, right click a keyframe.

Edit and transform vector graphics

Using vector motion controls, you can edit and transform vector graphics without rasterizing them. This prevents pixelation and eliminates boundaries caused by undesired cropping.

You can edit vector graphics directly from within the Titles and Shapes panel, or by using the Effect Controls panel.

  1. Double click in the Program Monitor to apply changes to the whole graphic using Vector Motion.

    Make sure that you do not double click on a Layer in the Program Monitor. That will select the layer for direct manipulation and not the whole graphic.

  2. You can apply changes to the whole graphic using Vector Motion in the Effect Controls panel. You can also use Motion, but this change rasterizes graphics and pixelates them when scaled.


    To remove pixelated text, remove existing keyframes. Re-create the animation using Vector Motion.

  3. You can edit parameters for Position, Scale, Rotation, and Anchor Points.

  4. Refine your animation using the Effect Controls panel.

Export your graphic as a Motion Graphics template

Export your Graphic, including all layers, effects and keyframes, as a Motion Graphics template for future reuse or sharing. 

Select Titles and Shapes > Export Motion Graphics template. You can also right-click the graphic clip in your timeline and select Export As Motion Graphics Template.

This export feature is only available for graphics created in Premiere Elements, not for .mogrt files that were originally created in After Effects. 


The Export As Motion Graphics Template option is unavailable or greyed out when two or more Graphics are selected or if it is an After Effects Graphic.

Export as Motion Graphics Template
Export as Motion Graphics Template


If you are creating a Motion Graphics template for future reuse, you can save it to the Local Templates folder.

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