Applying styles to text and graphics

About styles

Premiere Elements includes a number of styles for use in titling, which you can apply to text, graphics, or both. Each of these contains predetermined values for such attributes as font, stroke, color, and drop shadow.

A default style is applied to every graphic and block of text you create. You can change this style by selecting one of the provided styles or by modifying the default style.

You can save a combination of color properties and font characteristics as a style that you can then apply to any text or shape element in your title. You can save any number of styles. Thumbnails of the styles appear in the Style tab in the Adjust panel panel when the Monitor panel is in title-editing mode. Your custom styles appear among those provided so you can quickly apply your custom styles across projects. You can change the style thumbnail from Aa to any two characters you want in the Style Swatches preferences (Edit > Preferences > Titler / Adobe Premiere Elements 13 > Preferences > Titler).

Create a style

  1. If necessary, double-click the title in the Expert view timeline to open it in the Monitor panel.
  2. Select an object that has the properties you want to save as a style.
  3. In the Style tab of the Adjust panel, right-click the object and choose Save Style.
  4. Type a name for the style and click OK. A swatch displaying the new style appears in the Styles tab.

    Styles are always represented by a typeface, even if the object on which you based the style is a shape object.

Apply a style to an object

  1. If necessary, double-click the title in the Expert view timeline to open it in the Monitor panel.
  2. In the Monitor panel, select the object to apply the style to.
  3. In the Styles tab of the Adjust panel, click the style swatch that you want to apply.

Delete, duplicate, rename, or set a style

Styles appear in the Styles tab of the Adjust panel. You can use any of the included styles or create your own.

  1. Select a title.
  2. In the Style tab of the Adjust panel, do any of the following:
    • To delete a style, right-click/ctrl-click the style, and then choose Delete Style.

    • To duplicate a style, right-click/ctrl-click the style, and then choose Duplicate Style. A duplicate of the selected style appears in the Style tab.

    • To rename a style, right-click/ctrl-click the style, and then choose Rename Style. Type a new name in the Rename Style dialog box, and click OK. In Roman languages, names containing more than 32 characters are truncated.

    • To set a default style, right-click/ctrl-click the style, and then choose Set Style As Default. The default style’s thumbnail is surrounded by a white frame and becomes the style automatically applied when you create a new title.

      note: The most recent style you select remains selected until you choose a new style or create a new title. When you create a new title, the default style is selected.

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